Chapter 24

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That night, Damian dropped Kaitlin off at the clan house. He asked her to take care of Megan and Aaron's spell problem so that no one would come looking for her and inform the council of his decision to leave Megan with Finlay, since she didn't pose a threat to their people.

Damian reluctantly fed and headed straight to the college campus to meet Trey. He had already promised to meet Damian there. The only one left on his list to capture was Emily. And since she was now a part of her own clan, he couldn't just steal her away as he should have the night Tyler kissed her. He should have knocked the idiot out and kidnapped her. At least then he would have been done with his job. He could have just sat back with Kaitlin and waited to see what the seer would say as to whom was Amelia and who wasn't. There were only three days left before the clan meeting and they were no closer to finding her, and he wasn't any closer to getting his hands on Emily, either.

So Damian headed to campus and avoided anyone he might know, going straight to class to meet Trey, with no intention of either of them attending it. It was just a good meeting place where they could intercept Emily and stop dancing around the subject they were dying to talk about. "Hey, where've you been?" Trey teased with a smile that said he suspected that he'd been with Kaitlin all night. Since he was about ten minutes later than planned, he felt an explanation was in order.

"I was heading into the council after I spoke to you this afternoon and they wanted me to make a move on this Megan girl and see if she was a threat or not. As luck would have it, Finlay invited me to dinner with them on their first date together." Damian explained how he had been ordered to take Kaitlin along and how it had only cemented his decision to be with her and not Amelia, no matter how much trouble it got him into.

Trey was happy to hear it, beaming the entire time as if he was responsible for getting them together. But in truth, Damian couldn't have been happy about being with Kaitlin without his blessing. He was his brother-in-law by blood and by marriage. He needed him to be okay with it.

"She knows about Angela and Amelia. I explained it all to her and she's happy enough for now," Damian explained. "I told her the consequences of us being together as well, but we'll just have to face that bridge when we come to it." He sighed, not sure what the consequences would be exactly, other than that he would have the right to rule over the three clans stripped from him and might never be allowed to see her again. They might even kill him, keep him prisoner or starve him. Anything was possible with the elders. No one crossed them and he'd already broken a few rules in just one day.

"And the elders? They don't know yet?" Trey wondered seriously. He could see that Damian truly liked Kaitlin, so much so that he was worried enough to tell her of the difficulties they might face, to tell her of his past with both Angela and Amelia and to warn her how tough their future together might be. But if Amelia came back and suddenly admitted that she loved Damian as they all suspected she did, he wasn't sure what would happen to Kaitlin. Trey had always believed that Damian loved her, even though he hated her, too. He wasn't sure that his new love for Kaitlin would overshadow all those years and history that he had with Amelia, which would be brought to the forefront of his mind with her return.

"No. I want to wait until we find Amelia, just in case we never do. If we don't find her or if there's not enough of her left in the girls we found, then they might still want me to take over and ask me to take a bride. I don't want to screw it up and say that I've already done it," Damian replied, laughing it off. He just hoped and prayed that they would never be able to put Amelia's soul back together. He hated her and the more he thought about her returning, the more he wanted to kill her. He quickly realized that his love for Kaitlin was so much stronger than any feeling he had ever had for Amelia, and maybe even a little bit more than he felt for Angela. But whatever they had, he wasn't going to let Amelia come back and ruin it all. She had taken enough from him; she wasn't going to take Kaitlin, as well.

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