Chapter 14

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Me, Teresa and Eva were sitting cross legged on the ground
"Truth or dare"Teresa asked me
"I hate this game"I wined
"Whatever let's play"Eva said
"Truth"I said
"Do you like anyone who isn't Newt"Teresa asked me
"Yeah"I Dias
"Who"Teresa asked
"Ugh....Aris"I mumbled
"Way to go, wait issn't he your best friend"Eva said and playfully elbowed me in the shoulder
"Yeah and I don't like him
anymore"I explained
"Okay"Teresa said
"Truth or dare"Teresa asked Eva
"Dare"Eva said uncrossing her legs
"I dare you to take your shirt off, not put it back on and run all the way down the hallway"Teresa explained it Eva
"Fine"Eva said toke her shirt off and ran out and ran down the hallway and closed the door when she came back
"No one saw you"Teresa wined
"I wouldn't care if anyone saw me, it's a human body"Eva said
"Truth or dare"Eva asked me
"Did I tell you I hate this game"I said
"Yeah many times"Eva said
"Dare"I said
"I dare you to...Jump off the side of the staircase"Eva said
"So commit suicide"I said
"No it's not even that high and we'll catch you, Just make people thing that your trying to commit suicide"Eva said
"Okay"I said
Eva pulled Teresa and ran downstairs
I stood at the doorway
"Have you guys seen Claire, she ran off while we were talking and she said she'll miss everyone"Eva lied.
"We haven't seen... Over there"Newt said and pointed at me
I looked down and climbed over the railing. I was holding on to the railing and looked at everyone
I heard footsteps behind me and fell bit someone grabbed the collar of my shirt and I was hanging off the railing
"Gally pull her up"Thomas yelled
I was gasping for air
"PULL HER UP SLINTHEAD"Minho yelled. I was kicking the air
"Why should I do that"Gally said
Teresa and Eva stood under me
Thomas and Minho ran up the stairs Gally pulled on my shirt harder
"Stop"Thomas yelled and ran towards Gally. Gally let me go and ran away
I fell down but at this point I wasnt breathing cause I couldn't so I was unconscious I woke up a couple minutes later to newt holding my hand and looking at me
"Claire, your okay"Newt said and hugged me. It looked like he was crying
"Your not a robot you have emotions"I laughed. Newt didn't say everything he just held me in his arms.
"My throat hurts"I said
"Well you were technically hung by your shirt so I'm not bloody surprised that you throat hurts"newt said
"Where's Thomas"I asked looking around I saw Teresa and Eva but no sign of Minho or Thomas
"They went to go find Gally and beat the crap out of him"Eva explained
"Okay"I said and smiled
"Your brother's cute"Eva whispered I my ear. I looked at her
"Teresa likes him and are dating, I think"I whispered
"Teresa are you dating Thomas"Eva asked Teresa
"No"Teresa said
"Why"Teresa added
"No reason"Eva said
"Do I have you permission to date him"Eva asked me
"Yeah sure, you guys would be cute together"I said
"Thanks"Eva said and ran off to go find Thomas.I laughed
"What was that all about"Teresa asked
"Eva's asking Thomas something important"I said
Newt looked at me cause he knew since he was beside me and Eva
"Does she wan to kill Gally"Teresa asked
"Yes she wants to kill him for what he's done"I lied to Teresa
I don't like to lie to my friends but it was a little white lie so it didn't really matter. After a while Eva ran in
"It worked and Thomas killed Gally so he's dead and everyone's happy"Eva said
"Yeah"I said
"What I thought you said Eva went to go ask Thomas if she can kill Gally"Teresa asked I looked at Eva
"I told Thomas that I Liked him and now we're dating"Eva explained
Teresa walked out but stop half way
"Find somewhere else to sleep"Teresa said and went to her and Eva's room
Eva looked at me and newt
"Why not Tristan"I asked
"Oh yeah I forgot he has his own room"Eva said
Eva went to go find Tristan
Newt picked me up and brought me to our bed
"What are you doing"I asked
"Bring yo Ito bed I can tell your tired"Newt told me
"Wow you can see through me"I said
I laid down in bed newt laid beside me and wrapped his right arm around me and I laid in his arm.
I was walking around no one was around everyone was gone
"No ones here to save you now"Gally said. He walked over to me
"What are you doing"I asked
"What's wrong Claire bear"Gally said
Wait I'm dreaming
"This is just a dream your dead"I said
"They lied to you I'm alive I'm just in the slammer baby girl"Gally said
I was woken up by someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw newt I grabbed on to him
"He's alive"I said
"Who's alive"newt asked
"Gally"I said
I got out of bed and toke my clothes off I changed into clothes Eva had given me when I moved in with her I looked around for my gun
"Your beautiful"newt said
"Where's my gun"I asked
"Under the mattress"newt said
I lifted my end of the bed and grabbed my gun. Newt didn't stop me
I walked down to the slammer we had across for the hospital but you have to have a key. Luckily for the keys that Eva gave me I opened the door
"Well if it isn't Claire"Gally said
"Shut up"I groaned
"Why would I do that"Gally said
I pointed my gun at him
"Wow, Wow out the shuckin gun down"Gally said
"Why should I do that"I mocked him
"You aren't gonna kill me you don't have the guts"Gally said
I pulled the trigger and the bullet flew out and hit him in the head he was dead. Oh god I killed him. Wait I killed him. Now I don't have to live in fear
"Claire what are you Doing down here"Tristan said and looked at Gally's lifeless body
"He was controlled by WCKD"Tristan said and grabbed his handcuffs
"No, come on Tristan"I said
"You killed and innocent person"Tristan said
I put my hands out he put my in a cell
"Tristan please"I said
"Sorry Claire it's the rules"Tristan said lock-in home up and locking the door to come in, I leaned against the wall and played with my hands.
I sat there and watched Gally's lifeless body and thought how cruel I was
Tristan came in a couple hours later
"Newt asked where you were"Tristan said. I stood up
"What did you tell him"I asked
"You were in the slammer"Tristan said
"Can I see him"I asked
"No you can't the Keeper will come see you in few minutes and explain what'll happen to you" he paused "since you murder and innocent boy"Tristan said
"I know, I'm fully aware that I killed Gally"I yelled
Tristan dragged Gally's body out, I sat back down on the ground. the keeper soon walked in and unlocked the cell
"Claire"he said
"Hi"I said not making eye contact
"I wish I didn't have to but I have to keep you in here for the week"The keeper said
"But sir"I said
"Johnny"the keeper said
"Could you tell newt I'm sorry"I asked
"You can tell him yourself, he'll be joining you for the week he wanted to and I didn't see why not"Johnny said
Newt walked in and was thrown in the cell Next to me. I crawled over to him
Johnny was gone by this time
"Stupid"I said
"Your not stupid I came here to be with you"newt said
"You could be in our bed but your here on the cold ground" I said
"But I'm with you so im fine with the cold ground"newt said
"Why"I asked
"I care about and I love you too much to sleep without you so I asked Johnny if I could have the cell beside you and sleep with you"Newt explained. Newt leaned his face on the bars of the cell
I kissed him and the I leaned against the wall. I was hungry my stomach was growling. I held my stomach
"Don't they feed you"Newt asked
"Yeah but it's disgusting"I said and pointed at the plate of slop
"Frypan makes better food then that"I said. It was a long week
"Your free to go but if you kill anyone else it's a life time of the slammer"Tristan explained to me
"Okay, but what if it's someone how try's to kill me on the spot and I can't defend myself and I'm alone"I asked
"Then you kill him but that really rare or you being alone without newt or Eva or Teresa"Tristan explained
"Okay hair let me out"I said. Tristan unlocked the cell and Newt's cell
"Thank you"I said
"Eva's in your room, she's waiting for you and she refused to talk to me since I locked you up"Tristan said
"I'll talk to her"I said Tristan walked out and I saw Eva standing at the door I ran to her and hugged her
"Do you killed him"Eva said
"I thought he was dead"I said
"So did I"Eva said
"So I'm guessing Tristan doesn't know about you and Thomas"I said
"Oh yeah that's what I forgot about, I was gonna break up with him but forgot"Eva said
"Get ready I run away"Eva whispered
We both walked towards Tristan
"Tristan I don't think it's working out but there's many other girls that would totally date you"Eva said then signalled me to run away with her so we ran away I looked back and saw his eye well up with tears
"He's gonna cry"I said
we both laughed when we got to my room. We sat on my bed
"I got you something"Eva Said she gave me a box. I opened the Box
"Thank you Eva"I said
"I found it under my bed and I thought of you"Eva said
"What why, I haven't drawn or painted here"I said
"Oh umm I just figured you look like someone who'd like art stuff"Eva said
"Do you work for WICKED"I asked
"I killed Janson do you really think I works for them, I used to work for WICKED but they did bad things to innocent people, that's where you and Thomas got your scars from "Eva said
"You where there"I shouted
"No but there were cameras"Eva said
"Is that how you knew where we were"I asked furiously
"No i haven't worked for them in a year"Eva said
"How should I believe you I trusted to you"I said. Eva grabbed a canvas from under my bed and gave it to me
"Where"I asked
"what"Eva asked
"These stupid scars of mine where are they"I asked. Eva looked at my legs and stomach. She lifted my short a bit and there was a scar she pulled the pant of my leg up and there was a scratch scar
"How did I get them"I asked
"Janson"Eva said, I cut her off
"Ratman"I corrected
"Ratman" she said "Ratman would tell people to hurt you if you didn't cooperate with them then they just hit you like it was part of their daily ritual which it was"Eva explained
"Do I have more"I asked
"Take your shirt off"Eva said
I toke it off leaving me in my bra
Eva pointed to my rib cage
I saw a scar going down my rib cage
"How did I get this one"I asked
"You were thrown quite a bit and ended up getting scratched by one of the metal doors they have to 'keep you safe'"Eva explained

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