Chapter 8

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After a while the silence is broken, when someone elses voice i had missed so much. Someone else i hadn't seen months.
"Y/N?" He repeats, trying to get my attention. I had missed his voice almost as much as Deans. And hearing it almost hurt as much, but for a different reason.
"Sam" i trying saying with no emotions? I don't want him to know how much he hurt me.

"You scared us there. Where've you been lately, we couldn't find you" sam try's asking, and i can hear the sympathy in his voice but that only makes me angry.
"Where have i been? Ive been alone, after you left me!"
"Im so sorry-" i cut him of, not wanting to hear it. Slowly standing up i get more and more angry with him now.

"Oh You're sorry! Well guess what, Sammy! Its to late! Ive been alone for a whole year, you just left me sam! You left me there when i didn't even know what had happened in that house! You left me alone for this past year! And i get that you were hurt, your brother died! But you know what, the two people i could trust most were gone, one taken from me and the other left me! For a whole year i was alone, and i couldn't take it! You know i was about ready to end it all! You said you wouldn't leave me, You promised me you wouldn't do that! You broke your promise, i cant believe i trusted you" the last part barely a whisper, but i couldn't help the tears flowing. I quickly turned around heading up the stairs, just wanting to get away from him.
"Y/N please-"
"No sam you obviously didn't care about me, so don't start pretending now" i continued up the stairs and into my temporary room. I just let my self curl up on the bed, letting the tears and sobs come.

Now its been about an hour, i haven't moved yet. I cant bring my self to go down stairs, i cant believe i just lost it like that. I cant lose them again, even though sam hurt me and i wont trust him again for awhile. But i don't want to lose them again, and if he leaves then so will Dean.

After, i don't know how long, a soft knock interrupts my thoughts.
"Y/N, can i come in." Its Dean.
"Yh" my voice is quite and scratchy.
Slowly opening the door he walks in and lays in front of me on the bed, wrapping his arms around me.
"Look, Y/N/N, I'm sorry for what he did, believe me i was pissed at him for it when i found out. But he really is sorry, he feels awful, and he hasn't been able to forgive him self. You should have seen him when we were looking for you, he wouldn't give up. But he hasn't had an easy year either, neither of us have. So if you come down stairs we will explain it all to you, and maybe you can start to forgive him. Please." I can feel my heart starting to speed up, beating against my ribcage. Scared to face him.
"Ok." I whispered, looking Dean in the eyes i can see he really wants me to hear them out. I have to do it for him.

*one hour later*

"Right so, you were in hell for four months, to you 40 years, until you were saved by an angel called Castiel. Then you both had to try and stop Lilith, the demon, from breaking the seals to release Lucifer. Then, after been fed demon blood as a baby, sam drank demon blood, to gain powers to kill demons. Which this Ruby chick, who was another Demon, tricked him into using to release Lucifer.
And now you are the vessel for Michael and Sams Lucifers. Who want to use you both to have a fight to bring on the apocalypse." I rush out, still trying to wrap my head around it all.
"Oh and you had another brother called Adam."
Wow they really have had a shitty year.

I can feel all of them watching me. They all have a look on there face, one saying they still have something they haven't told me. Sam is the first one to speak.
"Yh, and I'm going to say yes to Lucifer, and try take control and jump back I'm the cage with him."
"What!" My eyes almost popping out of my head.
"Are you crazy! You are not saying yes to Lucifer! I wont let you!"
"Y/N, i don't want him to either but its the only choice we have. Just calm down." Dean try's, but i cant, my breathing wont slow down and I'm starting to feel sick.
"No! No I wont calm down, i wont let him doing this? I cant lose him again, any of you again! And what do you do if you cant control it, huh, what then! We will have to watch Lucifer bring hell to earth, looking just like you while slowly killing you!"

" No, i will fight back with all Ive got and throw him back in. I have to do this, i have done so much bad that i have to do this, i have to do something right!"
Sam argues back, I cant listen to this. I quickly run out of the door, finding an old car to sit in. I need some time alone, to think.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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