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The next day, everyone was ready, so they set out for the sorcerers' academy as soon as they were awake. Everyone was going. Alex, Felicia, Serena, Nick, Jaden, Artemis, and some other dragons with whom Lana wasn't as acquainted. She was grateful that they were all coming, but an army of dragons flying towards the same location would look suspicious.
They landed before the North entrance to the sorcerers' academy and Alex used the enemy detection spell. Lana knew that it was wise of him to do so. His enemy detection spell was far more powerful than hers and Serena's.
"I see some warriors...Templars? They're fighting beings that are similar to demons, but different somehow, as well as sorcerers who have been tainted by evil magic of some sort. I don't know the nature of this magic, but they seem to be possessed by some evil entity or entities," Alex said.
"The sorcerers have made a pact with devils. This is an ill omen. The Templars were placed there to prevent this from happening," Serena said fearfully.
"Not all of the sorcerers are possessed. Some of them are fighting the abominations further in," Alex stated, giving hope to everyone else.
"I'm going in. I'll slip past the abominations and Templars with the invisibility spell," Lana stated.
"You may go in, but the Templars will see you, invisibility spell or no," Serena replied.
"If you're going in, Lana, I don't want you going in alone. I'm coming with you," Alex stated.
"Thank you, Alex. You've already seen what it's like in there, so I'll let you lead, and forgo the invisibility spell," Lana responded.
They both entered the academy, preparing themselves for what was ahead. One of the Templars stopped them and introduced himself as Knight Commander Lucius. Alex introduced himself and Lana as just Alex and Lana.
"You look strangely familiar, Alex. Were you by any chance at the coronation ceremony last week?" Knight Commander Lucius asked.
"Alright. I'm High King Alex. Lana is my cousin and the Sorceress of Prophecy," Alex answered.
"Not meaning to be rude, my lord, but what would bring the High King to the sorcerers' academy?" Knight Commander Lucius inquired.
"I'm here to help my cousin fulfill her destiny. I should be able to help you with the abominations and devils, with the powers of the Dragon Wizard and the Dragon God," Alex answered.
"So you are aware of our situation. I hope you're right about your powers, because these abominations and devils are resistant to anti-magic, which is highly unusual. I don't know if there are any sorcerers alive who aren't possessed, but I recommend that you try to find any that are. They would be a huge asset," Knight Commander Lucius replied.
"Thanks. Lana and I will do that. Take care, Knight Commander," Alex said.
"And you, my lord. I would hate to be indirectly responsible for the death of the High King," Knight Commander Lucius responded.
Alex and Lana continued on, but something about the way the Knight Commander had said that last bit sent shivers down Lana's spine. She shrugged it off. It was probably nothing. They battled several abominations and devils before they came across the first group of sorcerers.
"Halt! I don't know who you are, or what your intentions are, but I won't hesitate to kill you if you refuse to put your weapons away," said the one who appeared to be their leader.
"I am High King Alex and I'm here to help, but I will sheathe my sword nonetheless," Alex replied, doing so. Lana followed suit, putting Lightbringer on her back.
"Oh! My lord! Please forgive me. It's just that we've had so much pressure from the Templars and it's getting on my last nerve. My name is Jaina," the leader of the sorcerers said.
"It's alright. This is Lana. She's my cousin and the Sorceress of Prophecy," Alex stated.
"Oh! Thank goodness! We could certainly use the Sorceress of Prophecy right about now," Jaina exclaimed. "I hope she knows some magic."
"I trained her in dragon magic and my mentor trained her in demon magic. She has already helped me defeat several devils and abominations to get to you. She also carries Lightbringer."
"Lightbringer! That staff is an asset to any army!! How did she come across it?"
"My mentor gave it to her as part of her training. I also carry Shadowsbane, which is also quite effective against these devils and abominations," Alex answered.
"Yes. I have heard of Shadowsbane. I know what it's capable of. I'm glad that you have two legendary weapons with you. You will need them. Also, don't believe anything Knight Commander Lucius tells you. He started this," Jaina replied.
"What do you mean the Knight Commander started this? Was he the one who made a pact with the devils?" Alex asked.
"Yes. He and two of the sorcerers he had under his influence summoned a powerful devil who brought this evil upon us. Arch Sorcerer Kaine has fallen as a result of it. He resisted, and the devil who tried to take control of him killed him," Jaina answered.
"I'll make the Knight Commander answer for this crime once the issue is dealt with, but I would like some of you to come with me to try to find out where all of these devils and abominations are coming from," Alex replied.
"I appreciate your help, your Majesty, but I can't put the lives of my apprentices at risk. However, I will come with you. You will find me to be the best healer that the academy has since Arch Sorcerer Kaine was killed," Jaina responded.
"I understand. Thank you," Alex said. "You wouldn't happen to have an idea of where the Knight Commander summoned the devil you mentioned?" He then asked.
"I do. He summoned it from the third floor. The third floor is the most magical area of the academy. The fact that he's behind this mess is the reason that these devils and abominations are resistant to anti-magic," Jaina answered.
"I see. If the third floor is the most magical area of the academy, then our spells should, theoretically, have greater effect there, so I will rely heavily on my lightning spell up there, with a few sword swings here and there. Are you ready?" Alex asked Jaina.
"Ready as ever," Jaina replied.
"And you, Lana?" Alex then asked.
"These devils and abominations won't know what hit them," Lana answered.
"Excellent. Off we go, then," Alex finished.
Alex let Jaina lead them to the third floor, but they had to battle several more demons and abominations on the first two floors before they reached the third floor. During these battles, Jaina got behind Alex and shot the enemies with her staff and healed the occasional injuries they inflicted on Alex, who fought them with his sword. Lana shot them with her staff and occasionally used attack spells, but made sure to save her magical energies for the final fight that would take place on the third floor. When they got to the third floor, they found the door to the final chamber locked. They had already been through all of the other chambers with no sign of the head devil. Alex solved the problem by crashing the door in with a lightning spell.
"I must admit, I was not expecting you to find a way past the lock, but that doesn't matter. I will be the last enemy you fight," the head devil said when they entered.
"How about we see who comes out of this fight alive before making such assumptions," Alex responded.
The head devil snarled at that and the battle commenced. Alex made the first move. He cast a shield around himself, which the head devil shattered with a chaos bolt. Alex cast a force field around himself in time to protect himself from the next chaos bolt. The force field shattered, but it returned the chaos bolt to its sender. The head devil took the chaos bolt to the chest and withstood it, but it must have hurt because he stopped using magic after that and resorted to his claws, which he raked Alex's chest with. Alex fell and when he didn't get back up, Lana instantly snapped. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she started to transform. She shone as bright as the sun with intense magical energy. Jaina and the head devil had to shield their eyes from the light. When it subsided, Lana looked completely different. She was taller, standing at 6'7", the same height as Alex. Her eyes burned red with rage and when she spoke, her voice carried a disturbing pitch.
"Your time has come, devil! Surrender now or be destroyed!" The Goddess of Magic boomed through Lana.
"I hardly think you have the power to follow up such a grandiose threat, but you're welcome to try, witch," the head devil replied.
Lana responded to this with a powerful lightning spell that disintegrated the head devil. All throughout the academy the remaining devils returned to the places they came from and the remaining abominations were freed from the magic that had turned them into abominations. The Templars and sorcerers who had become abominations stopped fighting. Lana's eyes returned to their natural blue and her voice returned to normal, but she remained at the Goddess' height. She went over to Alex's body and revived him with sadness, then helped him up.
"So you're my height now. You're the Goddess of Magic, then," Alex said to Lana.
"Yes," Lana replied.
"Whoa, hold on. You told me that she was the Sorceress of Prophecy, but you never mentioned her being the Goddess of Magic," Jaina said to Alex.
"She was dormant until recently. That's normal. Our home world limits magic, so I was a dormant Dragon God until my fiancée was killed for the second time. That angered me enough to wake the Dragon God. I was hanging from a crucifix at the time and it shattered from my growing to take Dragon God form," Alex replied. "Anyhow, we should return to the Knight Commander now and talk to him about what you told me, Jaina. I'll lead this time."
"With what just happened, I think your cousin deserves to be named Arch Sorceress, your Majesty," Jaina said.
"I fully support that, but we'll deal with that at the right time. As I said, we should return to the Knight Commander," Alex responded.
"Lead on," Jaina finished.
When Knight Commander Lucius saw Alex and Lana return with Jaina and her apprentices, he was relieved at first. Then he saw the expression on the High King's face and gulped. Jaina had told him how the devils got there. He knew he would be in trouble, but he probably wouldn't be killed for it. The High King would probably have him imprisoned, which Lucius could accept.
"I have been informed that you are the one responsible for the appearance of the devils, Knight Commander. Would you be kind enough to tell me why?" Alex asked, drawing his sword and putting it up to Knight Commander Lucius' throat.
"The texts say that magic is dangerous. I was merely trying to prevent an uprising," Knight Commander Lucius stated.
"By starting one? What do you take me for, a fool?"
"Alright! I'll tell you. I have always had a fear of sorcerers and what they're capable of. I have tried several methods to abolish my fear, but none of them have worked, so I knew that the only way for my fear to be abolished was if either I died or all of the sorcerers did. I was afraid of killing myself, so I started the uprising as a way of abolishing my fear of sorcerers. Are you satisfied, your Majesty?"
"Yes. I can help you abolish your fear. All you have to do is ask for swift deliverance," Alex answered.
"I...see. If that is the way it must be, then so be it. Just try to make it painless," Knight Commander Lucius responded.
"Very well," Alex said, cutting Knight Commander Lucius' head off with Shadowsbane. "I hereby name the Templar Arthur the new Knight Commander," he continued, tapping into the Dragon God's knowledge. "I also name my cousin, Lana the new Arch Sorceress," he finished. No one said anything in disagreement. Everyone recognized Alex as the High King and the Dragon God.
"May I speak, your Majesty?" Jaina asked.
"Of course. You've earned it," Alex answered.
"The Arch Sorceress has the choice to stay at the academy or live where she wants, but she will have to be here for the Harrowings once a year. The Harrowing is the final test that an apprentice has to go through before they become a full sorcerer or sorceress," Jaina stated.
"I will leave that up to my cousin to decide. What would you prefer, Lana?" Alex asked.
"I would like to return to Naldrsholl, but I will gladly come here for the Harrowings," Lana answered.
"That seems fair. Just make sure you arrive one week before the first Harrowing you have to attend. After that, make sure to arrive one day in advance," Jaina responded.
"Why do I need to arrive one week before the first Harrowing I must attend?" Lana inquired.
"We need you to arrive a week in advance so that we may teach you the ritual. You will be notified two days prior to your arrival so that you will know when you are needed. I think that seems fair," Jaina answered.
"That's fair," Lana replied.
"Are you ready to return home, Lana?" Alex asked.
"Yes, please!" Lana answered.
"Alright. Let's go," Alex finished.
When Jaden saw Alex and Lana come out, he noticed something different about Lana. She was taller. In fact, she was the same height as her cousin. He knew what this meant. She had awakened the Goddess of Magic that had been dormant within her. She was also more radiant than before. He wanted to kiss her, but he didn't want to embarrass her in front of everyone else. He would save that for later, but he would definitely hug her.
"I'm glad you're okay, Lana. I was worried about you, but I guess I didn't need to when you had the living weapon with you," Jaden said, hugging her.
"I could be considered a living weapon to some, but I was killed while we were in there. I assume that it angered Lana enough to wake the Goddess of Magic," Alex said in reply.
"Yes. However, that's in the past. I would very much like to return home to Naldrsholl," Lana responded.
"I sense that there is something else you should tell us before we go, Lana. Care to enlighten us?" Serena asked.
"It's nothing that can't wait until Naldrsholl, Serena. I'm tired and I just want to go home," Lana answered.
"Fair enough, but you should tell us when we're there," Serena compromised.
"I will," Lana agreed.
On the way to Naldrsholl, they found out just how tired Lana was. She fell asleep in mid air and started to drop out of the sky. Alex caught her and she awoke, immediately embarrassed. After that, Alex stayed on one side of her and Jaden stayed on the other to support her. She appreciated it, but at the same time, she was even more embarrassed.
When they returned, Lana collapsed after reverting to human form. Alex picked her up and carried her to her room, where he laid her on her bed. Serena knew it was best for Lana to rest, and decided to let her do so. Alex told them what Serena had asked Lana about.

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