Chapter 13

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3 months later
I woke up went to the small kitchen I had in the little apartment I lived in with newt. Eva and Teresa helped me make breakfast
"Ever since I got this surgery on your leg my leg feels weird"I told Eva
"Well you got a metal pole in you god damn leg no wonder it feels weird there shouldn't be a pole in your leg"Eva said
Teresa put her chin on my shoulder
"Is Thomas going to be joining us for Newt's birthday breakfast"Teresa asked
"As long as he doesn't beat my boyfriend up"I said
"I'll make sure he doesn't, I'm gonna go get him, if he's up"Teresa said
"He's not up we all know"Newt said walking into the dining room
"Happy birthday"I told newt and kissed his forehead. He rubbed his eyes
"Hurts or still waking up"I asked
"I'm still waking up"newt said
"Ok"I said
"It's been 3 months I'm better don't worry about it"Newt said and sat on the couch. Teresa kept checking the time by looking at the clock
"Go wake him up"I said
"Okay bye be right back"Teresa said and ran off
"She sure is head over heels for Thomas"Eva said
"No duh"I said
"Is Tristan coming"I asked
"No he's in the scorch today so he can't make it"Eva explained
"Minho, Jeff, Clint, Eva, Teresa, Me, Newt and Thomas"I mumbled
"What why'd you say my name"Eva asked. I grabbed 8 plates
"Oh okay"Eva said
I placed them around the table I did the same thing with the forks, knifes and spoons. I put the food in the middle of the table so everyone can serve themselves. Eventually the boys and Teresa walked in
"Happy birthday"Everyone said
"Hi, thanks"Newt said
"Food"Minho said and ran to the table and began taking every piece of food there was on the table Everyone else grabbed what they wanted which wasn't everything there
Everyone sat down
I sat between Newt and Thomas
"Sorry"Thomas whispered in my ear
"It was 3 months ago i already have forgiven you"I said
"Oh sorry"Thomas said
"Quit saying sorry"I said
"Sorry"Thomas said
Everyone laughed my smile soon erased my face. I don't know why but it just did newt looked at me
I just sat there and watched everyone laugh I wasn't mad I was annoyed so then I went to the bathroom
Newt followed me
"Get out"I said
"Why"newt said
"I'm using the bathroom so get out"I said. He walked out
I looked in the mirror
"I'm not beautiful and I'm not amazing, I'm an annoying selfish little girl who doesn't know how to do anything without get hurt or ruining someone's life"I told myself
"Don't lie to yourself"Newt said
"I told you to go away"I said
Newt was about to open the door I tried to grab the door handle but I was to late and fell in the ground
"Why don't you want me here"Newt asked me and closed the door and locked it. I just sat in the shower with my back against the wall
"Cause I was having a pep talk with myself" I said
"It wasn't a very good pep talk"Newt said. I rolled my eyes
"No every pep talk is good"I said
"Why are you mad"newt asked
"I'm not mad"I said
"Are you-"newt said but I cut him off
"No, I'm not sure"I said
Newt sat beside me
"Newt, Thomas is eating your pancakes"Eva yelled
"I don't really care"Newt yelled
"If everything okay in there"Thomas asked. I looked at newt
"Yeah everything's fine"newt said
I laid my head on Newt's shoulder
"You're an amazing person don't let anyone tell you different cause I love you and everyone else here loves you and we all thing your and amazing person"Newt explained
I looked up at Newt
"Really"I asked
"Yeah ask anyone who knows you and that's what they'll tell you"Newt said
We walked out everyone was sitting on the couch talking me and newt sat on the ground against the wall with Aris, Eva and Minho. Tristan ran in
"We found a dead body"Tristan said
"Dr.Leon is trying to save him"Tristan added. We just looked at Tristan
"Can we see"Minho asked
"Yeahs sure that why I told you"Tristan said. We all walked downstairs to the hospital clinic part of the building
"What's the body's gender"Newt asked
"Male"Dr Leon said
"Did you save him"Thomas asked
"He was stabbed and it went through him but dr.Charles is doing surgery o. Him as we speak"Dr Leon said
"If we find out who did it do this poor young man she or he will be put in a little prison sell we have"Dr.Leon said
I looked at Minho
"It probably Gally since I stabbed him and it went through the him"I whispered to Minho
"I was thinking the same thing, but no one can find out or your going in the slammer"Minho whispered back to me
few minutes later
"He's awake, he said his name is Gally"Dr.Leon said
I grabbed newt hand and held it
"Did he ask to see anyone"I asked
"He asked if we knew you"Dr.Leon said
"Did you answer him"I asked
"I said we knew you and that you were here with us"Dr.Leon said
"So he wants to see me"I asked
"Yeah"dr.Leon said
I looked at Newt and Thomas
"Do you want me to bring you to him or do you want him to come here"Dr.Leon asked me. I stood up
"I don't want to see him not ever"I said and ran outside. Eva and Teresa ran after me. It was okay to go outside but you had to go with someone and have a gun I still had a gun on me. I sat on a rock. And just looked at the ground
"Why don't you want to see him"Eva asked me. I looked at Eva
"He sexual harassed me"I said
Eva gasped but that wasn't going to change the fact that he's alive and asking for me.
"So your the one to stab him"Eva said
"Yep, cause I thought he killed Aris but he didn't" I said
"Well he won't be able to get to you cause we're always around you or the boys"Eva explained
We walked back in
"Gally's taking Newt's old bed"Thomas informed me I walked up to newt and I sat on his lap he looked at me
"I'm sleeping over in the girls room"I said and kissed Newt
He just smiled
"What"I asked
He kissed me I pulled away
"Thomas is watching"I said and elbowed him in the shoulder I got off and walked away with Teresa and Eva.
"The things I do to please him"I said
"You didn't want to kiss him"Eva asked
"Not really but I also find team him to be mad at me, and let me have a sleepover in your room"I explained
"Well done"Teresa and Eva said

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