Chapter two

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When i reach the cafe i go in and find a seat, i still cant stop thinking about my mum, i mean i knew we had our differences and we had a lot of fights but i still though she cared. I still thought she loved me, i guess not.

Im snapped from my thoughts when someone talks.
" what can i get you?" The waitress was a young girl with long blond hair, about 17.
"Can i have a tea please?"
"Sure ill be right back with it it"

I looked through my bag. I Packed with some clothes, tooth brush and toothpaste, phone charger and purse, just before i left, after all i dont know whats going to happen. I don't even know who I'm waiting for, i don't know what they look like or there last name to look for them.

The waitress brought my tea over and left so i just sat scrolling through Facebook on my phone not noticing the cafe filling up around me. Im so tired,  after all it is 11pm and i was up early, i can feel my self falling asleep with my head resting on my hand. When two men sit on the other side of the booth from me.
"Sorry, you don't mind if we sit here do you, theres no more seats anywhere else." 
The guy who spoke was a young man, he was tall with fairly long brow hair.
The guy next to him was a bit shorter with short spiked up hair and green eyes. Its not till the guy clears his throat that i realize i hadn't answered i was just looking at them.
"Oh Yh, sorry about that I'm just tired, of corse you can. Im leaving soon anyways."
I tell them deciding i will give it about another 20 minutes and then go home to sleep and think of something in the morning.

"If you don't mind me asking how old are you and whats a kid doing sat here at this time alone?"  The shorter one asked. "Do you need a ride anywhere, we have a car just outside." He asked again. I cant get in a car with strangers but i might not have another choice i don't think i can go back home, i will just remind me that she left me. They must have noticed i was a bit scared and a bit nervous. "You can tell us if you need help." The taller one said. Should i tell them, they look friendly and they might be able to help me. They might know who my mum was or something, quite a few people know each other in this small town.
"Im 17, I'm not sure if i need a ride or not yet or even if i should be telling you all of this. And Im not actually sure what I'm doing here i came home from school to find a note from my mum saying shes left me and i need to come here and find two guys to help me. I don't know who they are or what they look like all she told me was their names were Sam and Dean. I mean I've never even heard of them. And now i don't even know if they're here."
I stoped talking, realizing that the guys were just looking at me then at each other and back to me. I don't why i told them all that but they looked nice, like i could trust them. Oh god please say i can trust them.

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