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Q: Why yo booty so big?

Spain: *Pops booty with a toothpick and tiny turtles come out*

Q: Why do you have so many white flags?

Italy: Austria gave me so much bleach I didn't know how else to use it.

Q: How in the potato?

Germany: There was this lonely orphan *sniffles* I could see why they did't adopt her, *One tear* poor hairless bumpy brown thing.

Q: *Presses skip button* Alright so why u so gay?

Japan: China put a bowl on me and shaved all the hair that was sticking out.

Q: Y r U gay?

France: blame Iggy.

Q: Why did you think Italy was a girl?

Austria: Colour blind

Q: Where did you learn doze skillz?

Hungary: Rapunzel

Q: Why u like Russia

Belarus: Scarf Fetish

Q: *Looks at her chest, eye brow raise*

Ukraine: I wished that my belly fat would go somewhere else.

Q: What are you going to dress up as on halloween?

Russia: Russia

Q: Does little red riding hood's granny get eaten by the wolf?

Romano: SAY WHUH NAW!? *takes out boom stick* AINT NO PUPPY GUNNA EAT OLD ROMANO

Q: What is the secret to you're beauty?

Prussia: All the old went to my hair.

Q: Eye brows, why?

Iggy: To attract the ladies.

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