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“You’re late,” the Dragon said. He had been waiting at the shrine for a good twenty minutes before they arrived.
“Sorry, Jaden. We were held up by humans. Servants of the demons,” Artemis replied.
“I know, but it shouldn’t have taken so long to dismiss them,” Jaden replied. He had seen it happen as he was flying. “In case you didn’t know, flying is risky now. The demons have adopted that ability, somehow.”
“I know. I was being chased through the skies when I was summoned,” Artemis stated.
“So this is him?” Jaden asked, referring to Alex. He wasn’t impressed with the fact that the Dragon Wizard was human, with the recent news.
“This is him. His name is Alex,” Artemis replied.
“His name is of no consequence to me. He may be the Dragon Wizard, but he’s human,” Jaden replied.
“I hate to break it to you, but on my world, humans are the only creatures capable of vocal speech,” Alex stated. Jaden seemed to be the type who was nice if he felt that way, but most of the time, he was a jerk.
“What a shame,” Jaden replied.
“Look, the local humans may have sided with the demons, but I feel compelled to do the opposite,” Alex said.
“Your mind is clouded by irritation at my attitude towards you. Siding with the dragons is not the opposite of siding with the demons. For all we know, you might choose to betray us later, so you can be surrounded by those of your own kind,” Jaden said, pointing out a valid possibility.
“If they’re siding with the demons, I’d rather have nothing to do with them,” Alex said.
“That may be how you feel now, but you might feel like an outcast among us, and join the demons and your kind later.”
“Alex will never be an outcast among us! Quit making him feel like one, Jaden. It irritates me when you get like this,” Artemis said.
“I shall cease, but I shall not desist!” Jaden exclaimed. “However, you probably need me to call on my connections. I shall do that, but if Alex does betray us, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Enough with your conspiracy theories, Jaden! Alex is human, but it is that very fact that clouds your vision! I’ve seen qualities in him that would make you envious. He is not an enemy, so quit treating him like one!” Artemis exclaimed.
“You are right, Artemis, but I’ve seen nostalgia to be with one’s own kind corrupt even the best of people. It could still happen with Alex. It’s always best to be prepared for that so if it does happen, there are no surprises, shocking revelations, or disappointments. With all of the wisdom of a dragon, you are still naïve, Artemis. No offense,” Jaden returned.
“Would it kill you to trust people, Jaden?” Artemis questioned rhetorically.
“There’s a reason I have trust issues. My brother was killed by someone whom I had thought was a friend. He was human,” Jaden replied.
“I’m sorry, Jaden, but I’ve known Alex for a couple of days, now, and he has demonstrated that he can be trusted. Give him a chance,” Artemis said.
“I never said I wasn’t giving him a chance. I am giving him one, but only one. If he ever chooses to go rogue, I will personally kill him,” Jaden stated.
“I thank you for giving him a chance, but have you learned nothing from the prophecy? It clearly states that he will help us,” Artemis pointed out.
“You’re right again. I’m sorry, Alex. As you just heard, I have trust issues because my brother was killed by a human. Will you forgive me for my rudeness?” Jaden inquired.
“If your brother was killed by a human, I forgive you, and I promise that I will help you avenge him,” Alex answered.
“Thank you. Your answer was better than I was expecting. If you’ll help me avenge my brother, I will gladly accept that help, and I will be in your debt.”
“Then we should be able to get along better, now,” Alex replied.
“Agreed,” Jaden affirmed.
Jaden then used three calls similar to the one Artemis had used earlier; then Artemis used four more, then Jaden used seven more and Artemis used four more, resulting in a total of twenty dragons, including Jaden and Artemis. Three Drakes and four Greater Dragons soon arrived, then seven Lesser Dragons and four Dragons. Judging by the numbers and the times of their arrival, Alex knew which of the newcomers had been called by the ones already present, and when they had been called. Twenty dragons was a healthy start, considering just two days before, he only had one. Alex was impressed that Artemis knew four Greater Dragons; he was expecting her to know maybe one or two. However, it seemed that either Jaden didn’t know any Greater Dragons, or he was holding out.
Then Alex noticed that both Artemis and Jaden were rubbing their throats, as if they were sore. After a few minutes of this, they went back to it, as did the others. However, each of them only called two more. That would come to a total of sixty dragons, which was no small army, if they were as powerful as Alex believed them to be. Ten more Greater Dragons, and ten more of each of the other ranks soon arrived, but Alex couldn’t tell which ones had called which this time, so he didn’t bother guessing.
If there were sixty dragons left and most of them had been wiped off of the face of this world, the demons must be immensely powerful to be able to kill so many dragons, but Alex guessed that the demons had a number of ranks, each with a higher power level than the last.
“I hope there is a good reason for this mass-calling,” one Greater Dragon said. He was one of the ones with five horns.
“I’m sure that either Artemis or Jaden can explain, Nick,” replied a female Greater Dragon. She had only four horns. “They were the ones who started the calling.”
“I don’t know Jaden very well, but I know Artemis usually has good reason to start a mass-calling,” Nick replied, inviting Artemis to explain.
“I was summoned to another world,” she said simply.
“I hope you’re saying that the Dragon Wizard is here,” said the female Greater Dragon from before.
“He’s right here, Serena,” Artemis replied, indicating Alex.
All of the newcomers bowed their heads in respect. Alex was getting the feeling that he was respected by his allies and feared by most of his enemies because of his new title. He liked that.
“What is your name, Dragon Wizard?” Serena asked after she and the others had raised their heads again.
“My name is Alexander, but most people call me Alex,” he replied.
“Alexander. Fitting. It is similar to our deceased queen’s name and means Defender. You seem to be fit for the job, so far, but we’ll see how your training goes,” Serena stated. “By the way, Artemis, have you taught him any magic yet, other than the spell to get here from other worlds?”
“Yes. I taught him a simple fire spell to get rid of some humans who were blocking our path. Thankfully, they weren’t very bright,” Artemis replied.
“Typical,” Nick chuckled.
“It was my idea,” Alex admitted.
“He takes full responsibility for it. That is promising,” Serena said, surprised at Alex’s maturity. “The fact that he has learned a spell explains why I can see his magical energies.”
Artemis looked like she wanted to kiss Alex again. It made Alex uncomfortable, but he shrugged it off. There were more pressing matters at hand.
“You can see my energies?” Alex asked, surprised that she had this ability.
“As the acting leader in place of the Queen, I have learned how,” Serena answered. “However, now that you are present, I shall have to teach you how.”
“Are you saying that I am now the acting leader?” Alex inquired to clarify what was implied by her statement.
“Yes,” Serena replied. “As the acting leader, you have many responsibilities, including making strategic decisions that will benefit us in the long run. I hope you have some inkling of strategy,” she added.
“I am a master strategist on the battlefield and in close quarters combat,” Alex replied.
“There’s more to strategy than those, but your abilities in those areas will definitely prove useful. There are also political decisions you must be able to make, and these require a different type of strategy. However, I will teach you those as well.”
“Thank you,” Alex said.
“No. Thank you, Dragon Wizard,” Serena countered, implying that his arrival was a gift within itself. “Nick will teach you shape shifting, Felicia will teach you healing spells and resurrection, Artemis will teach you attack spells, and Jaden will teach you defensive spells."
Serena pointed Felicia out as a timid Lesser Dragon. That was alright by Alex, as long as she wasn’t too timid. He also hoped that healing and resurrection were her specialties. If they were, he hoped that she used compassion to increase the likeliness of resurrection. He didn’t want a sociopath for one of his mentors. Besides, he had enough of his own sadness, having lost his father to war before he was born and his maternal grandmother to cancer when he was five.
“Hello,” Felicia rasped, breaking the silence.
Alex wasn’t sure if she was sick, or if her voice was naturally that raspy, but he didn’t bother asking. He didn’t want to be nosy. However, he soon got his answer, but it wasn’t anything he expected.
“Don’t look now, Nick, but I believe the girl has a crush,” Serena said.
Felicia then displayed behaviors of extreme embarrassment. She turned her head away and fidgeted her wings nervously. She definitely had a crush on him.
“I believe you may be right, Serena,” Nick chuckled.
Felicia became even more nervous with that. Her blue facial scales took on a red hue, and she squeaked weakly in protest. Despite having a crush on him, she didn't seem very confident.
“Don’t worry about it, Felicia. I tend to have that effect on most girls,” Alex said, trying to calm her.
Felicia looked at him like she wasn’t sure what to make of that statement. Alex got the feeling that he was doing more harm than good. Time to change tactics.
“If it helps, I’m sure you’re nice,” he said, trying to salvage the situation.
She smiled shyly at him, but said nothing. Still, a smile was better than no acknowledgement. She was definitely smitten with him. Now he was wondering which female would be better, between Artemis and Felicia. Felicia was nice, but shy, whereas Artemis was more outgoing. He could remember when he was shy.
“I used to be shy, too. When I did open up, I was encouraged to do it more often, until I got over it. Don’t be afraid to open up,” he said.
“Really? You seem like the type who has never suffered from shyness,” he heard the most beautiful voice say.
“You’d be surprised at what my childhood was like. I wasn’t always this confident,” he replied.
“I guess you would be able to understand,” she finished.
“And the ice is broken,” Nick stated.

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