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The minute they arrived at the tree, Felicia kissed Alex passionately. It became mutual again and gained more passion as they kept it up until about a half hour before dark, at which point Felicia was too dizzy to keep it up any longer. Alex held her and she briefly wondered how he wasn't feeling dizzy, then remembered that he was from a different world and a little older than her, and figured she was probably better off in ignorance. They went to third base as soon as the sun had completely set.

Alex made sure to clean up before his lessons the following day. When he arrived for his swordplay lessons, he found Jaden mysteriously dead. He used his sadness to revive Jaden. When Jaden came back, he looked up at Alex like he was some newly found wonder of the world.
"Not that I'm ungrateful, but I was murdered last night, in my sleep. How were you able to revive me? I know Felicia taught you how, but most things usually stay dead after so long," he stated.
"Apparently, I'm better at it than Felicia. Yesterday, I revived a deer that she was unable to," Alex answered.
"And I laughed when Artemis admitted that your attack spells pack significantly more punch than hers. Hearing this makes me a little insecure about the strength of my shields in comparison to yours," Jaden responded. "However, you probably came for your swordplay lessons," he finished.
Jaden started Alex off with the basic two-handed strikes for the first half and switched to complex one-handed maneuvers in the second half. This time, Jaden taught Alex how to parry with a one-handed sword. It didn't take Alex long to master it, but Jaden told him that he still needed to work on his disarming a bit more and that there were also more complex maneuvers than just those. Before Alex left, Jaden asked him a question that caught him off guard.
"Is it okay if I tell Serena that you were able to revive me?"
"Sure," Alex said, going with it.
Later, Alex was approached by Felicia again. He could tell that she was troubled by something, but he didn't know what. He listened to what she said, and he became troubled by it.
"Hi Alex. I got to thinking, and you shouldn't have been able to revive the deer after it had been dead for one hour. It had been dead for over three hours when I took you to it. That has me worried, so I think it's best if we just take a little while to sort it out. I hope you understand."
"It's alright. This morning, I revived Jaden after he had been dead for several hours and he basically said the same thing. Quite frankly, I'm worried because of that and the fact that my attack spells pack as much punch as they do. Jaden is going to be talking to Serena about it, so don't worry about addressing it with her," Alex responded.
"Oh. I didn't know you revived Jaden, but I guess you would be able to, after your performance with the deer yesterday. Nevertheless, that worries me even more," Felicia stated in a genuinely worried tone.
"I think it's best if we take some space in the meantime," Alex replied.
"I agree," Felicia finished.

While Alex spoke with Felicia, Jaden spoke with Serena about what had happened that morning. Her response scared him. He had been hoping that this wasn't the case, but it seemed that the cosmos was being cruel.
"Based on what you just told me, and how powerful Alexander's attack spells are, I now know that he has another entity within him. He is still the Dragon Wizard, but he is also a dormant Dragon God, and that scares me," said Serena.
"Why does it scare you? Wouldn't a Dragon God be what we need to defeat the demons?" Jaden questioned.
"No. A Dragon God is the last thing we need right now. An awakened Dragon God is almost impossible for its host to control, and powerful enough to destroy every world in existence. Alexander is a threat to both sides of this war, but there's nothing we can do now. I just wish I had realized it sooner," Serena answered.
"Better late than never," Jaden responded.
"True," Serena affirmed.
"So what do we do now? Should I tell the others?" Jaden asked.
"Leave that to me," Serena finished.

That night, Serena met with the rest of Alex's former instructors, including Felicia. She had asked Jaden to come as well. She needed his presence to affirm the matter she needed to address.
"As all of you know by now, Alexander is exceptionally gifted with attack spells. However, it has come to my attention that he is also gifted with resurrection. I have heard that Felicia knows this as well, but it is not that which concerns me the most. It is what it signifies that worries me," Serena started.
"I know what you're talking about. I was thinking about it earlier, and it worries me, as well," Felicia put in.
"Yes, but you probably don't know what happened this morning," Serena stated. However, she was glad that she wasn't the only one who was worried.
"Actually, I do. Alex told me earlier that he revived Jaden several hours after he had died." The others gasped, but Felicia knew it was better for them to know about it.
"I'm glad that he told you, though I wasn't expecting it," Serena replied. "However, you probably don't know why it worries me. It's not just the fact that he shouldn't have been able to do it that worries me. As I said earlier, it is what it signifies that worries me. I have come to the realization that Alexander is, in fact, a dormant Dragon God." Serena held nothing back this time.
"Oh, no. I thought for sure that Alex wouldn't be able to take that form. Hearing this makes me even more worried than I already was," Felicia responded.
Alex was a dormant Dragon God? She was worried about him more than herself and the others. Part of her still loved him. He had given her confidence, and she was still grateful for that, but now she was fearful of what he might become. He would not be able to control it if it awoke. She hoped with all of her heart that it would never happen, but part of her knew that it would. When she began to cry, Jaden walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder. She appreciated the gesture, but right now she wished she was in Alex's arms. Then she realized that that might not be the best, and recovered.
"Should one of us tell him?" Artemis asked, breaking the silence.
"No, nor should you initiate a conversation with him. Jaden may still speak with him, but only about and during training. If he tries to initiate a conversation, just tell him to talk to me. I will tell him, if he comes to me. After that, you are free to talk to him, but don't get personally involved with him," Serena answered.
Felicia wanted nothing more than to run and find Alex after hearing that, but she kept her composure. Alex was the type of person who was difficult to forget, so she would have to make every effort to distance herself from him. She had a feeling that Artemis and Jaden would have to make similar efforts, as well.
Artemis felt guilty for bringing Alex here. She had known that he was the Dragon Wizard, but finding out that he was also a dormant Dragon God completely changed things. He was nice, but he was also a threat to this world and all others. Her perspective of him was already changing completely, but she had a feeling that he might not want to talk to her or the others outside of training once he found out.
Jaden was feeling totally numb and was at a loss for what to say. Alex had revived him, but that was what had led up to this. He hoped Alex wouldn't take it personally, but he had a feeling that he would.

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