Chapter 2

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"This party is lame." I shouted to Kendra over the thumping of the music. Whoever's house we were at, was trashed. Half drunken kids stumbled everywhere, others lay passed out wherever they dropped. Red solo cups, both empty and full, littered the floor and the air smelled of alcohol and sex.

Overall, it was an awful experience.

But my friend only shrugged, continuing to dance to the music, "I think it's fun." She wasn't quite drunk but well on her way. The party started early, and after three drinks and a few shots, it was a miracle she hadn't fallen over yet. But Kendra has always been good about holding her liquor, far better than me. Luckily, I haven't drank that much.

Because my curfew was fast approaching and since it was obvious Kendra had no intentions of leaving, I'd be making the trek home by myself. Once nine-thirty rolled by and Kendra still wasn't budging, I bid her farewell until Monday. Kendra could handle herself, so I wasn't concerned, but I still felt bad about leaving her here. If it weren't for my damn curfew, I'd stay with her until I knew she was safe in bed.

I pushed past a few kids hanging in the doorway, blocking my path to freedom. But once I slipped out into the warm night air, there was no denying how much I hated that party. I enjoyed drinking with friends, around a bonfire, listening to music. Getting shoved around inside a crowded house where beer and cigarettes were the only smell, wasn't my idea of a good time.

Unfortunately for Kendra, she'd have to find someone else to go with her to parties from now on. I'm officially retired.

"Hey Sadie!" An oddly familiar voice shouted from the corner of the yard where a group of boys were crowded around some poor soul puking into the bushes, laughing at him. The owner of the voice emerged past his friends and I realized in a heartbeat that it was Jake.

My arms crossed, "I thought you said you weren't coming."

Jake shrugged, the movement was a little too sloppy to be sober, "I wasn't. But then Mike and Zach showed up and they forced me so here I am!" He sang the last part, holding his arms out wide. Oh yeah, he was drunk. I could only imagine the pregame they performed at his house before coming here. Jake stepped closer and draped an arm over my shoulders, "Come hang out with us, babe."

I shrugged his arm off, "As fun as that looks, I can't. I've got to get home for my curfew."

Jake snorted, "Curfew shmerfew. Come on, Sadie. Just come hang out for a little bit, I'll make it worth your while." He wagged his eyebrows at me, as if that would change my mind.

I gave him a soft smile and a light kiss on the cheek, "Maybe next time." Little did he know there wouldn't be a next time since my days of partying were over, "Kendra is inside, please keep an eye on her."

A strange glint passed through Jake's eyes as he nodded a little too eagerly, "Of course."

My stomach twisted uneasily. It shouldn't bother me to leave them alone, but it did. Maybe that was a flaw of my own character. They were my best friends and they too have been friends for as long as I can remember. They have every right to hang out without me.

"Goodnight." I told him, leaning in for another kiss but he quickly muttered his goodbye's before he stalked off into the night, leaving both me and his friends without another word. I watched him disappear into the house, my gut screaming at me to follow him.

Maybe if I had listened, things would have turned out differently.

But I turned on my heel and headed down the street, passing streetlight after streetlight as I headed home. Darkness had blanketed the land two hours prior and now shadows tossed themselves over any object nearby. At least I had Kendra while walking to the party. Now here I am, walking home alone, with no others to keep me company.

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