Chapter four

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I must be in a car, i can feel it moving, I slowly pry my eyes open, the sun shining in my eyes. Suddenly i remember what happened last night and shot up to see where i was.
Dean is driving and sam is sat in the passenger seat, music, AC/DC i think, is plying quietly.
"How did i get in the car and where are we going?" I decide to break the silence and ask.
"Ah, sleepy heads awake Sammy." Dean says in a joking manner.
"I carried you to the car when you feel asleep in the cafe, i hope you don't mind but you we couldn't wake you up. We're heading to a friend of ours, bobby. We don't really have a home so we stay with him most of the time." Sam says trying to explain everything to me.
"No its ok, thank you i really needed some sleep. Do you know what the whole ghost thing is about, am i going crazy because ghosts aren't real. Are they?" I ask getting slightly worried that i might be going crazy.

I can see them both giving each other side glances, as if having a discussion with the minds in whether they should tell me what they know.
"Please tell me" I beg.
"Look kid theres stuff you don't know and i don't think you want to, but i promise you your not going crazy." Dean told me trying his best not to say anymore.
"No please tell me, its obviously important. I do want to know, i really do and its not like i have anything to lose." I plead, wanting to know the truth, and its right i have nothing else to lose do i.
"Okay Sammy, you can tell her"
"Well thanks Dean, look Y/N " Sam started, looking at me.
"Theres things out there, things most people don't think are real" he continues, pausing in between. "Things like ghosts and monsters such as werwolves and vampires and even more. Anything from stories and films, there all real. And there are also hunters, people who hunt these monsters and kill them to keep people safe. And me and Dean are hunters." He says finishing. After rushing out the last bit and looking at me to see how i will react.

They must be crazy, surely, but after all I've seen this week. Is it all true. It must be, why would they lie. I just slowly nod to Sam still trying to take it all in, not quite trusting my voice yet.
I do believe them, i feel like i can trust them already, and little did i know we would become closer. I would become one of the hunters he just told me about and we would become like a family.

So the next chapter is going to be a couple of years later, after deans been to hell.

I found somewhere i belong - supernatural story  Where stories live. Discover now