Chapter 9

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There was no mistaking the predatory look in his eyes. It was clear that there was more than just a physical attraction between her and the mystery man. It was almost magnetic. Maya's heart beat a mile a minute as she lay on the bed, her knees bent into a fighting stance, ready. She raised herself onto her elbows to stare at this man, who was also staring back at her.

Damian knew he shouldn't have done it, but he couldn't help feeling that she was in danger. It was the only way to get her alone and make her see. He couldn't use mind tricks anymore; he knew that she was becoming confused—starting to shut him out. He had to do this one for real ... face to face.

He knew she could feel the chemistry between them, but he didn't feel it. Seducing her was part of the orders. He'd been looking for her for a long time, a few months at least. He had been ordered to protect her at all times—even if it was from herself—so he had to step in.

"Who are you?" Maya asked softly, finally coming to her senses.

He smiled and ran a shaking hand through his hair, wondering how to answer as he paced near the bedroom door. Why was he shaking? He was the one who had kidnapped her ... in her own house.

It was then that she saw the bite mark on his hand and slowly got up off the bed. She'd managed to bite through the skin and the wound was bleeding a little. He watched her as she crossed the room to him and took his hand into hers. "I'm so sorry." She sighed, inwardly cursing herself for being so cruel to him, even though she had genuinely thought he was going to hurt her. But how could someone so perfect ever hurt her? "I ... I didn't mean to. I just ... you took me by surprise and I'm never taken by surprise," she rambled as she unconsciously ran her finger down the lines of his palm.

The soft touch her of her skin against his made him uncomfortable. He knew that his mind tricks had worked to seduce her, but maybe they worked a little too well.

Maya noticed what she was doing and pulled her hand away. Then she walked over to the chest of drawers beside the bed and opened the top drawer. "I think this should help for now, but I should really take another look at it later," she explained as she opened the first aid box and emptied the contents onto the bed, trying to ignore the intensity of what that single touch had done to her emotions.

When she finally got up the courage to look up at him and saw that he was looking out the bedroom window, she frowned to herself softly, shaking her head. He looked so thoughtful, so pensive and brooding. It was a good look for him, but then again, she felt that he would look good no matter what.

"Come and have a seat. I can't do anything if you keep wandering about," she ordered gently, about to say more when she heard someone banging on the door. Maya looked over at her captor and felt his eyes bore into her soul as he glanced at the door and then back at her, as if pleading with her not to leave him.

"I can't let them in. Not yet," Damian protested, desperate to make her see, desperate to save her and to do all the things that he had been ordered to do and get the job over and done with. She wasn't his only charge. He had other girls to juggle, to turn and take back to the elders. Maya wasn't special in that concept. But he had to admit, the circumstances were a little different with her. She had a history that fit nicely into their world, suggesting that she might just be the Amelia they were looking for. "I need to tell you things first," he reasoned.

Her apprehension told him that on some level she was desperate to say "hold me, kiss me, take me anywhere, just don't leave me," but on the other hand, he was relieved to see that a part of her was fighting it. Maya looked at him questioningly and then walked to the door calmly and turned the key in the lock. Then she called out a reassurance to Elena and Kyle, asking them to trust her.

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