Wake up i love you

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*dans P.O.V *

"this is all my fault I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen I know you weren't calling me crazy in so stupid I shouldn't have even run off I'm an idiot and know your lieing here nearly on your death bed and it's my fault I don't even know if you can hear me but" I close my eyes I squeeze phils hand while crying "I love you" I say

"I love you too" I hear and open my eyes phils eyes where open "phil is awake" I scream. he pulls my hand forward and he sits up his mum dad Chris and pj all burst true the door. phil pulls me into a hug and then kisses me harder than he ever had we pulled away when we realized phils mum and dad where standing next to us as we pulled away phil mum said "I know what you mean when you said you's where closure than you'd ever think" she giggles . phils mum and dad kiss phils head and lightly hug him be because they didnt want to hurt and Chris and pj did the same.

"someone tell the doctor" I say,phils mum and dad run out the door. phil shuffles over and taps the bed wanting me to sit down the bed was obviously big Enough for to say I sat down and phil put his arm around me and huged me pj and Chris come over to and join in in are hug. phil kissed me and Chris kissed pj me and phil looked at each other and giggled "awwww" we bout say at the same time pj pulls away and says "shut up" we all laugh until we heard people entering the room we all pill away from the hug. Chris and pj sit back down and I get up from sitting beside phil. phil looks at me like its okay. I shuffle my head over to where phils mum and dad where sitting phils dad was looking at me like get away from my son. phil looked at me again after reading his dads face he smiles at me and I smile back at him " I don't care" he says out load to me "I don't care what they think I love you dan" he kisses me and I kiss him back I pull him into a hug that lasts for at least 5 mins. I pull away when the doctor walks in I take his hand in mine and intertwine are fingers. they doctor walks over and checks phils heart monitor and some other medical stuff. I sit back down next to phil."well phil" she says "your very lucky your alive and well you should be out of her Tomorrow afternoon if where lucky" the doctor says "thank you so much" phils mum says "its just are job" he replies "oh and I'm sorry about earlier" i say "it wasn't your fault doctor" "it's fine you had your reasons" he says "why what did you do dan" phil asks "oh I just said some stuff to the doctor notting big" I reply "badass" phil says kissing cheek and we all laugh. "well ill be back to check on you later if you's need anything ask for me at the desk" the doctor says "thanks again" phils mum says.

*Phil's P.O.V*

The doctor left and closed the door behind her "so mum dad" I say "I suppose you've met my boyfriend slash roommate slash best friend" I say in a really cheeky voice I look at dan who was still sitting next to me and laugh "yes sweet heart we did" my mum says "well he only said the roommate and best friend part" my dad said "did you" I ask dan "yes I just didnt know if you where gonna tell them or not" dan says "okay thanks then". "I'm tired" I say "sweet heart you can sleep its okay we could all do with some sleep" my mum said. I snuggled into dans shoulder and soon enough I was fast asleep

*dans P.O.V*

"Lucky bastards get the bed" Chris says and we all laugh. "We can swap if you want I don't mind sleeping on a chair" I say "no that's not fair" pj says "why not" I ask "because he's your boyfriend and you have to snuggle with him" chris "you'd do the same of pj was in this situation" I say "Ye Ye I would " chris says and me and pj laugh. Awhile after everyone fell asleep.

I woke up to a nudge from phil I open my eyes and look at him "yes baby cakes" I say he giggles "Can you bring me to the toilet I'm just afraid ill pass out or something" phil says "Ye sure no problem" I say.

*phils P.O.V*

Dan helped me out of the bed and held my hand being me to the bathroom. when we got in there was no one there I walk into a stall.

*dans P.O.V*

Phil walked in a stall and I just stared at myself in the mirror. I had red puffy eyes and tear stains all down my cheeks.phil opened the door "come here" he says with his fingers I walk over he opens the stall door for me to get in and he locks it behind him. he kissed me and I kissed him to. he pushed me up against the door while kissing me. I wanted to do the same to him but I didn't want to hurt him. He pulled away and whispered in my ear "I can't wait till we get home and can have a enough fun as we did a few days ago"

*phils P.O.V*

I didn't even wait for dans answer I just unlocked the door and walked out and washed my hands. as I was washing my hands I felt dans hands wrapping around my hips "I can't wait" he whispers in my ear. I turned around and dans hands where now in my back I kissed him and he kissed me back. he takes my hand and we walk Down the hospital.as we where walking down the hospital looking for phils room we seen a little girl she was about 12 or 13. She looked at me and phils hands untwined together and then looked at are faces and gave us the biggest and brightest smile ever and we did the same for her. when she walked past us I turned to phil and said "some people don't mind". when we got back to the room pj and Chris where awake and so was my mum and dad "oh good" my mum said "what" I say "I didn't no where use where I was gonna come looking for you but then I realized dan went with you so I thought you would be okay" my mum said "Ye I'm fine we where just gone to the bathroom" I say winking at dan and cracking a smile he giggles and my mum looks at me really weird as I sit back down on the bed. "What" my mum said "oh just an emm em" I say "Internet joke" dan interrupts "Ye Ye Internet joke you wouldn't get it" I say "ok" my mum says. I hope back into bed and check the time it was 7:30pm. mum dad shouldn't use be getting home and use to Chris pj and dan.

*dans P,O.V*

"Ye" everyone says "No phil" I say "what" he asks "I'm not leaving" I say in a firm voice. "dan you can go I'm fine I'm surrounded by experts" phil day "I don't care I'm staying" I say in a cheeky voice and stick out my tongue. he looks at me and smiles kissing me on the cheek as I kiss him on the head.

*phils P.O,V*

"Mum dad" I say "yes" they answer "do use wanna stay in me and dans apartment cause use have to drive a good bit to get home and then use can visit me Tomorrow" I ask "em well yeah it would be easier" my dad says "yeah sure dan can give use keys and use can stay in my bed or dans we don't mind" I say "no no no" dan says "what" I say "they can't sleep in my bed" dan says "okay em why" I ask "oh em because I like em need to clean my room and my beds a mess and I need to change it" dan says winking at me "oh right" I say giggling a bit. Chris and pj laughed too.

At 8:15 my mum and dad left. So it was just pj Chris me and dan. we all sat on the bed. we just talked for ages about random shit. "well pj and Chris how long has this being going on" I say smiling at dan and pointing at bout of them. "Well em" Chris says "about 3-4 months" pj says while clenching Chris's hand. "we kinda thought use where together especially the night me and dan got together" I say while intertwining me dans fingers "why" Chris asks with a huge smile on his face "well use where really snuggled up together" I say laughing. we talked about each others relationship and by the time we finished that conversation it was 9:30. I was tired and so was Chris pj and dan. Chris and peej weren't bother to go home so we ended up all snuggling up on the bed and falling asleep.

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