"A" Part A - 's Programs

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(I've checked the grammar, there's no mistakes)

Somewhere over the rainbow, there is a special world, called "A World".

Every one meter, you will find a random sign that either says "This",  "Is",  "A" or "World".

In A World, Country 1, City 1, District 1, Street 1, Building 1, Room 1, Chair 2, sat A Human.

A Human senses you're OCD kicking in.

A Human moves to Chair 1.

A Human is now sitting on Chair 1, in Room 1, in Building 1, on Street 1, in District 1, in City 1, in Country 1, in A World.

A Human feels proud that it is sitting on A Chair.

While all the A Hobos are sitting on A Streets.

A Human gasps.

A Human needs to pee.

A Human sits on A Toilet.

A Human starts peeing.

A Human's pee spills out of A Toilet.

A Human looks at pee.

A Human thinks


A Human realises A Building is tilted.

A Human needs to find another building.

A Human needs to find a building that SELLS other buildings.

A Human walks.

A Human walks.

A Human turns left.

A Human walks.

A Human walks.

A Human turns left.

A Human walks.

A Human walks.

A Human walks.

A Human walks.

A Human turns right.

A Human walks.

A Human walks.

A Human walks.

A Human stopped in front of B Building.

A Human turns.

A Human walks more.

A Human stops in front of B Building.

A Human watches B Toilet roll out of B Building.

A Human enters B Building.

A Human hears a Human speak

"Shit another toilet monster!"

A Human feels the push force of A Shoe (worn by a Human) against A Human's buttocks.

A Human rolls out of B Building.

A Human follows B Toilet.

A Human follows B Toilet all around A World.

A Human and B Toilet makes it to news headlines.

Random toilet and Human travels around the world.

A Human follows B Toilet to A Shop.

A Human follows B Toilet to A Restaurant.

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