Chapter 11

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I was thinking and looked at the ceiling dad for a couple minutes which began to feel like hours which ended up becoming a day, I just sat there and looked at the ceiling and thought all day. Trying to stay positive, trying to get the old Claire back, I'm not sure if she's ever gonna come back.
"You've been staring at the ceiling for a day now let's go out for a ride and look around the scorch"Eva said
"What if WICKED find me"I asked
"They won't they can't come near here we can't go eBay them that was our deal, if maze survivors find us or we find them then they become one of us and not one of WICKED's lab rats"Eva explained to me
"Okay let's go"I said
We grabbed a gun and got in a car
"Last time I was in a car newt pulled me out an do went flying on tit he ground"I said
"let me guess, You went with WICKED cause they said they wouldn't hurt your friends and newt didn't want you to get hurt so he saved you by pulling you it of a car" Eva said
"Yeah exactly what happened"I said
"Well don't worry you're safe with me"Eva said we were about to leave
"Do you want to bring anyone else or Just us"Eva said
"You and Teresa are enough to please me, the boys at just gonna ruin it"I said
"Okay let's go"Teresa said
We drove out. We were driving around the scorch
"On my left you see sandy hills, on my right you see more sandy hills and you see that for the rest of the ride, thanks you for coming on the Eva express tour that will be 30 bucks"Eva said
We all laughed
"The boys want to old Claire back"Teresa said
"I know the want the Claire that stays positive that lies to make everyone feel great, Claire that loves herself for even with her horrible imperfections, the Claire that would get in fights but then make up cause everyone wanted to be happy, BUT I WAS NEVER HAPPY WITH THAT"I explained
"Sorry I brought that subject up, I shouldn't of"Teresa said
"Newt loves you"Eva said
"I've seen the way he looks at you, and all I see is that he cares and loves you imperfections or not he doesn't see anything wrong with you, he loves you for you he doesn't care about the new Claire or the old Claire he just wants to love you and for you to be happy"Eva explained. Eva began to drive back to 'home?' Right that's my new home now
"We're going back already"I wined
"Yeah it's lunch soon and I'm hungry and want to live through this hell of a world"Eva explained
"Well I am hungry"I said
"Nice to meet you Hungry and hungry I'm starving we should go eat somethime together maybe in a couple minutes"Teresa said
We all laughed
We got back and boys were eating at a table. The girls went to go join them I sat at a different table alone
"You can come sit with us love"Newt said. I didn't see him but there's only one person you calls me love and has a sexy accent and that's newt
"I'm not alone I have my thoughts with me so no thanks"I said
"are you sure"Newt asked me
"Yes I'm sure so stop asking me if I'm sure all the time"I said and turned around to face newt he toke a step back I saw a scratch on his face
"You have a scratch on your face"I said
"Yeah yesterday you ring scrached me when you hit me"newt said and walked away. I stood up before he left then sat back down.
"I'm a horrible person"I told myself
"You don't seem like a horrible person you seem pretty nice"A boy said
"Well I sure ain't a nice person ask all those people"I said
"Well I'll spent the day with you and if I find you nice then those people aren't your friend and we can be friends an so get to go argue with those people, and if I find you rude and a horrible person then they were right I won't pick a fight with them and I leave you alone, do use gotta a deal"the boy asked
"What's your name"I asked
"Tristan"the boys said
"It's a deal"I said and shaked on it, I stood up cause I wanted to go get more food and Tristan grabbed my wrist
"Can you get me my plate it's over there" Tristan asked I thought about
"I like you Tristan, but you have Legs and arms that function so you can get your plate yourself"I Said
"Rude"Tristan said
"It's not rude it's the truth"I said
"I know it want rude I just wanted to see if you were gonna act differently now that there's a deal"Tristan said
"I wouldn't have gotten you your plate deal or not"Tristan added
He went to grab his plate Ana I went for more food. We met back up at the table I was sitting at
"Welcome back"Tristan said
"What's your name"Tristan asked
"Claire"I said
"Welcome back Claire"Tristan said
Eva and Teresa looked at me and were coming,I saw from the corner of my eye
"Hey Eva"Tristan said
"I see you met Tristan"Eva said
"Yep"I said
"Is Eva one of them"Tristan whispered
"No only the boys"I whispered back
"Boys are jerks"Tristan whispered
"Your a boy so your a jerk"I said
"Sometimes he's a jerk, like when he forgot our anniversary 4 days ago, but I'm over it"Eva explained
"You guys are dating"I asked
"Yeah, Tristan's my boyfriend"Eva said
"She usually doesn't mention me as her boyfriend she doesn't like everyone knowing we're a couple, last year her so called friends founded she was dating someone and her 'friends' began flirting with him"Tristan explained
"Wow"Teresa said
"You guys aren't going to do that right cause I trust you guys"Eva said
"We would never and Teresa has a boyfriend Thomas"I said
"We Aren't dating"Teresa said
"Your dating newt aren't you"Eva asked
"Break were on break for a long time hoping"I said
"We made a deal"Tristan said
"What's the deal you guys have"Eva asked Tristan
"Since the boys over there want the old her cause she was nicer and thinks that now she's a totally different person and think she's mean I said If I find her nice I'm gonna beat the crap out of them and if I find her rude that I won't beat the crap out of them"Tristan said
"You said you were gonna argue"I said
"Well your a fantastic human being not as much as Eva but your pretty close to Eva and i find you nice so I'm gonna best the crap out of them"Tristan said
"You don't need to do that they're my friends I think"I said
"They still like you they hair don't like the attitude you give them, that's what they mean by you're mean and they want the old Eva back we just finished talking about that"Eva explained
I stood up and walked away
"Mood she has her moods"Teresa said
"I heard that T"I said and walked to my room. I laid on my bed and looked at the ceiling fan again
"No we aren't going through this again"Eva said and sat me up. I fell back down I didn't use any strength so I fell straight back down on the bed
"Claire get up or I'll tell newt you love him and don't hate him anymore"Eva said. I sat up
"I don't hate him I hair don't like him a lot right now"I said
"Hate it's called hatred"Eva said
I playfully elbowed her
"Hate is too strong"I said
"You told him you hated him"Eva said
"Oh god I did, I need to fix this"I said
I began to pace around the bedroom
"If you pace around any longer there's going to be a hole in the ground, calm down Claire I'll this we'll fix this, you and newt are going to talk il log get him and bring him in here and you guys talk to make this better between you guys, no beating him"Eva explained
"Wait now"I asked
"Yeah now"Eva said and left to Newt's room. I just sat there and looked at Teresa with a pouty face
"Quit your pouting"Teresa said
"Everything's gonna work out, I hope anyway but I'm pretty sure everything's going to go well"Teresa said
Eva walked in
"He's here"Eva said newt walked on behind Eva. We were alone in the bedroom. We just looked at each other
"I'm sorry for being a horrible person, you didn't deserve anything that I said or did yesterday"I said, I looked down
"Don't be I kind of deserved it"newt said
"Well we can always learn to love again if we still love each other"I said
"I miss you by my side"newt said cupping my right cheek. And kisses me
And that was all we just kissed
"You know the Tristan guy you were hanging out with, he let me have his room if you wanna share a room, if not he gets his room back"Newt said
"He should have his own room the boys will drive him mad"I said
"True"newt said
"So are we back together"newt asked
"No not yet, I'm not mentally prepared to be back together with you but we can still be friends" I said
"Well I'm gonna go now"newt said and walked into the door
"You're supposed to open the door it sure don't open its self"I said
He opened the door
"There you go"I said
We giggled and left
"So how'd it go you guys back together"eva asked me
"I told him I'm not prepared to be in a relationship with him yet but we can be friends until I'm ready"I explained
"So you friend zoned him"Teresa said
"Yeah pretty much"I said
"Your gonna let him out of the friend zone right"Eva said concerned
"Yes just not now"I said
"Okay well we need to get you prepared to get back together with newt"Teresa said. Eva and Teresa sat beside me
"You will learn to love again"Eva said
"I'm a thief"I said
"What did you steal"Teresa asked
"Newt's heart"I said
"I robbed his heart and I won't give it back"I said
"You love him"Teresa said shaking me
"I do love him but I don't at the same time"I told Teresa and Eva
"What do you mean by that exactly"Teresa asked me
"I want it love him but if I love him too much and I lose him what then I can never find love again without thinking about him and live the rest of my life in pain"I explained
"Don't think like that then think of the future you can have with him don't you want to have a family with him"Eva asked me
"Yeah but after I know we're safe and sound"I said
"Well nothing bad has ver happened here and never will so I can get you 2 a room to share and you guys can start with that"Eva said
"Tristan was gonna give Newt his room, but I said Tristan wouldnt be able to handle the boys"I said
"I'm glad you said that cause I go watch movies with Tristan every Monday Wednesday and Friday"Eva explained
We went to bed after talking
Eva talked with the keeper
I wasn't here but Eva said it was good news that she got about the room
"You and newt can share a room but no funny business"Eva said
"Keepers exact words" Eva added
"Ew and yay, I get to spent time with newt"I said
"That means you have to leave us"Teresa wined
"Don't worry I'll come for sleepovers every week and o drive newt crazy every once and a while you guys can"I said until I got cut off by as gun shot
We ran out of our room as well as everyone else in the building
Eva grabbed her gun and walked down the stairs down to the middle of the building and faced someone
"Why does Ratman want you"
Teresa asked
"I don't know"I said

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