Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Oso is at the bedroom door scratching to get out. Reluctantly I open my eyes then walk trancelike to let him out first my bedroom then family room door to the back yard. I am coming out of the bathroom when my house phone starts to ring.

“What do you want to do today?” Jeff sounds bright and bushy tail early this morning. Looking at my clock I correct that position. It is after eleven while I feel like I need another nap.

“I am going back to sleep. I am not on call this weekend so that is my big plan. Have you forgotten we were on the telephone until after three this morning?” I ask while I remember a night of reminiscing and quiet conversation. I had propped up in my bed with my thickest bed pillows. Talking was made better as I listened to the music Jeff was recording for a new CD mix. He asked me to make a few selections and I requested Luther Vandross’  “A House Is Not A Home”, Pattie LaBell’s “On My Own” and Johnny Hartman’s “My One And Only Love.” We were both very quiet and listening to the music when Johnny Hartman started to sing. I could hear Jeff’s soft breathing while Johnny was singing and wondered where Jeff was in his home but I was afraid to ask. Afraid he would say he was in bed too and I did not want to encourage feelings from our earlier time together. The very thought of Jeffery Evans was beginning to complicate my life especially now that I know he is capable of what I consider too casual dating arrangements. Yet his soft breathing makes me wish we were sharing my pillows and listening to Johnny in the same room, in the same bed and on the same system. I close my eyes and I can feel his lips on mine before he closed my car door. The thought of that kiss reminds me of his ‘your place or mine’ comment and I have to capture these thoughts or I will be the one rushing in. “Know what,” I say suddenly while sitting up in the bed and shaking my head to clear my thoughts, “We need some Earth Wind & Fire in this mix.” Jeff takes a deep breath and I sense for a second he can’t answer. Was he lost in the music too? When he does speak his voice is soft and full of emotion. “Earth Wind & Fire: How about Reasons, Shining Star and Can’t Hide Love?”

“Sounds like a plan,” I respond not really sure if we are on safe ground yet. I begged off because I was very tired from a long day and was soon asleep with a smile on my face.        

“Okay but after your nap what would you like to do?” He asks without pressure.

“I think I would like to see a movie and I would like you to pick the movie,” I say needing to spend more time with him but hoping he picks an action film.

“Not a problem. It’s been a while so there are several I would like to see. Baby, can we agree that we have reached a point where kissing you good night after a date is our next level? Last night felt good. Brief but good. I was trying not to push but longer would be nice.”

“Yes, longer would be nice.” I can feel his smile before he responds. “I will pick you up at six and we will get dinner then a movie. Get your nap and I will see you later.”

Now I am wide awake. This feels good.

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