Chapter five

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Its been 2 years now since i met Sam and Dean and for the first year it was great. A few hours After they told me about hunting we got to bobbys and from then i started training. I became close to bobby, he became like a father/ uncle figure to me pretty quickly. Considering i never had a dad, it was nice, he would help me, he let me stay with him while the boys were hunting and i trained and of course taught me about the lore of most supernatural things .
Dean taught me how to fight and shoot, he became like a brother to me instantly. He would protect me and even teach me about the impala how to look after her. And he was always there when it all got a bit to much for me.
And Sam, he taught me how to research and find out what monster it is we are hunting. Me and Sam grew close to, but like he was my best friend, he was always there when i wanted advise. Or when i need to talk or couldn't sleep. And as much as i don't want to admit it i think i started to get feelings for him. But thats before he broke his promise.

About 9 months after i met them, they told me about the deal Dean made, that he was dying and there was no way for us to stop it. And for two months after we tried finding different ways of getting him out of it but there was none. I wasn't prepared to lose him yet but we did and i still have nightmares about that day.

Im waiting outside a house where we had tracked Lilith to, we were going to kill her and break Deans deal. They made me wait out side and keep watch while they went in for her. I will admit that I'm a bit nervous, i mean any day now Dean is due to be dragged to hell and I'm terrified and i can tell he is too.
I have been stood here for about an hour and a half now, should i go in and check they're ok? No, i promised Dean i would wait here until they come out.

After another half an hour Sam is storming out.
"Hey Sam. Did you get her? Wait wheres Dean?" I kept questioning Sam but he just kept walking past me and got in the car. With out even looking at me, keeping a straight look on his face, so i cant tell what he's thinking. He's just driving of without me? Why has he just left me? What am i suppose to do and where is Dean?

Quickly following where Sam has just come from i run inside, to find Dean. I keep a look out for any demons holding my gun up just in case. I finally push open the door to what im guessing is the office? And all i can see is blood.
"No. No. No. Dean!!" I screamed. Dean is dead in the floor, ripped to shreds, why did Sam just run out and leave me with this. How could he do that, he promised me that he wouldn't leave me when they took Dean. He promised me that he wouldn't leave me and we would stay together, carry on helping people together, help each other.
Oh god, what do i do.
I quickly pull out my phone and call bobby.
"Bobby? Bobby he's gone, Deans dead and don't know what to do. Sams  just left he took the car and left me here Bobby!" I cried, not giving Bobby chance to talk first.
I can hear Bobby telling me he's on his way, through my sobs. 

As i hear Bobby's car pull up outside. At this point I've stoped crying. Im just sat staring at the wall Deans head in my lap. Stroking his hair, i just feel empty. As bobby walks in, i slowly lift Deans head up and take of his amulet and putting it in my pocket. Giving him a kiss on the forehead before i get up and go to hug Bobby.

*Flashback over*

After we got Dean in the car and we got back to Bobby's, i begged Bobby to bury Dean instead of giving him a hunters funeral. After he agreed we said a few words for him and made a cross to mark his grave.
I kept his amulet, i always wear it, it reminds me of him. I miss him so much, and i miss Sam to, i don't know how to cope with it anymore.
I waited at Bobbys for weeks, waiting for sam to come back. To keep his promise but he didn't so i left. Ive done some hunting my self. Ive spent most of my time staying in cheep motels and traveling on busses.

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