Chapter 21

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Damian was a little confused when he took Maria back to the clan house to see the council, and he saw the way Kaitlin was looking at him from across the room. He spotted her instantly, the moment he walked in the door dragging Maria along. His hand was on the back of her elbow to remind her who was boss and that she was to do as she was told. As strange as it was to have picked Kaitlin out of the crowd, it was the intense devotion in her eyes and the smile on her lips that confused him more. He ignored it long enough to take Maria into the council room.

Damian told the council her complaints of becoming a vampire and how much she didn't want to be one of them. He also told them that she had taken him up on his suggestion and slept with Noah before leaving the clan house. The elders asked to speak with her and Noah alone. He was quickly brought in.

Damian was sent away, only to hear of what had happened through the grapevine. But he wanted to investigate the curious looks from Kaitlin, which became his number one priority as soon as he got out of the council meeting room. He couldn't stop thinking about their kiss. The minute she saw him walking toward her, she suddenly took off, making her way toward the staircase.

He was intrigued by her and wanted to find out what was going on. Why did she keep looking at him the way she did? Intending to find out, Damian followed her up the flight of stairs and along the corridor, surprised when she walked into his bedroom and not her own.

Shutting the door behind him, he leaned against it to make sure that he didn't do anything irrational. Kaitlin suddenly took a hesitant step forward, smiling to herself. "I love you, Damian," she said, taking him off guard.

"Kaitlin, it's not real. I put the thoughts into your head and made you love me because it was convenient and it made my job easier," Damian explained with a heavy heart, knowing that there was some truth to his seduction, but he couldn't risk telling her so. Technically, he was promised to Amelia. He had been stupid enough to fall in love with her, despite everything she'd done to him. But now that there was a great, loving woman that he had feelings for, he couldn't be with her. Amelia had done it to him again, without even being there.

"Yes, I know. But you forget that I'm a witch," Kaitlin replied with a seductive smile that he couldn't help but adore in spite of it all.

Damian managed to keep his own smile hidden, maintaining the stone-faced expression that would get him out of his bedroom without doing anything stupid.

"Once we got here," Kaitlin continued, "I knew what had happened, but I want you to turn me anyway. I love you, regardless of what you did or what you had to do to do your job. All the thoughts you planted within my mind are now gone. I got rid of them after we arrived and I still want to be with you. Does that mean anything to you now?" she wondered.

From the look in her eyes, he knew that she would completely forgive him if he said no, if he admitted that it had been just a job and nothing more. And because of it, Damian had no answer for her. He was so confused that he didn't know what to do or say.

Kaitlin took the initiative and stepped up close to him. "If you want me, then I'm here. I'm ready to be with you for all eternity, if you'll let me," she whispered softly, then stood on her tip toes to softly brush her lips against his.

And then it all came back to him. Angela and Amelia, what had happened, who had caused it and how empty he'd felt since. How guilty he'd felt every moment of his life since he had fallen for Amelia. How he felt he was betraying Angela every time he had to seduce a girl on the elders orders. But with Kaitlin, he felt none of that. No betrayal or guilt, just warmth and normality, like he was a regular guy again. He remembered just how good their first kiss had been. Because of that, he couldn't hold back.

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