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After that, the days became a blur. For Alex's birthday, Felicia stayed up with him, gazing at the stars and pointing out constellations. A month after Alex had begun his swordplay training, Jaden became his sparring partner. They were still only using practice swords, for now, but Alex knew that he would eventually get to practice with Shadowsbane. That time came in another month, and Jaden brought out a metal sword for himself. The first day of this training didn't go well. Jaden cut Alex's hamstring and Alex grazed his sword arm in retaliation.
"Let's go see Felicia and then call it a day for training," Jaden said, realizing that things were getting out of hand.
"Good idea," Alex agreed.
When Felicia saw Alex and Jaden with their wounds, she ran towards them, fearing they had been attacked. There hadn't been an attack since Jaden was killed, but she was worried nonetheless. However, when she found out what had happened, she shook her head and sighed as if to say, "Boys will be boys".
"Come here, Alex. Let me see your leg," she said without looking up at him.
"I'm sorry. Things got out of hand. It won't happen again, I promise," Alex said as he approached her, knowing she was upset.
"Alright. Just make sure it doesn't," she said, meeting his gaze. He knew her well, but that was okay. She preferred it that way. "I hadn't noticed this before, but you've put on some muscle," she stated, changing the subject to ease Alex's nerves. She could tell when he was hiding his nervousness, now.
"I hadn't noticed it either, until you just said. My hair feels a little long, too," he responded.
"I can cut your hair, if the length is uncomfortable for you," she offered.
"That would be great, thanks," he said, accepting the offer.
"Alright. Let me heal Jaden's arm, first," Felicia said as she finished healing Alex's leg. "Come here, Jaden." She proceeded to heal the minor wound that Alex had inflicted upon Jaden. When she was done, she dismissed him and turned back to Alex. "I hope you have a certain length in mind for your hair," she said, letting him know that she was ready to cut his hair.
"I would like shoulder length, please," he replied. He had come to find that he liked shoulder length, but his hair currently went down to his upper back.
"Alright. Sit still and keep your head straight up," Felicia said, letting Alex know that she would need him to do so.
"I've had haircuts before. I know the drill," he replied truthfully.
"That's why your hair was so short when we first met," she said as if in realization.
"You thought my hair was naturally that short?" Alex asked, almost laughing.
"I know it probably sounds silly, but yes," Felicia answered.
She proceeded to cut his hair to shoulder length, as he had requested, and found that he had plenty of experience with having his hair cut. She wasn't surprised, given what he had told her, but she was glad that he was so easy to work with. She had had too many people who were extremely difficult to work with, so this was a nice break. When she was done, she cast a spell that created a reflective surface with which she could show him what his hair now looked like, and he signaled that he was satisfied with the outcome.
"Meet me at the tree tonight," she said for the first time in weeks.
"It's been a long time since the last time you said that, but I'll be there," Alex responded.

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