Chapter 18

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I woke up in a lab where a lady was giving me needles
"Newt"I yelled but she put a cloth in my mouth causing me to gag at first
"Shut up princess"She said and gave me needle she pulled the cloth out of my mouth and I bit her fingers
She slapped me
I heard footsteps coming from behind curtains paper thin I looked to my left and I saw Eva she was getting needles as well she was awake as well. My bison got blurry really fast i couldn't see anything. A man pulled me out of the bed I was sitting on and threw me on the ground I screamed. Hoping newt heard me and would come get me soon but I didn't know where he was or if he was even alive. Everything went black
I woke up again in a room I saw Eva laying in a bed playing with a ball beside me I reached out for her
"Claire"she said
"You alive"she added
"Have you seen the boys"I asked
I was really dizzy and drugged up
"Yeah their over there"Eva said weakly and pointed at beds across from us. I stood up and saw I was attached to a machine. I looked around and saw Everyone. I went to see Thomas and newt I walked there and fell half way Thomas looked and saw me and ran to me he wasn't drugged up but why was he just sitting in that bed
"Claire are you okay"Thomas asked
I looked at his eyes but I could focus
I was laying on the ground in Thomas's arms. He shaked me
"No stay awake they're trying to brainwash you"Thomas said
I was... I was... Forgetting what was I gonna say where am I.
I looked at th...the Boy who was holding me.
"You look familiar"I said touching his face trying to feel if it's familiar
I couldn't remember who this was
"It's me you big brother Thomas"He said. I looked at him
"Are you sure about that"I asked
"Yeah I'm positively positive"Thomas cried. I looked in his eyes
"Thomas don't cry"I said
"Do you remember me"Thomas asked
"No but I wish I did"I said
I saw a man walking behind me with a needle
"Thomas theres someone behind you"I said. Then it went black
I was forgetting everything, what was going on where my family and friends?
I woke up in an elevator shaft
It looked familiar wait this already happened
I looked up and saw a door
I screamed I reached the top and I flew up and hit the wall doors opened up and I saw boys and 2 girl looking down at me. I was questioning everything
"Thomas"I asked
"Where Thomas get Thomas"a boy yelled looking around him
I saw Thomas
"Claire"Thomas Said and jumped in I hugged him. I looked around and couldn't my remember if I knew anyone else
"I'm newt"said a boy with an accent
"Why does that sound so familiar"I thought to myself
Newt, newt, newt
"Newt"I said
"Hi"he said
"I remember you and you"I said and pointed to newt and a girl her name was Eva I think
"Your Eva and your newt"I said
Like a..... Like a something
"Claire, claire, claire, CLAIRE"Eva said and jumped in and hugged me
Newt jumped in and kissed me
He remember me I removed him he was my boyfriend I don't remember anything else which was weird but I remember this people my best friend, my brother and my beautiful boyfriend

A day later

I woke up cause I got a flash of memories. I saw newt, Eva and Thomas wake up at the same time.
I've been through this before. This is the maze I'm in the glade with innocent people but why.
"I remember oh ace my memory back"I told newt
"Me too"newt said
"You guys aren't the only ones"Eva said
"Me too"Thomas said
We've been through this
But we've been put threw some worst things and we were gonna get threw this one like all the other ones

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