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After resting for the night, Alex set out for the clearing in Callingwood Forest where Constable O'Hara had shot him along with Lana and Felicia. Felicia still had no idea how Alex planned to take them back to the other world; she had forgot to ask him. However, she knew him well enough by now to know he had another way to get back. He did start out as the Dragon Wizard and therefore, he had had to use a different method to get there the first time.
Now that Lana had met Alex's fiancée, she found that she liked her. Felicia seemed to be able to take care of him, which was fine by Lana. She respected her cousin's choice. They seemed to complement each other well. From what Felicia had told Lana, she specialized in healing magic while Alex was better with most magic than all of his former instructors, and the spells in his arsenal that he wasn't as good with were equal in power to those of his former instructors. This made Lana realize that out of everyone else who resided on the other world, her cousin was the one who was best suited to protect her. She gained a new level of respect for him because of this.
They arrived in the clearing and Alex prepared himself to open another rift. He had already decided that he wouldn't reuse the memory of the dinosaur museum. Instead, he used a more recent memory. It was the memory of his first date with Felicia. The rift opened and Alex could see where it would take them. He took Lana and Felicia by hand and led them through.
Fantasy World
They found themselves at the shrine. More specifically, they found themselves where Alex and Felicia had first kissed. Felicia looked around, surprised at where they had turned up. Then she looked at Alex in askance. Alex replied with a smile.
Lana had a feeling that this place had some sort of significance for Alex and Felicia, but didn't know what it was. She then got the feeling that it was something best left between them, and decided not to ask. She hated it when others invaded on her privacy, and had a personal policy to not do that to others.
"Get on my back; both of you," Felicia said, going into dragon form.
Alex helped Lana up, then got on behind her. She felt light since his growth. He didn't know how heavy he was for Felicia, though, but he wouldn't ask.
They flew to Naldrsholl. Felicia didn't complain about the weight, but Alex could tell that she was struggling with it. He knew that most of the weight came from him, and felt a little guilty.
"Oh, no..." Felicia said when they were closer.
"What is it?" Alex asked stoically. In truth, he was concerned, but he wasn't about to show it around his cousin.
"It's a massacre. Someone found out about our absence," Felicia answered.
"I have a feeling about who's responsible, but I'd like to confirm it before doing anything rash. Nevertheless, when I find out who's responsible, there will be hell to pay," Alex said with a hint of anger.
Lana remained silent, but Felicia noticed. Lana was hoping they wouldn't notice, but it seemed she was more like her cousin than she realized. Felicia caught her off guard with her question, but she rolled with it.
"What's the matter, Lana?" Felicia asked.
"I'm new here and I won't know your friends. I'm worried I might not fit in," Lana answered.
"You'll do fine. Trust me, I wouldn't have brought you here if I thought you wouldn't," Alex said to reassure his cousin.
"Thank you, Alex. I trust you, which says a lot about you."
"You don't trust very easily, I take it?" Alex asked.
"That's correct. Ever since my ex..." Lana broke off.
"I understand, believe me. One of my friends didn't trust me when he first met me because I was human at the time. A human whom he had thought was a friend and trusted murdered his infant brother."
"Do you know what's become of the human?"
"He's no more. I burned his soul for that."
Lana realized that her cousin was capable of almost anything. She hoped this friend of his would trust her. If what Alex had said was true, he might trust her once he found out she was Alex's cousin, but he probably wouldn't until then.
They landed at the rear entrance and Alex got off then helped Lana off. He then used the enemy detection spell and found four demons with pikes between their location and the throne room, two guarding each of the doors. The throne room was empty, which probably meant that the demons hadn't decided on a leader yet.
"It's the demons. I knew it," Alex stated.
"How do you know?" Lana asked.
"My mentor taught me a spell some time ago that allows me to detect the locations of all nearby enemies within a certain distance. I later found out that it’s demon magic, but I honestly don't care about that. The activation of my Dragon God greatly amplified it. I can now tell which directions the enemies are facing and what weapons they're holding, if any," was Alex's answer.
"What is this Dragon God?" Lana asked.
"I'll explain it once I put a permanent stop to the madness of the demons," Alex replied.
"How do you plan to do that?" Felicia asked.
"It's simple. I'll kill them all."
"First, let me get the bandage off of your arm and heal it now that we're here," Felicia said.
"Good idea. Thank you," Alex replied.
Felicia reverted to human form, removed the bandage and healed Alex's arm. Alex then went into Monarch Dragon form and told them to get on his back. This was his first time in Monarch Dragon form and he found himself comfortable in it. He then cast a shield around himself that protected Felicia and Lana as well and took off. He found the two females light, possibly because he still retained the Dragon God's strength in this form. He landed in the main courtyard and found it littered with bodies. Lana and Felicia got off of his back and he reverted to human form, disabling the shield that had protected them. He then cast new shields around all three of them.
"Good thinking, Felicia," Alex said when she started reviving someone.
Two children ran up to them, carrying something that required both of them to carry. Alex recognized them as Rell Heartwood's children, and the object as Shadowsbane. He briefly wondered how they had survived this long, then realized that it would have been much easier for them to hide than it would have been for an adult. He cast a shield around them to protect them as two arrows flew, one for each of them. He spotted the demon who had fired the arrows and hit him with a lightning bolt.
"We heard that this belongs to you, sir," Rell's son said as they handed Shadowsbane to Alex.
"It does, thank you. Where are your parents?" Alex replied, accepting the legendary sword.
"They're...they're dead," Rell's daughter answered, sobbing.
"I'm sorry. Stay with me for now; I'll protect you," Alex said.
"Thank you, sir," Rell's son said genuinely.
"Call me Alex. I knew your parents. They were good people."
"Thank you, Alex," Rell's son said.
"Lana, come with me. Felicia, stay here and revive as many people as you can and try not to get killed, then tell everyone you revive to meet me in the throne room," Alex ordered.
"One moment, Alex. Come here," Felicia replied.
Alex walked towards her and disabled their shields temporarily. He knew what she wanted, and wouldn't refuse. She kissed him passionately.
"For luck," she said. "For safety," she finished, kissing him even more passionately.
"For both," Alex said, kissing her as passionately as he could.
Alex then recast their shields and left with Lana and the children. Lana had seemed surprised when she heard him say that he had known the parents of these children. She had only just arrived, though, so she didn't know how he knew them.
Behind the door to the hall, two demons stood guard. Alex dispatched them with ease, thanks to Shadowsbane. The next things they encountered were the bodies of Rell Heartwood and his wife. Alex revived them and they thanked him for protecting the children. Alex told them to find a safe place to hide until he came back to lead them to the throne room, and then cast shields around them. The children stayed with their parents and Alex continued on with Lana.
They soon came to the entrance to the throne room, which was guarded by two more demons. Alex took both of them out at the same time with a lightning bolt from each hand, then crashed in the door to the throne room with two more lightning bolts. Inside, they found the bodies of Artemis, Serena, Jaden and Nick.
"Serena. My mentor and one of my Chief Advisors. She might have a better idea of your role here," Alex said to Lana before reviving Serena.
"Thank goodness you've returned, Alexander! The demons have overrun us," Serena said once she had regained her bearings after the revival.
"I know. I'm going to put a permanent end to their madness by killing them all," Alex replied.
"I wish you luck with that endeavor. Who is this young lady with you? Not a new lover, I hope."
"Oh, no. This is my cousin, Lana," Alex replied, laughing. "I brought her here because I had a feeling she would have an important role. I revived you before the others because I figured you might have a better idea of what it might be."
"You were wise to do so. There is another prophecy that none of the others knows about that tells of the coming of a sorceress from another world who would fight alongside the Dragon Wizard for a time, then carve her own path. If your instincts aren't failing you, your cousin is the Sorceress of Prophecy."
"Well, Lana. Looks like I might have to teach you a few things," Alex said, winking at Lana.
"Take note, though, that she won't be able to shape shift like you can, Alexander. She might be able to take the forms of the Drake and the Lesser Dragon, but that's it, as far as I'm aware," Serena stated.
"Good to know, thank you," Alex replied.
"I'm not sure if I'm ready for this. I just got here and something's already gone wrong. Now I find out that there's some sort of prophecy regarding me. It's overwhelming," Lana said in a tone Alex had never heard her use before.
"Situations like this can be overwhelming, I get that, but you have to be ready, or at least try to stay calm," Alex said, trying to reassure her.
"Okay. I can do this," Lana said, steeling herself for the task that lay before her.
Alex then went on to revive Artemis and the others. Artemis hugged him when she had her bearings again and told him he was a sight for sore eyes. Jaden told him that he was glad he was back. Nick just looked at him as if to thank him.
Five demons barged in through the rear entrance, one with a sword, and the others with pikes. Alex knew that the ones with the pikes had been guarding the doors between here and the rear entrance when they first landed, but that didn't explain the one with the sword. Alex then got the feeling that he was going to be made the king.  However, when they saw the four dragons who had been dead only moments before alive and well, then Alex and the newcomer, they froze, knowing they were in deep trouble. Alex then noticed that his shield as well as Lana's had worn off. He recast their shields and at the same time, he cast shields around Artemis and the others. He could tell that Jaden appreciated the stronger shield.
"Alex, could you teach me an attack spell? I don't want to be totally useless for this," Lana asked.
"Absolutely," Alex said with a smile. He then taught her the lightning spell that was his favorite.
Artemis only noticed the newcomer when she spoke. She would have to ask Alex about her, but now was not the time for that. Now was the time to kick some demon tail.
Lana took out two of the pike men with the lightning spell that Alex had just taught her. She noticed that hers weren't as powerful as his, as it took two tries for each of them before they fell. That was alright. She would probably get better the more she practiced it.
Artemis took out the other two pike men with her own lightning bolts. She could tell that the newcomer was jealous of the fact that she had taken both of them out with the first shots. She then realized that Alex hadn't told her that anger was what increased the power of attack spells. If Alex forgot to tell her, Artemis would.
After the pike men were down, Alex charged at their leader with Shadowsbane and felled him with a vicious two-handed strike. After fighting his father, it was sadly too easy. It meant that this demon wouldn't have been a quarter of the king Alex was. Now to go back for Felicia and the Heartwoods.
"I hate to ruin a party, but there are others who need me now," he said. "However, I will be back soon," he added.
Alex ran back the way he came. He saw the Heartwoods on his way and told them he'd be back. They wished him luck as he continued. He arrived in the main courtyard to find everyone dead, including Felicia. He looked around, but saw no sign of enemies. Perhaps the one with the sword had killed Felicia and the others before Alex killed him.
Alex revived Felicia again and she looked at him like he was her hero. He hugged her and she kissed him. She then looked like she had just remembered something important.
"The demon who killed me was carrying a sword. He seemed to be the only one with such a weapon. Be careful, he may still be around," she said.
"Don't worry. I think I already killed him in the throne room. He went in through the rear entrance with the guards who were between those locations," Alex replied.
"He was out here when he killed me. He couldn't have made it to the throne room through the rear entrance in so little time. There was obviously another one," she said in a panicked tone.
"They can fly, too, remember?"
"Oh, right. My mind is still a little hazy. Sorry if I sound stupid."
"You're not stupid. Don't beat yourself up over forgetting that. I love you."
"I love you, too."
They kissed and then got to reviving everyone else. When it was done, everyone looked at Alex like he was their savior. He guessed he was, as he had liberated all of the races from the Demon King's iron-fisted rule, and then revived them.
"Alright, everyone. Follow me. We have one more brief stop between here and the throne room. I hope all of you can move, now" Alex instructed.
Everyone complied. After being revived, they would follow their king anywhere he wanted them to go. Felicia fell in beside Alex and held his hand. They continued until they came across the Heartwoods. The family fell in with everyone else and then they continued to the throne room.
When Artemis, Lana and the others saw Alex come in with Felicia and everyone they had revived, as well as the Heartwood family, they knew what had taken so long. Artemis and Lana walked up to Alex as if they wanted to talk to him about a thing or two. Alex would hear them out, as Lana was his cousin and Artemis was his best friend.
"Lana tells me she's your cousin and Serena tells me she has an important role, but won't say what. However, Serena also told me to ask you about it," Artemis started.
"If Serena and I aren't mistaken, Lana is a sorceress who has her own prophecy separate to the one about me, but overlapping mine in some areas. I'll be training her in magic," Alex answered.
"Speaking of that, you never told me that different emotions affected each of the different types of magic," Lana continued.
"Sorry. I got caught up in the moment and forgot to mention that. In total honesty, though, for me, it wasn't just my emotions that affected my spells. My then-dormant Dragon God contributed to them as well. I had almost forgot the bit about emotions, myself. It comes to me as automatically as breathing now."
Felicia looked at Lana with new respect. Prophecies seemed to run in their family, but it was still impressive. Lana would probably never be nearly as powerful as Alex, but she would still have a considerable amount of power, once fully trained. One thing was for certain, though: she would learn from the best.
"Anyhow, now that the demons are dealt with, we can finally rest easier knowing they won't be able to try this again. I suggest we celebrate for today, then Lana can begin her training tomorrow," Artemis said.
"Felicia will also begin her lessons with me tomorrow," Serena added. "I will give Lana lessons in strategy first, and then give Felicia lessons in ruling afterwards. I hope you ladies don't mind," she continued.
"Not at all," Felicia replied.
"I certainly don't mind. If I'll have the rest of my lessons with Alex, then the sooner the better," Lana added.
"Good. I'm glad we see eye to eye," Serena finished. "Now, Alexander. Would you mind telling me about your trip to your home world?"
"Well, it was uneventful, overall. My mother fainted when she saw me and heard that I'm a dragon. I carried her to the couch and Felicia and I watched her until she recovered. Lana came over a little later and I scared off her ex-boyfriend, who was a total jerk. Other than that there's not really much to talk about," Alex answered. He hoped Felicia wouldn't mention that she had fainted when they landed, or that he had been shot. Thankfully, she didn't.
"You make it sound like it was less eventful than it was, Alexander. I hope nothing bad happened outside of Lana's ex-boyfriend's presence."
"Well, okay. Felicia fainted and fell off of my back when we landed, but I carried her out of the forest where we landed. I was also shot by a law enforcement officer, but the wound wasn't fatal, thankfully. The air of my home world limits magic, so Felicia couldn't heal me while we were there, but I had the projectile removed and the wound wrapped in a bandage by the local physicians. I was surprised I was able to ignore the pain for as long as I did, though." Alex purposely left out the fact that Lana had reported his landing in the forest. He could tell that she appreciated that.
"It sounds like it was still more eventful than you're letting on. Is there anything else you would like to share?"
"Oh yeah! Artemis, you were right when you said I would change for the better. My mother pointed that out when I went to see her," Alex said, remembering that he had wanted to tell her that.
Artemis nearly wept as she jumped into Alex's arms and hugged him. He was so much taller than her that she had to jump to give him a proper hug. She loved him as she would a brother, so it went without saying that they both felt comfortable hugging each other. Because most of the others knew this, they were okay with it, as well. However, Lana looked like she wanted to ask her cousin what the hug was all about.
Alex noticed that Lana felt a little uncomfortable in seeing Artemis jump into his arms like that. She knew that he was engaged to Felicia, but obviously didn't know the relationship between her cousin and Artemis. He would have to explain it to her sometime, but not while everyone else was here. Thankfully, she didn't seem like she would ask him about it yet. She seemed to understand him better than most. Alex was actually glad for that because she was his cousin and he would have become embarrassed if she did ask him with everyone else here. He decided he would tell her tomorrow before she started training under him. He would also have to ask Serena if he should teach her to see magical energies as well. Seeing as they were both here, though, now was as good a time as any.
"Serena, I just realized something about Lana's training. Should I teach her to see magical energies, or what's the story there?" He asked.
"If you want to train her in that, then by all means. If you're not up to it, though, I can train her in that at the end of the day," was Serena's answer. "However, if you want to do it, I'll have to teach you a warding spell. That is demon magic, though."
"Don't worry. I know that the invisibility and enemy detection spells are also demon magic and I have no regrets about learning them. I'll train Lana in seeing magical energies."
"Good. Meet me in the library later and I'll teach you the warding spell. Come to think of it, I would also like you to teach Lana the invisibility and enemy detection spells, as well."
"I'll do that when she graduates from whichever lessons she graduates from first. Keep me posted on her training in strategy so I'll be able to decide when I'll teach her the invisibility and enemy detection spells."
"I'll do that, Alexander. That should, theoretically, be the first class that she will graduate from. From what I understand, it was the first one you graduated from."
"It was," Alex affirmed.
"However, don't bother training her in swordplay. That is an unlady-like art unless the lady in question is the queen."
"In that case, I might have to train Felicia in swordplay after Lana graduates from a couple of her lessons with me. However, if Felicia doesn’t want to learn it, I won’t force her to,” Alex said.
"I’d rather not, but thank you, Alex. I realize that you offered it partially so that I would be able to defend myself, but I really don’t like it,” was Felicia’s response.
“Alright. I think I understand why you don’t like it. From what I understand, Alexstrasza died in a sword fight with my father,” Alex empathized.
"That’s not the only reason I don’t like it, but it’s the main reason,” Felicia answered.
They celebrated Alex's triumph over the demons with games like chess, dice, checkers, and cards. Alex noticed that he was much better at chess than he remembered, and it wasn't from his opponents letting him win. He won the chess tournament, besting even Serena at it.
Lana remembered a time when she could easily best her cousin at chess, but somehow, he managed to trounce her, like Germany had trounced France in both of the world wars, without losing any of his power pieces. She shrugged it off as her being out of practice, but she knew that he really was better than her now. He had obviously been improving his tactics while he was here.
Felicia won the checkers tournament, and wasn't surprised when her fiancé won the chess tournament. However, she had the feeling that Lana had been better at it than him at one point. She certainly acted as if this was the first time that he had bested her at it. Even he seemed surprised to have beat her so easily, but Felicia knew that he had taken strategy lessons before these tournaments, which probably contributed to his victory.
Artemis won the cards tournament and was surprised that Alex bested Serena at chess. Then she remembered that Serena had taught him strategy, but he had been a master of tactics even before then. Lana seemed surprised when he trounced her, though. He did it without losing any of his power pieces, too. Artemis was jealous because she had played chess against Serena once and had lost miserably. If she were to play against Alex, he would probably beat her with ease.
Jaden won the dice tournament, with Nick taking second place. This was the first time he beat Nick at dice, and Nick congratulated him on his victory. It seemed Nick was gracious in his losses, which Jaden was glad for. If Nick had beat him again, he would have congratulated him, but he congratulated Nick on second place anyways. He was learning to be humble in his victories. Perhaps Alex had had a greater influence on him than he realized. Speaking of Alex, his cousin was gorgeous. Jaden was considering asking her out on a date. He hoped Alex wouldn't mind. He would ask Alex if he would be okay with it before asking Lana out. If Alex wasn't okay with it, Jaden would respect his wishes. Alex had revived him and burned Judas' soul, after all. The soul-burning had seemed unbearably painful based on Judas' screaming. That was good. He had deserved something that painful for murdering Jaden's infant brother. Jaden wouldn't have cared how Alex would have punished Judas as long as it was painful. He walked over to Alex and asked if he had a moment.
"Sure, Jaden. What do you want to talk to me about?" Was Alex's reply.
"I was wondering if you would be okay with me asking your cousin out," Jaden answered.
"Absolutely. You should know, though, that her ex-boyfriend was abusive, so she might not be ready for dating, just yet. I wish you luck nonetheless."
"Thank you, Alex. You're a good friend, and a great king. I owe you."
"Don't worry about it, Jaden. You're a pretty good friend, too. You trained me in defensive magic and swordplay. If you hadn't, I wouldn't have beat the Demon King in the duel."
"Anyhow, I'll let you know how it goes. If what you said about her ex-boyfriend is true, I'll be very lucky if she says yes," Jaden said before walking towards Lana.
"Hi, you must be Jaden. Alex told me a bit about you," Lana said when Jaden approached her.
"That's me. I taught your cousin defensive magic and swordplay, though from what I've heard, he's going to be training you. You'll be learning from the best, that's for sure," Jaden replied.
"I've heard. I used to be able to beat him at chess on any given day. Today, though, he beat me. I'm not sure what to make of that, to be honest."
"That's okay. Nick used to beat me at dice every time we played it. It actually felt good to beat him this time, but I'm glad he made second place."
"I made third place in chess. That was the first time I made anything but first place. I feel like if I had been given the chance, I would have beat Serena, but they put me up against Alex before he played against her."
"I wouldn't be so sure. He didn't lose any of his power pieces to you. He lost his queen to Serena," Jaden pointed out.
"He got it back, though, and in doing so, he put her in checkmate. That really makes me wonder what he would do if Felicia died," Lana responded.
"She's already died at least twice. He revived her both times," Jaden said in answer to Lana's indirect statement. "Come to think of it, he did it with the tears of the Dragon God the second time, which also had the effect of turning her into a Monarch Dragon. Before that, she was a Lesser Dragon," he added.
"Huh. Not much wonder she loves him so much," Lana stated.
"There's more to it than that, but that is a small part of it," Jaden replied. "By the way, would you like to go someplace sometime?" He asked.
"Are you asking me out?" Lana asked.
"Yes. If you're not ready--" Jaden started.
"Yes!! I don't know this world as well as you do, so you should pick a place to go." Lana exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him.
Alex watched Jaden's interaction with Lana from a distance and when she shouted, “Yes,” while wrapping her arms around Jaden, his mouth opened. He hadn't been expecting that to happen, but it seemed luck was on Jaden's side today. First, he had beat Nick at dice, now this.
"Are you trying to catch flies, Alex?" Artemis joked, noticing that Alex's mouth was open.
"No," Alex replied, laughing. "Jaden just asked my cousin out and she said yes. Luck seems to be on his side today," he explained.
"They would make a cute couple," Artemis replied.
"I guess. I wasn't expecting the outcome to be favorable for him, though. I guess what I told her about him left a greater impression on her than I realized."
"It could have been something that he said, too."
"Here they come now. They don't look happy, but that's a mask," Artemis stated.
"They're in for a surprise," Alex replied.
Jaden and Lana approached Alex's table. They had decided to surprise him, and Lana looked furious, while Jaden looked terrified. Alex remained seated.
"This man asked me out!! Can you believe it?!" Lana exclaimed.
"I honestly did not see that coming," Alex said, playing along.
"Yeah! And then he tells me he had your approval."
"Can't say he didn't."
"Thank you, cousin. I've been waiting for someone to ask me out. We're going to the shrine later today."
"I'm happy for you both. Just stay away from where we first arrived, okay?" Alex said, expressing how he felt about them.
"Why should we stay away from there? I noticed it had some sort of significance for you and Felicia," Lana asked.
"That's where she and I first kissed," Alex answered.
"Well...that was blunt," Lana stated.
"As far as I'm aware, that's really the only way of saying it," Alex replied.
"Okay. I feel like I missed something," Jaden said.
"That couldn't have been helped. You didn't come with Felicia and myself. So in truth, you didn't really miss anything," Alex reassured.
"Okay. I'm glad I didn't really miss anything. Where should we go?"
"I recommend the lake. It certainly is beautiful there," Alex answered.
"Good idea. I think we'll go there, if that's alright, Lana," Jaden said.
"I completely agree! I've always wanted to have a date over by a lake," Lana replied.
"Just make sure you're back for your lessons tomorrow," Alex said.
"We'll come back a little while later. Don't worry," Lana responded.
"Alright. I just hope that you're as good with promises as I am with mine," Alex replied.
"On a different note, Jaden tells me that you've revived Felicia twice," Lana said, changing the subject.
"Three times," Alex corrected. "I also saved her twice," he added.
"When was the third time you revived her and when was the second time you saved her?" Jaden asked.
"When I went back for her earlier, I found her dead and revived her. As for the second time I saved her, when we were flying through space to get to my home world, she saw something that amazed her and fell off of my back, but I managed to catch her in time," Alex answered.
"I see," Jaden responded.
"Anyhow, I think Jaden and I should start making our way to the shrine," Lana said, breaking the silence.
"Take care of yourselves," Alex replied.
"We will," Lana responded, hugging Alex and kissing his cheek.
Alex saw them go out into the main courtyard and then Jaden went into dragon form. Lana climbed onto his back and he cast a shielding spell before taking off. Alex could tell that Jaden was struggling with the weight a little bit, but Jaden didn't have the same level of strength that Alex had.
Felicia approached Alex and he turned towards her and kissed her. She knew something was going on between his cousin and Jaden, but didn't know what. She asked him and was surprised by his answer.
"He asked her out and she said yes. However, he came to me first and asked me if I would be okay with it. To be honest, I'm happy for them. After what my cousin's ex put her through, Jaden is an improvement. They'll be good for each other."
"I hope you're right. Your cousin deserves a good man and Jaden may just be that man."
"Exactly my thinking."
"Should we tell Serena about it?" Felicia asked.
"If you want to, we can. I'm sure she wouldn't mind. However, keep in mind that Nick might not approve," Alex answered.
They both laughed and then went to tell Serena about it. Things were looking good for everyone. Alex and Felicia were the King and Queen of the dragons and Lana had met Jaden. Plus, they wouldn't be troubled by demons anymore. All was well.

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