Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

By Monday I have stepped off the cloud. I have two speaking engagements this week and two volunteer trainings to do. I have copied   resource materials for all events and scheduled a hair appointment for Saturday’s banquet. Grace, June, and Rita are going with me to the banquet thanks to Jeff’s generosity. I don’t always have great success giving tickets away but this event is at the famous Chase Park Plaza Hotel and recording artist Angela Winbush is the special guest. Everyone wants to go and they are planning what to wear. I am taking Gracie shopping for a new dress and shoes after work this evening. It will give us some girl time and I want to check up on how things are with her in a more relaxed atmosphere.

We take a break in the food court at the Mills Shopping Center. I expect the speakers to start playing Christmas carols any minute as I survey our bags. Two women who haven’t shopped for a while are dangerous in a mall this size. I have two shopping bags and my daughter has three. All the bags are full and this does not include small bags containing jewelry and hair ornaments in our purses. We are sharing a small pizza and flavored water for me and Pepsi for Grace in the food court.

“How is school coming and when do you have time for socializing?”

“School is fine. How are you and Jeff coming along?”

“That was a quick change of subjects. We are good just taking things slow. Gracie, I feel too old for this dating thing. All the rules have changed and it takes so much energy. My plate was already full with the shelter. I haven’t been out with you or taken Oso to the groomers in months. How can I keep up with a man like Jeff? My life was tight but orderly until I did that speaking engagement. There he sat and I was soon in trouble.”

“Mother, Daddy would want you to be happy and I think that is what Jeff intends to do. He tries to be so professional but when he is around you everyone in the room knows you are his focus. Did you know your board is making wedding date bets? Today I found myself looking for a dress for Saturday and your wedding.”

“Whoa! What wedding date? We aren’t in wedding mode.”

“What mode are you in?”

“Talking on the phone a few times a week. Occassionally we attend a funding event but I prefer we drive separately. Talking after board meetings. A dinner after the board meeting Friday and a movie Saturday. Sunday we were discussing a play coming to town when his phone kept blowing up. We haven’t really talked since. The next call is on him.”

“Well, you aren’t in wedding mode but you sure are in happy mode.”

“I feel like I am coming out of a fog. I have been on auto pilot since your dad died. One day everything was fine then my life was upside down.  Look missy you are the one in happy mode running up my charge card. Time up and lets go.”

We left the mall feeling connected. I had been truthful with my daughter and with myself. I enjoyed our conversations and time together but my caution light was generally blinking when I was around Jeff. His behavior since Sunday was not gaining him brownie points but I wasn’t upset just taking things slow.  

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