Chapter 22

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Damian left the council after telling them that Finlay was now expecting him for dinner, after his quick text back to Finlay. And he wasn't going alone.

As soon as he got back to his room, he quietly walked to the side of the bed and took his note from in front of the clock before Kaitlin woke. He took a seat on the edge of the bed and brushed away the stray strand of hair that had fallen over the curve of her cheek and gently whispered her name. After a few tries, he finally got her attention and she slowly stirred awake, turning onto her back and stretching out with a contented smile.

"Hey," Kaitlin said, finally opening her eyes to look up at him. "Is it morning already?" she wondered, making him laugh. She was going to have to get used to thinking about her day a little differently. After all, she was a vampire now. Now she had to stay out of broad daylight and stick to the clan house during the day for the safety of the clan. If people thought that vampires could waltz about in broad daylight without anyone realizing what they were, then there would be a riot. That was the last thing they needed before the clan meeting.

"No, sweetheart, it's around five o'clock. Listen ... I just received a text from Finlay and he's invited us to dinner tonight. Do you want to go?" Damian asked her softly.

She was amazed how much it sounded like he already knew her friend Finlay, even after his explanation of how he had found her through him. But, if she was honest, at the time she thought it was true. But once they reached the clan house and things started going into motion, she truly thought that Damian had lied to give himself an excuse to explain how he'd found her. She didn't bother questioning him. "Sure," Kaitlin answered. "I'd love to, but I need to go back to my apartment to pick up a decent outfit first."

He smiled. "That's a good idea. You can pack up a few of your other things while you're there ... important stuff you want to bring back here," Damian reasoned, then gave her a few minutes to dress.

It didn't take long to get to her apartment. The weather held up the entire time, much to his surprise. Lately it had been either scorching hot or nothing but rain. Frankly, he preferred the rain. It didn't do half as much damage to his eyes and it gave the world a nice, sweet smell he would choose any day of the week over the age old stench of human blood. It was just one more constant reminder of how hungry he was during his latest mission.

Because it was all so new to Kaitlin, he enjoyed talking to her about her new life on the walk back to her place. He told her of the myths the humans liked to believe and the true and false aspects of most vampire novels and movies. She was actually quite surprised at how wrong they got it most of the time. Yet, when he told her of his latest job for the council, she knew that what they had experienced that morning hadn't been undertaken lightly. Damian told her things that only he should know, reassuring her of how strong their bond could be.

Damian enjoyed it, too, much more than their previous talk when he had been so focused on trying to pretend he hadn't kissed her and that it hadn't been as good as it was. He loved the faint blush on her cheeks as they walked up the steps to her upper villa apartment, embarrassed by the way he brushed his fingers against hers as they held hands. He admitted to how badly their first kiss had affected him, how hungry it had made him. Her blush told him that she felt the same.

"And how come you don't have to be invited in anyway?" she asked curiously as she unlocked the front door of her apartment and watched him walk in behind her.

Damian smiled in adoration, then gently leaned in to kiss her. He stopped as his mouth hovered above hers for a moment or two. "Darling, you've either been reading too many vampire books or watching too many movies. You have much to learn but don't worry ... we have forever," he teased softly, then kissed her tenderly. He appreciated all the questions she had and the faith she had in him. As he helped her out of her jacket, he knew what he wanted.

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