What to do with a Spanish Booty

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You know those christmas mornings when you wake up and roll your way to the bottom of the christmas tree. And you see that present your great great great uncle's boyfriend's sister's nephew's pet camel's father's younger sister's pet camel's pet camel got you. It's looks like two round things professionally wrapped with toilet paper and you're about to open it when the doorbell rings. You open the door and a stork threw a huge spanish ass at you face and says "Its your's now." Yea, those times.

So what to do with a random fucking spanish arse of a booty jiggles?
Use it as a drum,
a toaster, the crack is nice and warm for that.
A turntable,
a nose jobber, just put your face in it for a few hours.
A trampoline,
turtle bait,
Garden spray, just fill it with water and it'll spray your garden.
A sheild,
a stressball.

And if you still can't find something to do with it. *wears tophat, puts on monicle, lights cigarette, opens umbrella, puts handkerchief between crotch, inhales the british accent* You might as well fuck the bloody feces out of that ass boggling beuty.

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