Chapter 12

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"Why do you want Claire"Eva asked
It was silent in the whole building
And it echoed newt was walked slowly over to my room
"She's my daughter"Ratman said
"No she's not she wouldn't be caught dead near you"Eva said
"Ask her"Ratman said
I'm not his daughter
Everyone looked at me Causing Ratman to follow the stares to find me at the end of it it was like a rainbow and in the pot of gold that everyone wants. I walked downstairs
"No don't go"newt said
"Let her do what she wants to do"Ratman told newt
Newt kissed my cheek and held on to my hand he let go but I didn't I wanted to go but I wasn't physically able to
"Come on down"Ratman said pointing the gun toward newt
"Don't You Dare Think Of Shooting Him, Cause it will be the end of you"I yelled. He was about to let go I pushed newt and the bullet went in to my left thigh. I fell to the ground Ratman began to shot towards us i got shot I the leg twice, I got shot in the back of the neck I was lightheaded. I saw blood drip I didn't know from where do I didn't worry and couldn't get up
"Go"I cried Teresa pulled newt into the apartment complex.
"Come get me"I cried
Ratman came upstairs and dragged me down the stairs, Eva watched terrified by everything that was going on in that moment and shot Ratman in the back 3 times while I was getting dragged down stairs and Ratman fell down to the ground he was dead I'm pretty sure he was dead anyways I was falling down the stairs and hit the wall
"Get the medics"Eva yelled then it went black. I woke up in bed and newt was holding my hand and was crying on the edge of the bed
"You know I'm strong enough to survive many thing so why are you crying"I asked newt
"Claire"newt said he stood up
"She's awake"newt shouted
The boys, Teresa, Eva and a Medic ran into the room I was in
"Your okay"Thomas said
"Did I die when I was thrown out of a helicopter, did I die when i jumped off a building, did I just get shot 4 times and I'm sill Alive"I asked Thomas
"No, No, No, did yo I guess me a heart attack in every situation you just mentioned, yes, yes and yes"Thomas said. Everyone laughed
My leg was pretty beat up
"What with my leg"I asked
"Bullet hit the bone and broke the bone broken leg and it's gonna take a while until it's better"Medic guys said
"What your name"I asked
"Dr. Charles"He said
"Well dr. Charles, how long are we talking about a week"I said
"A month or more"Dr. Charles said
"I thought we were gonna be friends"I said dramatically
"Me too but I guess things do go as planned"Dr, Charles said
"Well what do I have to do to Get my leg better in a couple weeks"I asked
"Major physical therapy, and weeks will turn into weeks"Charles said
A wheelchair was brought to me cause my neck affected my arm and my arm is busted up. Newt helped me tot he room we now shared
"If you need any help you know where to find us so just summon us using these walkie talkies"Eva said giving me and newt a walkie talkie
I was laying in the king sized bed that me and newt now share
"This bed is so comfortable"I said
"I'm pretty sure it is"newt said and smiled at me he looked at me
"What"I asked
"Nothing"newt said
"Why are you looking at me"I asked
"Why can't I look at my beautiful, intelligent, strong, adorable girlfriend"Newt asked me
"Cause she don't deserve to be looked at that way"Thomas said
"God what are you bloody doing in here"Newt asked
"I'm crashing on your couch tonight Jeff and Clint are sleeping with Minho tonight I'm not sleeping on the couch"Thomas dis d
"So you came here to sleep on our couch"I said
"Yes pretty much and I don't want any funny business going on"Thomas said
"Ew your disgusting"I said and threw a pillow at Thomas an sit hit him in the face. He threw it back at me and we did that for awhile until I fell off the bed
"I'm okay"I said giving newt and Thomas Both a thumbs up
"What time is it"Thomas asked
Newt looked at the clock
"2:37"newt said
"You don't need to be here right now you can be in your room"I said
"But I wanna be in your room"Thomas wined. I rolled my eyes
"I'm going to see Aris"I said and sat down into my wheelchair. I go to Aris's room and knocked on the door
Aris soon came to open it
"Hey Claire, come on in"Aris said
"Hey, How's it been"I said
"I've been doing well, so why are you here,"Aris said
"Thomas is in me and Newt's room when e doesn't need to so he said he's gonna stay there cause to make sure no funny business happens"I explained
"So you big brother is acting like a big brother, I wonder why"Aris said sarcastically. I rolled me eyes
"He usually doesn't act like such a big brother"I said
"Well do you wanna do any funny business"Aris asked me
"No not after the whole Gally incident, I don't even want to really share a room with newt but I couldn't say no either" I Explained to Aris
"Well assure Thomas that you won't do that then it's that easy"Aris said
"I assure him all the time"I said
"Well he should stop being such a big brother im on your side now"Aris said
"So you weren't in my side at the beginning"I asked
"Ugh...Well...I..Um"Aris shuttered
"Don't worry about if I'm not mad at you, you know I love fooling around wit people"I said
"You made that sound very weird, you like fooling around"Aris said.
"God don't be so dirty minded"I said
"I'm not, you jut said that part really weird"Aris explained
"Okay that true Nevermind"I said
We hear yelled
"What was that"I said Aris walked out
"Your forget me"I said
"I can't really wheel myself out yet my arm is busted up"I said
"Keep your arms and legs in the wheelchair at all time"Aris said
"No need to tell me twice"I said
Aris pushed me not the fast
"This bid super fast are you sure I won't fly out"I said sarcastically
"I'm not gonna hurt you thank you very much"Aris said. Eva and Teresa cam running out of the room
Are you guys hearing that"I asked
"No we're just going towards the sound that we didn't hear cause we aren't curious what so ever"I said sarcastically
"Okay thanks for base ring I got you answer I read sarcasm"Eva said
It got really loud in front of me and Newt's room. We walked in, what we saw was horrifying. Eva gasped and Teresa then Aris. I jumped out of my wheelchair and on to the ground
"Are you okay"I asked
"how could you out do this"I cried
"I'm fiend don't worry about it"Newt said. I hugged him
"Thomas get out"I yelled
Blood on Thomas's hand and blood on newt face and stomach
Eva and Teresa helped newt in bed
Aris helped me back into my wheelchair. I was soon right by newt side, I was sitting beside him as dr.Charles observed his injuries
"He'll be fine"Dr.Charles told me
"You eye may be a little swollen but here are some eye drops"Dr Charles explained to Newt

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