1 Camelicious Morning

15 1 0

Collab with the dank @BelindaZoe

America burst into the meeting room, completely soaked, a bag of McDonald's in one hand and a cup of steaming coffee in the other. "Has the meeting started already?" he asked. "Of course, you bloody git," snapped England "You're late AGAIN, did you think we would wait for you?"

Fully aware that everyone was staring at him, he brought up a banned subject to take their attention off him. The subject was banned for a reason. But since America was... well... America, he ignored it. Drinks.

America: Sorry dude, but I was late cos I just had to get the best drink in the world! *holds up coffee*

Britain: *steam coming out of butt* WHAT! NO! My Earl Grey tea is the best!

America: Hell no dude! *starts chanting* COFFEE! COFFEE! COFFEE!

France: *sips wine* Ahon hon hon! No, it is le wine made by the gorgeous me, that is the greatest! Your coffee can easily be mistaken as shit water, you see.

Britain: God! My butt is on fire! *Pours tea on booty, results in more fire*

Russia: *pours vodka on britain*

Britain's butt: KA. BOOM.

Britain: *Is in 10 pieces* Bloody hell, dammit how am I supposed to take a shit now!?

China: *shrugs* You are all so immature, green tea is the best, aru! Right Japan?

France: Oh you and your exquisite leaf water~

Japan: *watching yoai in the corner* Wtf Donald Trump's hair x Donald Trump's eyebrows


Russia: *Strangles China with vodka because Russian beverages are even stronger than the chinese.* Yoa will be one with me, да(yes)?

China: NOOOOOOOOOO! *throws a wok at Russia* I will call Belarus.

Russia: Ain't a RusChi fan?

China: *takes out phone and dials "Belarus" *

~1.3957 seconds later~


America: Oh look its lady gaga!

France:*face palms but forgot is holding wine so he facepalms onto the wine*

Wine: Now's my dear it's not the time to make out.

Russia: *Crawls into panda suit* KOLKOLKOL NO ONE WILL FIND ME NOW


Britain: *strangling America*

America: *trying to shave Britain's eyebrows with razor*

Japan: *Camera on*

Greece: Meow *mistakes britain's brow as catnip, because the eyebrows were so afraid of the razor that they turned green and started shaking*

*Chases it*

Britain's eyebrows: *grows legs and runs away*

*Get's a job request from a modelling company*

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