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    Jaden led Lana to a secret room that had pottery with inscriptions that she didn’t recognize from any of Earth’s languages. Jaden explained that the inscriptions were dwarfish, as Naldrsholl was originally inhabited by the dwarves. When she asked why she hadn’t seen any dwarves yet, Jaden told her that they were all dead somehow. He told her to ask Alex or Serena more about it if she was curious, because they might have a better idea of what had happened to the dwarves. She decided that she would ask Alex the following day. If he didn’t know, she would ask Serena later. However, she had a funny feeling that Alex knew exactly what happened to them and maybe even why.
    Jaden and Lana had only kissed once at the lake and it was brief, but somehow, neither of them was really into it at first. They just talked about everything each of them had been through, and found they had had a lot of similar experiences. They found that they also had many similar interests. Lana was finding herself becoming more attracted to Jaden the more she learned about him and Jaden was feeling the same about her. It was almost as if their souls had met before. Lana had never met anyone like Jaden before. He understood everything she had been through because he had been through a lot of similar things. She knew he was perfect for her, and kissed him passionately. He returned the kiss with more passion and then they laid on the bed and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

    The following day, Serena stated that Lana was done with her strategy lessons, so she decided to go to attack spells early. When Alex got there, he didn’t seem surprised that she was already there. She asked him what happened to the dwarves, and when he told her that the Demon King had killed them all to prevent them from stopping the next Dragon God, she was appalled.
    For the lesson, he taught her a water spell. When she used it on the practice dummy, she tore the dummy off of its stand, and the spell would have healed them if they weren’t already at full strength. Alex didn’t seem surprised that she tore the practice dummy off of its stand, but he seemed surprised at the healing effect. Before he ended this lesson, he instructed her to go see Serena after her next lesson with him. Lana wondered why Serena wanted to see her, but she would rather find out for herself than ask Alex. He then added that after today, she was to go to Serena after her lessons in attack spells. That was fine by Lana, as long as there was a good reason for her to be going to Serena after her lessons with Alex.
    Alex then started off what she found out was her final lesson in defensive spells with him. This time, he taught her the force field spell that Jaden had told her about. She went into Lesser Dragon form before casting this spell and Alex went into Monarch Dragon form before casting the basic shield he had taught her on her first day of training. He then spat a fire blast at her force field, and like her basic shield had, it became a fire shield, but this time, it lobbed the fire back at him. His shield withstood the blast without a mark, but he was knocked back a little ways. He seemed surprised at this, but he didn’t seem surprised that her force field became a fire shield. Alex then finished the lesson by saying that she was finished learning defensive spells from him. He said that Serena might be able to teach her at least one more defensive spell, but he stated that it would be demon magic. She now knew why she was to see Serena from now on. Serena would be training her in demon magic.
    Serena surprised both Alex and Lana by arriving at the training area then. Alex left, but Lana knew that he would remain close enough to watch the lesson. Serena started off Lana’s first lesson in demon magic by giving Lana a legendary staff whose name was Lightbringer and telling her that all of the emotions that affected dragon magic affected demon magic in the same way. Serena then taught Lana a chaos bolt spell. Lana tried the new spell on the practice dummy and the chaos bolt nearly obliterated the dummy. While this was happening, Lana sensed that Alex was watching from the shadows to learn this spell. She knew he would train himself in demon magic in secret. Serena ended the lesson after teaching Lana the chaos bolt spell.
    After Lana’s first lesson in demon magic, she had some free time before her next lesson in healing began, so she stayed in the practice area to practice all of the attack spells she had learned so far, including the chaos bolt. She knew that Alex was practicing the chaos bolt spell in a different section of the practice area. She didn’t interfere with his practice and he didn’t interfere with hers.
    In healing and resurrection, Alex explained that healing with love had a similar concept to healing with happiness, then took her to Jaden, who had sprained his wrist badly. She knew that Alex assigned her to heal Jaden because he knew that they already loved each other, even if it wasn’t by the same amount as Alex and Felicia loved each other. Nevertheless, she was grateful for this because it made her job that much easier. She healed Jaden’s wrist and he thanked her. Alex finished off the lesson by telling her that she was done with the healing portion of these lessons and that her final lesson in resurrection would take place the next day. She hoped he wouldn’t make her use sadness, but knew that he would. She knew that there would be other times that she would be forced to use sadness to revive others, but she hoped that it wouldn’t happen any time soon.
    After her final lesson of the day, Lana went to find Jaden. When she found him, he seemed to be going through some deep emotional pain. She asked what was wrong, and he told her.
    "Today is the anniversary of Queen Alexstrasza’s death. I never realized how much she meant to me until today, but maybe that’s because I’ve kept these emotions guarded for so long that I rarely break down like this," he said after he recovered with her help.
    "I’m sorry. I know that pain all too well. I lost my parents in a car accident a little over two years ago. If you ever need to talk, I’m here," Lana responded.
    "I think I’ll be okay now, but thank you. No one else ever said that to me. It says a lot about you. I love you, Lana."
    "I love you, too, Jaden. That’s why Alex took me to you to heal your wrist. He knows. If you ever need healing again, don’t hesitate to come to me."
    "Thank you. I’ll have to come to you for healing from now on. Alex revived me once, but from what I understand, he was the only one who could at that point. I was too far gone for most healers. I’m still grateful towards him for that. However, I have a feeling that you would be able to do the same if I die again. Not to wish it on myself, of course."
    "What worries me is the fact that Alex risks his life on a regular basis. He’s my cousin and he saved me from my ex. I love him and I would be very sad if he died," said Lana.
    "He said that he used to be a pacifist, but he’s the finest fighter this world has seen in a long time. He’ll be okay," Jaden said to reassure her.
    "I hope you’re right. I just have a bad feeling about it."
    "He’s a lot tougher to kill than the rest of us, with being the finest fighter, the Dragon Wizard, and the Dragon God. His strength and skill are unparalleled. In battle, he’s a killing machine on a pale horse, if you understand what I’m saying."
    "I do. On my home world, there are certain texts that state that Death is one of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and he rides in on a pale horse. Is the meaning of that statement similar on this world?"
    "Yes. The major difference, though, is that this world has six Horsemen of the Apocalypse. In order of most to least powerful they are, Death, War, Strife, Fury, Pestilence, and Famine. Who are the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse on your world?"
    "My world’s four Horsemen are Death, War, Pestilence, and Famine. It seems my world somehow missed out on Strife and Fury."
    "Perhaps they just decided to not go to your world. Perhaps they couldn’t for some reason. Who knows?"
    "If Strife and Fury were more powerful than Pestilence and Famine, then theoretically, they should have been able to make the journey to my world, unless they got assigned to another world. Like you said, who knows?" Lana responded.
    "You have a point. Perhaps they were assigned to another world. Perhaps there are more than the six we’ve been talking about," Jaden replied.
    "That is possible, but if it’s the case, I’m not sure if I would want another Horseman of the Apocalypse. From what I understand, they’re evil," Lana pointed out.
    "I see them differently. The way I see it, they’re neutral overall. In some of the texts of this world, they’ve killed angels and devils. Because of this, I consider them beneficial because angels and devils have gone to war with each other at times for control over this world. I don’t know about you, but I personally would rather be in control of my own fate as much as possible," Jaden said in reply.
    "I understand where you’re coming from, Jaden. Now that I think about it, I’ve always felt the same way deep down, but after my parents died, a friend took me to church, which is a place of worship, to help me manage my grief. I picked up on the religion, and started to believe that angels have the best intentions. Now I realize that despite that, they have their faults and shouldn’t have any more control than the devils. The people should be in charge of their own lives as much as possible," Lana stated in response.
    "I’m glad we see eye to eye, Lana. I don’t know if any of the gods created the angels and devils, nor can I prove or disprove it, but I do believe that angels and devils exist."
    "So you recognize that gods exist, and believe in the existence of angels and devils, but you’re agnostic about a connection between them. That’s an interesting view on that matter, Jaden."
    "For all I know, the Dragon God created everything including the angels and devils, but for all I know, angels and devils just went through a different evolutionary process than every other creature. I have no way of proving or disproving either case without asking them and I haven’t met any. However, just because I haven’t met any doesn’t mean they don’t exist. There have been times when I’ve gotten into a bit of trouble and thought I wouldn’t pull through. When those times came up, I ended up pulling through by what would seem to some like sheer luck, but on some of those occasions, I glimpsed something out of the corner of my eye that didn’t quite fit with the surroundings. For one thing, this entity always shines as bright as the sun. For another thing, it always vanished when I turned my head to look at it."
    "You have a guardian angel watching over you, Jaden. That’s a good thing. A guardian angel will protect you no matter what, but is humble enough to never show themselves or accept gratitude from you. You are very lucky, Jaden. I wish I could say that I’ve noticed a guardian angel watching over me. If there is, then that would explain why I survived the accident but my parents perished, but I don’t know. I fell unconscious when we were hit. I don’t remember the rescue team pulling me out, but I’m grateful they got to me in time nonetheless. For two years, I was angry with the world for taking my parents away, but I hid it, and eventually got over it. I found it too painful to visit Alex during that time, though, because he’s my cousin and I thought it would bring back too many painful memories, but I got over that around the same time that I got over my anger."
    "Were you injured in the accident?" Jaden asked, worried.
    "I only sustained a minor concussion and an abrasion on my right shoulder where the seatbelt dug in, but other than that, I was fine. The vehicle was totaled, though," was Lana’s honest answer.
    "You do have a guardian angel watching over you. If your parents were killed and the vehicle was totaled, you would have died, too, if it wasn’t for your guardian angel. I realize now that some angels are actually good. Guardian angels protect us without interfering in other ways, so it’s possible that there are others who will do the right thing. What you told me has opened my eyes and broadened my perspective. Thank you, Lana," Jaden responded gratefully.
    "You’re welcome, Jaden. I hadn’t realized it myself until you told me about your guardian angel, so you reopened my eyes when you described what you saw. Thank you for that."
    "You’re welcome," he replied. "Do you want to go on a date in a different room?" He then asked.
    "Sorry, but I’m not really in the mood this time. I’ll take you up on it tomorrow, though," she answered.
    "That’s alright. Tomorrow it is."

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