Chapter 6

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I slammed the door to the dirty motel room shut behind me as i leave. I have to leave toady because last night while i was walking back from a diner my bag got stollen again. It first happened about 5 months ago so i already had to replace everything once including my phone, so i haven't had Bobbys number to call him.
When they took my bag last night it had my purse and my new phone in it and all my new clothes. So i have no money to pay for another night and no more food i just have enough change to get me on a bus to Bobby's.
Hopefully he will have a room for me for a few nights and possibly a car, i don't know his number to call him and ask either so i will have to see when i get there. And i pry to god that Sams not there. Im not ready to see him, not yet, i don't think id be able to cope if i did.
I would be lying if i said that i hadn't thought about ending it all, just giving up, because i just cant stand been alone anymore. But i cant do that, i don't have the guts.

*next day*

Its about 6pm when i eventually reach the drive way into Bobbys. Taking a deep breath before i start heading down, hoping Bobby wont be mad at me for not calling him.
I sigh in relief when i notice the impala isn't there. Slowing walking up the steps, i knock on the door and wait for Bobby to answer. I can feel my heart speeding up, thumping in my chest as i hear the door start to open.
"Hey Bobby" i say smiling a bit, glad he hasn't shouted at me yet or shut the door on me.
"Where have you been kid, i haven't heard from you for over 6 months now. I was worried sick. Ya idjit!" He raised his voice a bit, with concern. He pulled me into a hug and i just accepted it, i really need a hug i mean I've been by myself for almost a year.
"Im so sorry Bobby but my phone was stollen so i lost your number. Bobby i was kinda wondering if you had a room i could stay in for a few nights. You see my bag was stollen again last night so i have no more clothes and no more money for a motel." I asked smiling up at him with the best puppy look i could.

He pulled away and stepped aside letting me in the house.
"Of course you can, stay as long as you need. You know where the spare rooms are, go take your pick." He says pointing to the stairs.
"Thank you Bobby"
As i start heading up the stairs he stops me. "Y/N theres something i best tell you first" he says in serious tone.
"Is it important? or can it wait till morning? I haven't slept a wink in the past two days, i might end up passing out on ya."
"No, you go get some rest i will tell you in the morning"

As i get to the room i just take of my jeans and lay under the covers. I eventually fall asleep while keeping my hand on the amulet i keep around my neck, hoping for a nightmare free sleep.

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