Part10- Not another threat

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Purple Lamborghini- By Skrillex & Rick Ross [the song is better while you're reading this chapter]




A distant feminine scream filled my ears while my eyes roamed over the panicking people running from desk to desk. An alarm went on making only the piercing red light fill the place, and then a voice sounded from some speakers somewhere 'We're under attack!!! We're under attack!!!'

I didn't move an inch from my place as people passed by me looking for another exit as the main exit here was locked!!! My eyes stared unblinkingly at the hooded shadows in the corner holding a woman. It was the same woman who was screaming and now she was bleeding.

I moved my gaze in the place studying my surroundings... Fifteen attackers!!!

My senses told me that they were vampires and obviously not any normal vampires!!! They were hiding in the shadows almost invisible. My hands moved to my waist but I cursed under my breath as I remembered that I have no weapons!!!

I looked around me for any possible weapon thinking deeply. A vampire can either be killed with a silver weapon to cut out its heart or a stab in the brain and for the sun light we are quite under the ground so it's out of my options.

I had no other options because even tearing out their hearts from their rotten chests without a silver weapon won't destroy them!!!!!

I took a deep breath and just like that I found my last option. How did I even forgot this, it used to be my favorite way to kill them. Ladies and gentlemen, it's by tearing their heads off from between their shoulders!!!!

I closed the zipper of my leather jacket and walked casually towards the office of someone at the side.

It was empty as all its walls were made of glass. I stood in front of one wall then I took a step back before swiftly hitting the wall hard enough with my feet that it smashed into pieces.

The noise of crashing glass seemed to stop everyone from running around and now stare at me including the bloodsuckers.

I held two pieces of glass in my hands and stood in a fighting position before yelling

Emilya: - Let the game begin bitches!!!

My words did the trick and the hooded figures moved along the walls towards me.

Emilya: - Everyone, watch your heads!!!

I yelled in the right time as people around me fell to the floor and the vampires jumped in the air and stood in front of me.

I counted the heads to only find eight!!! The others might be thinking that I'm not a challenge fortunately!!!!!!

One of them stepped closer to me before hissing and saying in a low mocking tone.

Vampy: - The little kitten wants to play, huh?!!!!

I smirked looking at him but still looking at his friends from the corner of my eyes.

Emilya: - Call me a little kitten again and I'll cut your tongue out of your filthy little mouth!!!

Vampy: - Oww sassy!!!! I don't appreciate it when the meal has a big mouth though!!!

Emilya: - Hah!! I won't be your meal, not even in hell!!!!!!

Vampy [Slowly walking closer to me]: - Do you know who I am, kitten??!

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