Chapter 8

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We saw the car and we ran.
"Theirs only some bloody people with cars and it probably the people from bloody W.I.C.K.E.D"newt said
"Why do you always say bloody"Minho asked newt. It was random were running away from a car and Minho asks that I find it weird
"I just bloody do"Newt said
"But why do-"Minho said buy newt cut him off by answering his question
"I'm British and the ladies love it"Newt said and ran ahead which was weird because he has a limp and ran a lot quicker then, me , Teresa and Minho
"Oh my god run"Minho said
"What"Teresa asked
"Look behind you"Minho said
Me and Teresa looked behind and saw ratman someone we were hoping never to see again. We all ran even more faster then we could my legs were burning so bad I couldn't run but I did
"Give us Claire and will leave you alone"Ratman yelled
Why does everyone want me
Everyone ran I stopped eat man grabbed me and pulled me in to the car
Everyone heard the car slow down and looked and they saw me we drove by them. Newt and Thomas ran after me
"Let her go"Thomas yelled
"She came with me she knew what was going to happen"Ratman said
Newt ran so fast he pulled me out of the car and I crashed on to the ground
Ratman gave up and turned around and went away to leave us alone I guess
"How stupid are you he was going to bloody kill you"Newt said
"He was gonna start shooting"I said
"So Clint and Jeff can fix us right up"Newt said
"They fix you when you die, he had 5 guns all loaded he was gonna shoot till we were dead"I said
"I don't care I would of died anyways"Newt yelled
"What"I asked
"If you were gone I wouldn't of been able to live without you I would be killed myself not being able to help you that kills me on the inside and kills my brain, it puts me in a horrible bloody spot, when I'm not with you or if your in pain"Newt explained me
Thomas and the others came and were listening and watching me and newt
"You shouldn't care about me that much there's nothing to care about I'm a normal human being. I'm not normal actually I don't understand so many things I'm not smart, I'm stupid just like you said it was stupid of me to do so many things but I still do them I know there stupid but I risk my life for stupid stuff cause I'm stupid"I said
"I didn't say you were stupid"Newt said
"Yeah you did, Newt you did you, you didn't realize but you did"I said
"I'm sorry"newt said newt looked at me like I'm supposed to apologize also
"I'm not sorry"i said and walked away
I kicked sand I was walking somewhere I wasn't sure where but it was far from newt he drives me mad sometimes
I kicked a rock, I picked up a couple of little rocks and began to throw them aggressively at the car and part of window that was broken was now broken there was a couple of dents in the car cause in kicking at it and punched the car I cut my hands in the metal and glass of the car I was bleeding but I didn't care. Thomas pulled me to the ground my foot was bleeding along with my hands. I pulled away and stood up and ran to the car and banged my head against
"Stupid stupid stupid"I kept repeating and hitting my head Thomas grabbed my hands and sat me down on the ground. My forehead was cut and. Bleeding. Thomas held me I began to cry. I don't know why I just did. Clint and Jeff came and stitched my forehead and my hand cause it was a deep open cut.Thomas had to hold me cause I would hit them and Minho held my feet cause I tried to kick them
After a while i gave up on fighting against them and just leaned on to Thomas's chest
"I need a break from our break"Teresa said I didn't say anything that whole night. I was pretending to sleep and heard a conversation
"I don't think Claire's okay"Minho said
"No duh she was technically beating herself up she's obviously not okay"Thomas said
"It's all my fault isn't it"Newt said
"What"Minho and Thomas asked
"iIts all my fault for making her do this if I didn't say all the thing that I said she wouldn't of been in this state of mind it all my fault"Newt said I opened my eyes a bit and saw newt with his face in his hands . I closed my eyes again and I fell asleep
I woke up and saw newt in the same spot he was in yesterday night. He looked at me but said nothing I could see in his eyes that he was sorry for what he said and did. I held my head I felt like I just got shot in the back of the head i screamed it hurt so much
"Agh"I said
Thomas came running
"What's wrong"he asked nervously
"My head it feels like I got shot right in he back of the head"I said and hit the ground cause I was in pain
"Agh"I said
Thomas held my head newt watched I looked at him our eyes locked together his eyes were red and puffy was he crying because of our fight my head hurt a lot more after I looked away. It looked like newt had an idea
"Claire look in my eyes"newt said
I looked in his eyes the pain was gone
I was feeling better
"Now look away"newt said
I looked away and it hurt so I looked back at him and it was gone
"What the heck my head doesn't hurt "I said. I looked at newt and he came and sat beside me I looked at him and talked to him for hours
he was fine with it he smiled at me
"Why are you so smiley" I asked
"No reason, well there's a reason but you won't like the reason if I told you the reason"Newt explained
"Just tell me"I said
"Your beautiful and light up my world"Newt told me
"Aww thanks"I said
I looked away and my head didn't hurt
"My head doesn't hurt anymore"I said
"Will you still look at me or are you mad at me"I asked
"I'm not mad at you I was never mad at you I was mad at myself and I am still mad at myself"I said. I looked at him
"I love you"I said
"I love you too"newt said and kissed me
"Your so adorable"Newt said
"We aren't walking today since your not mentally prepared, no offence"Minho said and turned the corner to face me and newt
"Non taken I know I'm mentally ill"I told Minho. We talked for the whole day. It was weird not having to walk since I'm used to walking around everyday. The day pasted fast next thing I knew I was sleeping.

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