Moving In

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*Dan's P.O.V*

I'm moving into my new apartment, my room mates name is Phil well I think it is, he's a friend of Pj's I know that much.
I looked at the piece of paper where I had the apartment wrote down '3rd floor number 306'. As I walked into the elevator, I met eyes with a dark haired young man. "what floor are you going to" he asks "3" I reply "same" he laughs. He turned around to me, he was beautiful he had a fringe like mine but on the other side, he was wearing the same tshirt as me just in a different colour and he had a nice bluely colored eyes. The elevator stopped at 3 and the doors opened the guy beside me got out first and then I did "ah good" I whisper to myself, the lift stops at door 300 so I just have to walk up 6 doors. The guy I had got out of the elevator with was going the same way as me and it really looked like I was following him. He stopped at door 306 and took out and his keys unlocking the door, "em are you Phil" I ask him as he fiddles with his keys looking for the right key "ye oh you must be Dan" he replies "Ye" I say "well hi I'm phil we met in the elevator a few minutes ago" he laughs and I laugh back. He takes one of my bags from my hand and carried it in whilst saying "well I suppose you can come in", I walked in. The apartment was awesome it seemed to be really big, "you can put your bags there" phil says pointing to the corner.

*Phil's P.O.V*

Dan is really beautiful, he has nice brown chocolate coloured eyes. "well shall I give you a tour around the apartment" I ask dan "Ye em okay" he replies."well here's the kitchen" I say as I walk into the kitchen "this is the table and that" I say and laugh and he laughs back at me. I then walk into the living room "this is wear the tv is and that place there is where I sit on my laptop" I say pointing to the crease in the couch  and he laughs. "Oh yes ill show you your bedroom" I walked into the hallways and turned opening the door "here is your bedroom" I say and step aside to let Dan in.

*Dan's P.O.V*

I slowly walked into the room taking in all the features, the room was mostly black, which I didn't mind cause that's the only color I wear and that so."you can do anything with it if you want like paint it or whatever" Phil said "no it's okay I love it" I reply and he smiles at me, "well you can get unpacked there and if you need anything ill be in my room which is the one beside your room" Phil says "okay thanks " I reply, smiling nervously.

*30 mins later*

*Dan's P.O.V*

I heard a soft knock on my door "come in" I say "hi" Phil says "do you need some help" "no "I'm done" I reply "oh okay",Phil walked in and sat on my bed crossing his legs "well hi I'm Phil" he says I sit down beside him "Ye I know em" I reply really confused "oh Ye I think I should explain "em well em I think we should get to know each other" he says ,"em okay" I reply "don't worry this was not my idea it was Pj's dont even ask he just wants us no each other more" Phil says and I laugh "oh well ill start" Phil says "em so what's your favorite show" he asks "adventure time" I reply "same" he laughs "Dan" Phil says "Ye" I reply "okay I can't do this it's weird can we just pretend we got to no each other so if Pj asks we say yes" Phil says "okay I was thinking the same thing" I reply laughing

*Phil's P.O.V*

I got up and took out my phone from my pack pocket Dan stood up too. There was a message from Peej it said:

Pj: Do you and Dan wanna come get Mcdonalds with Chris and I?

"Dan wanna go get Mcdonalds with Chris and Pj" I ask "Ye sure why not" I text pj back saying:

Phil: Ye sure, 4:30

Pj: 4:30

"Dan where going at 4:30" "okay that's in 15 minutes" Dan replies "oh no is it" he says "Yeah" he laughs

*Dan's P.O.V*

We bout walked into the kitchen Phil grabbed his coat and I grabbed mine "ready" he asks "Ye" I say and smile. We both walked out, Phil locked the door and threw a key at me "here's your key to the apartment" "oh right thanks" I say.

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