Chapter 14

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Damian was less than happy with his new orders to go after Kasey just because Matthew had some kind of an obsession with her. He was supposed to be working on Kaitlin and Finlay, but his new orders meant that, although he'd made contact with both targets, he would have to postpone any further infiltration into their lives until he had dealt with this new girl. And he still had no idea what he was supposed to do about his other target, Maria, since he was told that she would come to him when the "time was right," whatever that meant.

It aggravated him that he had to change all his plans at the last minute. He'd had his whole week planned out around Kaitlin and Finlay's social lives and now he had to abandon them entirely for a girl he had no background on, and no idea why they needed her other than Matthew's insistence. All he knew was that he was to bring her back to the clan as soon as possible. He wasn't sure how he was going to pull it off, but he knew that it was going to have to be better than the cheap tricks he had used on Chase and Emily.

Damian knew nothing about Kasey that he could use on her, which could prove to be problematic. He made his way straight from Alexander's hotel room to the college campus where he knew she would be. It didn't take long. When he arrived, he knew exactly what he was going to do.

She was lying peacefully in her bed. It was later than he thought, around quarter to midnight, and he had no problem slipping silently into her dorm room and to the side of her bed. Damian had no intention of turning her or using those whispered words or planting thoughts in her head. Those tactics took too long. She was so fast asleep that he didn't dare disturb her.

With a bottle of chloroform he bought on the road, he sprinkled a little onto a rag and placed it over her mouth. He let it have a few minutes to work, pressing it tightly over her face in case she woke up and tried to make a sound, but in no time at all, she was unconscious. With little care as to whether he was seen or not, he effortlessly lifted her from her bed and slung her over his shoulder, frustrated at how his night had ended.

He should have been home, back at the clan house feeding and resting. But no. He was out late at night again, doing some meaningless job. But he was a soldier, and soldiers didn't question orders. It wasn't his place. He was just to do his job under any circumstance, even if the job got him into trouble, put him in danger or starved him to death. It was his duty to do whatever he could to help the clan and keep them safe.

Nevertheless, when Damian dropped her off at the clan house, he kept his mouth shut and simply walked in with Kasey over his shoulder and pushed open the doors to the council meeting room. The elders of the council were obviously busy with some debate, as usual, but he didn't stop to chat. He stopped beside the large, circular table and dropped Kasey onto it, gave them all a salute and a bow, then turned around on his heel and left. No one had a clue who the girl was or why he had brought her to them. Damian stopped to speak to Lucius on his way out, telling him what he heard about Megan, then asked what he was supposed to do about it.

Lucius told him he was to gather information about the situation and if she wasn't important to them or a threat, then he was to allow Finlay to have her. After Damian left, Lucius joined the other elders in the council meeting room and wasn't surprised to find that they were confused about the woman now lying on their table.

"Do you know what this is about?" Elder Wilhelm asked the room, hoping to find out what was going on. A moment later, his question was answered when Vitoria arrived.

"I'm so sorry to disturb you, but I sent for the girl. She is the one Matthew wished to bring to us," Vitoria explained with a half bow and a smile.

They were all present at the meeting when Matthew had explained his purpose and why he had intended to bring the girl into their clan, so they accepted her explanation. They were happy to have Vitoria and the new girl out of their way when she signaled to a young man, who stepped forward and lifted the girl into his arms. He carried her out of the room quickly. Once the doors were closed behind her, Vitoria directed the young man to take her up to Matthew's wing of the mansion.

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