Chapter 7

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They spent the morning settling into the apartment, moving furniture and watching television as Matthew and Shaun caught up on some sleep. Each of them was happy with the outcome of their first meeting to discuss tactics and was busy settling into their own tasks. They had it on good authority that Kasey's personal trainer was due to leave town in two days to attend a family crisis, so Shaun was happy to hear that he had more time to relax before he had to get to work.

Their apartment was directly across the street from the Michelson building housing her dorm room, allowing Matthew to take up residence while keeping track of their target. They spent all night discussing their plans and how they were going to be carried out. Jensen was glad for the peace when both his captain and Shaun fell asleep, allowing him the time to modify a few of the décor problems to their taste. The big screen television was brought in first, with three very comfortable recliner chairs, thick curtains were hung over the windows, and a few dimly lit lamps were strategically placed throughout the room that wouldn't bother their sensitive eyes.

It was unusual for them to be allowed to sit around like this, doing nothing. But, since Kasey was busy with her hectic morning class schedule, it was up to Ross to keep track of her and begin the first evaluation tests, so Jensen was just glad to be cooped up in the living room. With the sunshine blocked from their line of sight, he was more than happy to relax and enjoy the game of hockey that was on the television, that is, until it became necessary for him to initiate his first task. But each of them were determined to get a quick start on their schedule as soon as possible before anyone told them they were slacking in their duties.

As Matthew tried to sleep, he couldn't rid his mind of the teasing words that had been thrown at him the night before in regard to his choosing Kasey. He hadn't mentioned that he was the one to choose Kasey in the first place, as it would only give rise to more jokes and taunts. He sighed, knowing he would eventually have to put a stop to it, or it would continue throughout their mission.

Kasey's training needed to be started as quickly as possible. They needed to gather all the evidence they possibly could to present to the council to show how capable she was of becoming their queen. She was strong in her own right. Her physical strength was advanced through numerous visits to the local gym as well as appointments with her own personal trainer three days a week, and it was clear that she was as mentally and intellectually capable as she was strong.

It was obvious that Matthew had a certain respect and admiration for her. Kasey had strength and talents that seemed to make her a perfect candidate for their queen. He also saw something in her that no one else could. He had picked her from millions of other girls and there was no way that he would start second guessing himself or become unsure of his choice. Everything he did was timed to the precise second and to the exact specification that he preferred. Everything had been planned right after he chose Kasey as his queen. In truth, he'd had their future fully mapped out from the first second he saw her and knew it would probably end up being one of the best and most thought out plans Matthew had ever made in his entire life. But something inside him said that once he had her—once he had the girl he wanted—those plans would mean less than nothing and it would be a miracle for him to remain the man he was. Kasey was going to change him and he knew it. He just didn't know how much.

Ross was a little frustrated with just how hectic Kasey's schedule was. He had never expected to be on his feet so much. It seemed that all her classes were not much more than an hour long and she seemed to be running from one side of the campus to the other every time she had to change classes. Her lectures were dull and boring. The friends she spoke to continuously got in his way. They stopped to talk to her for so long that they were almost late for each and every class, which forced her to run all the way there. He was getting fed up of chasing after her. If it hadn't been for the fact that it was his job, he would have given up a long time ago.

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