Chapter 2

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Chase was less than happy with her boyfriend, Kieran. He was trying to convince her to go against her beliefs and sleep with him, even though they weren't married, but she wasn't going to fall for any of his frat boy tricks. And to top it off, he was jealous of anyone she talked to the whole night. The more she thought of it, she feared that he wanted to sleep with her in a move to mark her as his territory, and not because he loved her.

What didn't help was that some gorgeous gatecrasher arrived at her birthday bash during the party. The minute she saw him, she saw the expression on Kieran's face turn from one of happiness to jealousy. The gorgeous guy was at the party for a while. She'd seen him a few times throughout the night and wondered who he was, but, near midnight, he approached her.

"Hey, birthday girl. Are you having a nice night?" he wondered, making her smile.

"Yes, but who are you?" Chase asked, her eyes narrowing. "And how do I know you?"

But he only smiled at her curiosity, and looked back at her boyfriend who was anything but happy to see him talking to his girl. "I know you, but you don't know me. The name's Damian," he explained, then moved closer and whispered, "Let's take a walk outside." Secretly, it was just a move to get her away from her boyfriend.

Chase knew that it would make Kieran furious. She was mad at him for ruining the fun and frivolity of her birthday with his jealous and obsessive nature. "In the moonlight?" Chase asked sarcastically.

Damian laughed as he took her hand and led her outside. Neither of them talked as they walked hand in hand through the park outside the club she had rented for her birthday. But then, neither of them really needed to talk because it was a beautiful night. For some reason, she didn't care that she didn't know anything about Damian.

The silence continued as they passed a black SUV. Damian nodded at the driver who was smoking a cigarette outside the car, leaning against the driver's door. A few moments later, after walking a bit further along the path, Damian pulled her into a dark alley with a smile, laughing as she stumbled, trying to keep up with him.

"What are you doing?" Chase asked, confused. After all, they didn't know each other and she had a boyfriend. She didn't know why she had walked out of her party with him, but she was beginning to think it was a bad idea.

"Just taking a short cut. There's something I want to show you," Damian mentioned with a dark look. Instantly, Chase knew that she was in for some kind of trouble that she wasn't quite prepared for, but he just leaned in and gave her a delicate kiss. "I promise you'll like it," he said, but she obviously wasn't convinced.

Suddenly, she put on the brakes and took a deep breath. "Look, I'll go with you, as long as you don't kiss me again," Chase replied.

He laughed curiously. "You don't want me to kiss you? Why? You don't trust me or you don't like me?" Damian asked cheekily. Chase shrugged, knowing she should have liked having some strange, gorgeous guy whisk her off her feet, away from a horribly jealous boyfriend. But she just didn't feel attracted to him anymore, although she hated to admit it.

Damian was seriously confused because every girl was attracted to him the minute they met him. It was just the vibe he gave off, making most girls unable to resist him. "May I tell you a secret? A real secret needs to be whispered into your ear," Damian explained.

"Just take me back to my party," Chase ordered, but he talked her out of it. Damian could see how fed up and confused she was as she rolled her eyes and then answered, "Fine." Then she let him brush her hair back from her shoulder and lean in to whisper into her ear.

Chase's pulse raced as he gently kissed her neck, then whispered strange Latin words into her ear that she didn't understand. A moment later, she instinctively gave in to his power of persuasion and tilted her head back, exposing her neck to him. Her eyes had glazed over in subtle proof that she had succumbed to him.

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