Chapter 1

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I was unclear of where I was I could only remember the name of my brother his name is.....Thomas. It looked like I was in an elevator I fainted half way cause it was hot and I couldn't take the heat anymore I woke up and I was surrounded by boys
"It's another girl" said a boy who looked familiar. It was Thomas I think
"What another girl finally I'm not alone with you nuckle heads" A Girl said
She jumped into the elevator which now looked like a box. Cause it was up but deep and I would have to jump to get out of it. I looked at her
"Hi I'm Teresa" she said
"Hi...I'm umm..I'm... I don't now who I am" I said. She looked at me
"Do you recognize anyone here" Teresa asked me. I looked at Thomas well i am pretty sure it's Thomas he looks like a Thomas.
"You recognize Thomas" Teresa said
"Yes he's my brother that all I can remember, it hurts to remember" I said
I fell onto the ground I couldn't stand anymore. I was sitting in the ground until a boy jumped in and came towards me and looked at me he helped me up off the ground I couldn't stand so I fell on to him
"Sorry" I said embarrassed he looked a me and smiled then Thomas opened his mouth and blurted
"I remember now my sister, you, your name is Claire" Thomas said
"Claire, that's a beautiful name" said the boy who was holding me up
"Thanks" I questioned
I don't even know his name
"I'm Newt" he said. He picked me up and help me up on to the ground and Thomas grabbed my hands and pulled me up. Teresa and newt climb out
It wasn't that deep but I'm not very strong so I can't really help myself up
"Hi, I'm Mihno, I can show you around the glade" Minho said
I was going to respond but newt came and said something before me
"I'll show her around" Newt said
"I'll come" Teresa and Thomas said
We were walking around and they told me where I was . Then we stopped newt and Thomas put their arms infront of me and Teresa. I looked at Teresa I was very confused On What was going on
"Run" Newt said and we ran I looked behind me and saw this person running after us his skin was grey tho
"Don't look back just run" Newt said
"Why, what is that, who is he" I asked
Thomas was now beside me
"Just run, I'll tell you later" Thomas told me. I ran as fast as I could then I tripped on a tree root. Newt stopped and ran back to me. The boy was so close. Newt picked me up and began speed walking. He didn't run he walked fast we got back and other boys ran.
Minho knocked him out
"Come on let's go get your foot checked"Newt said
We walked to a small building made of wood and branches which is wood
Newt put me on a bed made of branches. He examined my foot he tapped on my foot which made me flinch cause it hurts
"Did that hurt"Newt asked me
"Yeah it hurt" I said
"You've got a sprained ankle" newt said
"Wow I'm only here for 1 hour and I already got hurt" I said bad threw my arms up in the air. A few moments later
Newt and Thomas helped me get in a bed, Newt was on one side and Teresa was on the other Thomas was in front of me. We were talking about what we're good at I couldn't really remember buy I'm pretty good and falling on my face in front of people
"I'm a good kisser"Newt said
"How exactly am I supposed to know you're not lying" I asked newt
"I do t know I guess there's only one way to find out" Newt said and kissed me. He was a good kisser he wasn't bad at all.
"Get a room" Teresa said
Thomas was talking to an other boy then turned around
"What and heck newt" Thomas said
Thomas got up and pushed newt away
"Oh god" I mumbled
"You may want to take a step back" Teresa warned me
I got up and hopped to Teresa
"Why were you guys kissing"Thomas asked Newt aggressively
Thomas raised his fist in the at getting ready to punch. I looked at him until he looked back at me . He looked at me we made eye contact with me
"Don't you dare" I said
"Fine I won't" Thomas said putting his first down back to his side.
"No ones ever been able to calm Thomas like you just did" Teresa said
I looked at newt who was now standing up and looking at Thomas they just stared at each other. Thomas walked slowly towards newt and punched him
"What the heck" I said and grabbed Thomas's hands. He was pulling away but I held on. I looked right in to his eyes my eyes filled with tear
"Don't cry" newt said from behind me
"Get away from her" Thomas said pulling him behind him
"I was just checkin if she was okay"Newt told Thomas
"Well she sure ain't okay if she's crying"Thomas said
I hugged Thomas making sure he wasn't going to lose his temper
"It's been a day and you're already flirting with my sister"Thomas said
"You didn't even know she was your bloody sister" newt said
"Shut up both of you" I said
They stopped bickering and looked at me. Teresa was watching all she needed was popcorn and she'd be watching a drama movie with lots of drama
"Sorry" Thomas said he came for a hug
I rejected his hug. Teresa walked up to me. She grabbed my hand and walked away. I felt their eyes on me
"They usually don't fight like that" Teresa explained to me
"Why did they start now" I asked
"They both love you Thomas is trying to protect you and Newt he just likes you and wants to keep you safe just as much as Thomas does" Teresa said
I heard sounds then saw the wall open
"Why's the wall opening" I asked
"Run to the box" Teresa said
"Why what's going on" I asked
"Just go, Gally get he run the box and explain to her what's going on, I'm getting the others" Teresa told Gally who was just walking Teresa ran off
Gally closed the metal doors of the box
"What's going on" I said wanting answers so badly
"The grievers, their creatures that Rome around the maze" Gally said
"The maze" I said shocked
"They didn't tell you" Gally said
"They don't tell me much things" I said
I heard running and screaming
"Oh god" I said as someone's blood is all over the metal doorstep this spider looking thing is right there looking at me and Gally
"I'm scared" I whispered to Gally and moved slowly to hug him
"Don't move" Gally whispered back hugging me. The griever went away
I began to cry I don't know why I just did, I had no idea what that was but it kills and it kills innocent people al tho I think their innocent.
"This happens at the end of every month" Gally said
I heard running again I hid my face into Gally's chest to hid me red puff ugly face. And I also didn't want to see anyone die or see blood
"Claire" someone said
I looked and saw Thomas beside me
I hugged him and was glad he was here
"Where's Teresa and Newt" I asked
"We got separated, newt ran over here with Winston , that's I all I know then I ran away until a griever left then came here" Thomas explained
"Newt and Winston came here" I said
"Yes" Thomas said. I looked at Gally
"Who's blood is that then" I asked pointing to the bloody metal doors
"Winston's" Thimas said then looked at his feet. I didn't know Winston, I didn't know anyone here
My eye filled with tears once again
"Jeez I'm so emotional" I mumbled to myself. I then began to punch the wall until my knuckles were full of blood
"What's wrong" said a voice
I looked up out of the box and saw Newt and Teresa. They opened the door and hopped on in
We were all in there for a while and I sat beside newt. He rubbed my back and talked to Thomas, Teresa and Gally
I then fell asleep on Newt's legs
I woke up in Newt's bed with him by my side. I got a jump scare and fell on the ground. Thomas was up and watched me. I didn't look at him but I felt his eyes on me.
"Wanna get out of the maze" Thomas whispered to me. I looked at him
"Yes I've been here for 2 days and I want to leave" I explained to Thomas
Thomas waked up everyone
Newt woke up and saw me back in my bed which was a Hamic
"What tommy" Newt asked Thomas
"Who wants to leave the glade into maze and to be free" Thomas said
Everyone gasped and Gally walked up to Thomas and grabbed his shirt and pulled it close to him
"How stupid are you to think we'll survive in the maze, Claire as been here for 2 days and she won't be able to protect herself she'll die out there"Gally told Thomas. I could see the rage in Thomas's eyes and I was a little mad as well . Everyone's eyes were in me
I walked up to Gally and punched him in the face. I pushed him and kicked him. He was on the ground with a bloody nose and holding his stomach
"Stop" Gally said
"Sorry what. Did you say you were a baby" I said and gave Gally the Death Stare. He looked at me
"I said stop" Gally said louder
"Never underestimate a girl" I said
Teresa cheered along with other boys
"Get your weapons and things were going in the maze" Gally said and walked away. I watched him walk away
"Can't we just build a ladder" I said
"We can that's actually a pretty smart idea why didn't we think of that" Thomas and Newt said.
"Gally" newt yelled
Gally turned around
"What" he asked
"Let's build a ladder" i said joining the conversation Gally looked at me
"That's easy to build, all the builder follow me"Gally said the builder all began building the ladder
After a couple hours it was finished it was a pretty big ladder
"I need help getting it against the wall"Gally said
Everyone that could brought it up on to the wall we all climbed up the ladder
There was a breeze up on top of the glade walls
"You can really see the maze from up here" I told everyone
"What now" Alby asked
"We walk on the wall" Gally said and started walking.
"How do we know exactly where to go" I asked Gally. Gally then stopped walked and slowly turned to me
"The runners know where to go and report back to me I know where I'm going" Gally said in a manly voice
"Don't speak with a manly voice cause it just shows that your scared" I said
Gally turned back and walked Everton followed. Wait I see something
"what's that" I asked pointing to something that was moving
"It's a griever" Gally said
Everyone stopped some people stood in front me and Teresa stood in the back
Someone was pushing me back I slipped. I was hanging fro the side of the wall if I fall im dead I looked at Teresa. We couldn't move but I had to the griever moved a little bit and then saw me. It came towards me. Newt looked at Thomas then at me my fingers were slipping the griever was close. It just came closer and closer
"Help me" I mouthed to net and Thomas I was unable I only thought of the griever and couldn't speak I was scared tears filled my red I couldn't hole them I began to cry as the griever came closer faster newt and Thomas pulled me up. The griever got unfocused and didn't know where I went we were all laying on the ground the griever left after 5 minutes I think I'm not sure tho. I got up my eyes were puff and red everyone stared at me
"Why were you hanging off the wall" Gally asked idiotically
"I was pushed by someone and fell"
I said. We walked some more we got far we've been walking for a day not long but it's long for me, very long
"Everyone can sit for a while" Gally said. I collapsed onto the ground
"Wow little girl tired already"Gally teased. I wanted to beat him up
"Do you want me to push you off the wall" I asked getting up and walking towards him. He backed up
"You won't push me you don't have the cuts" Gally told me and laughed
"I will" I said and got a lot closer to him I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to the edge of the wall
Thomas pulled me back
"Little Claire's big brother had to save her from hurting herself" Gally said
I pulled away from Thomas but he wouldn't let go.
"Let go of me tommy, please"I said and pulled away. He grabbed on tighter
"Ow" I added. I looked back at Thomas
"You can't kill him yet" Thomas whispered in my ear
"Later" I whispered
"Yeah sure" Thomas said
He let go of me Gally had to stay away from me the whole time we walked
Cause Everyone thought I was gonna kill him. Thoma sand newt had to hold my arms so I wouldn't try to go after him and murder him cause they were gonna have to shoot me. We got out of the maze it was weird there was nothing there I could of sworn I saw a camera . We walked around then walked some more
"Can I kill him now" I whispered to Thomas. Newt looked at me like if he heard me which he probably did
"What" Newt said
"Sure, ask if you can talk to him alone then do it" Thomas explained
"What no don't do that" newt said
"Why not. He's a jerk" I said
"True but after knowing him for so long he isn't that bad" Newt told me
"Whatever he's a jerk I don't like him Claire doesn't like him no one really likes him as a human being cause that's what we are" Thomas told Newt
"Yeah but, I can't think of anything whatever I don't care anymore" newt explained to me and Thomas
"Well I m gonna go kill somebody now so bye boys" I said and walked away
"I don't want you to get hurt" newt told me. I looked at him
"I won't get hurt" I said
I walked up to newt and pulled his shirt
"Wait are telling me you think I don't have the strength to fight" I said
"I like being near yout beautiful face"Newt said and smiled
I let go of his shirt and left

Thomas pOv
"Why is your sister so cute" Newt asked
"That's disturbing I don't wanna knew who you think of my sister. Also are you guys dating" I told Newt
"We're not dating, but if I were to ask her out what would your thoughts be on that" Newt said
"Don't break her heart" I told newt
We then all heard a scream

Claire pOv
I stabbed Gally with a knife frypan gave me when I arrived at the glade I always kept it in my pocket. He groaned
"I told you I was gonna kill you" I said raising up my life getting ready to stabbed him again. He laughed
"That means they'll have to kill you"Gally told me
I put the knife down and walked up to him. I pulled him up off the ground
"Not if I have a cover store" I said
He then grabbed my knife out of my hands and stabbed me in the stomach
"Agh" I yelled as loud as possible so that Newt and Thomas heard me
"Now I'll need a cover story" Gally said
I saw newt and Thomas they saw me holding my stomach which still had the knife sticking out of me
"What the bloody hell Gally" Newt said
"She came after me" Gally said
"Sure she did, she wouldn't of and that means you're a baby cause you got scared" Thomas said
Soon enough all the gladers were all around me and Gally
Thomas and a med-jack named I don't know what his name is. Well any way he touched my stomach and I flinched
Thomas grabbed my hand
"It hurts" I said
"Baby" Gally teased
"Shut up" Newt said and came up and held my other hand but I pulled away
"I can fight my own fight" I told Newt
"So now you're mad at me" newt asked
I said nothing the Med-Jack pulled the knife out of me and I screamed
"Oh my god" Thomas said
"What" I asked looking at Thomas cause I didn't want to see. I then felt the Med- Jack put gaze around me he sat me up and I was covered in gaze
"Will stay here for the night will explore some more later" newt announced to the gladers
"You're not the leader" Gally said "I'm "second in command stupid"Newt explained to Gally with force cause he was mad cause he thinks I'm mad at him I'm guessing
Everyone sat around a fire
I sat in the back with Teresa. Thomas sat with Newt. Teresa and i talked

Thomas pOv
I was walking towards newt he had a bottle in his hand
"What's that" I asked
"It's alcohol I found in the box when Claire came up" Newt said
"Why are you drinking it"I asked newt
"It's to make me feel better" newt said
I took the bottle away from him
"What the heck tommy I was drinking that" Newt said
I ran to Claire and Teresa

Claire pOv
"Tommy are you drinking" I asked
"No it's newt he was drinking cause it made him feel better after you told him you can fight your own fights and didn't care to hold his hand and fought with him" Thomas told me
Newt stood behind tommy
I walked up to him slowly
"Is that true" I asked newt
"Yes your so bloody beautiful" newt said. I blushed. Then there was a gun shot it was close I looked around
"Oh my god" I said

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