Chapter 32

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Chapter 32                          

I walk up and down the hall a couple of times because of this restless energy cruising through my veins. I needed to talk with Jamey. What happened? Did her husband, John Mays, do this? Did he have anything to do with the fire? My car accident?

We know Jamie is alive and that helps. No matter the injuries, we will support her physical and emotional healing. If John is responsibility may he go to jail for a long time.  With luck he will go to jail for life.

I go back to the desk to call Elaine. Her phone goes to voice mail so I leave a message that Jamey is in the hospital and I will call later to bring her up to date.

Hanging up I remember Jamey was on Jeff’s list of concerns so I pick up the phone again to tell him the news. His cell phone goes to voice mail.  Janet said he would be working late when she called me to remind me the banquet was Saturday. I remember Angela Winbush is the entertainment for the event and get a little excited all over again. This will also be my first time at a special event with him and an opportunity to get dressed up.

I call the twins to ask about taking down by braids tomorrow then my stylist to tell her I needed a new do and could I come in Friday? I have the perfect dress with the price tags still on.

I want to talk to Jeff. We have been playing phone tag for a couple of days. I pick up the phone and call his residence phone which I seldom do. This time I will leave a message if he is not home.

“Hello.” An unfamiliar female voice says.

“I’m sorry I must have dialed the wrong number,” I say getting ready to hang up.

“Well maybe not. This is the Jeffery Evans residence. May I take a message?”

Time stands still. No. No. No.

“Yes, I am trying to reach Mr. Evans,” I reply in a most professional tone.

“Jeffery is downstairs with a client. May I take a message?”

“Thank you but I will try later.”

Wow does this feel familiar? First surprise. Then hurt. Then- no stop. I am not nineteen years old! I help women recover from unimaginable hurt and pain. We give them tools to turn their lives around. My plate is full. I have too much to do and I will not turn into a crying nineteen year old.

          Jeff is a grown single man and has the right to have anyone in his house he wishes. I say this to myself while seeing us sitting in the restaurant talking about his personal life. I can hear him say no one has a key to his place or the freedom to hang out there.         

          I walk to the back door and stand staring out. It does hurt. It hurts again. After a few minutes my daughter comes down the rear stairs.

“Let’s go to the Ponderosa on West Florissant in Jennings,” I say before she reaches the landing. It may sound like a question but I have picked up my purse and headed for the door. I hear Grace ask Rita if she would like a steak. Maybe we can leave Ponderosa and head over to the hospital. Maybe Jamey will still be asleep but if I can just see her face I will feel so much better. I continue to chatter like this in my head walking to the car, backing out of the drive and leaving the property.

          My phone is at the bottom of my purse vibrating. Grace’s phone rings as we turn onto West Florissant. She answers and I know in seconds it is Jeff. I raise my hand and shake my head no. No more talking and driving. Maybe no more time for Jeffery Evans.

          The Ponderosa lot is fairly full.   We walk into a line that reaches the door. The line moves quickly and soon we are seated and waiting for our steaks. Grace’s phone rings and I tell her I am going to the salad bar. I do not want to have a private conversation in such a public place nor in front of my daughter. At the salad bar a young woman seems to turn quickly and leave the area as I approach. I have a special sense and awareness when I am in crowds. So many people have come into my life at different times and season so I must be careful not to offend. Not always good at remembering names, I pride myself on seldom forgetting a face though sometime I have to think a minute to remember where the face belongs.

          Remembering is very important if the face belongs to a former shelter residence. Women are sometimes embarrassed to run into shelter staff. They may not want to be reminded of what may have been the worse period of their life.  Others choose to stay in touch and a few return to bring gifts at Christmas. 

          Glancing at her back and her profile as she turns to enter the kitchen,   I know I have seen her before but the place evades me.

          I return to the table with a salad for Grace and me to share. She informs me Jamey will be in IC for a few days. The waitress arrives with our salad. We look up to say thank you and realize she is a former resident.

“Thank you,” we say in unison.

“Can I get you refills?”

“Yes. Two diet Pepsi please.”

She turns to leave and we return to our salads without comments. The next move belongs to her as we must respect her confidentiality.

“I was in your shelter last year,” she states returning to our table with the 2 refills.”

“Yes, and how are your son and daughter,” Grace ask standing to give her a hug.

‘They are in Arkansas with my grandparents. I stayed a couple of months then came back here to finish school. They wanted to stay on the farm. You would not believe how my city kids have taken to the country. They are living the life. I finish school soon and I have decided to move to Arkansas.

“Well good for you,” I say “sounds like a real new start for you,”

“Well I have to go,” she says looking around the area where we are seated. “We are busy tonight.”  I stand and hug her and she hugs back and says in a very quiet voice, ”Thank you Miss Irene. One day I will pay you back.”

We smile at each other glad to know she seems to be doing well. I reach in my purse for a twenty dollar bill to leave as a tip. Grace does the same.

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