Chapter 4

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I saw Janson shooting from a helicopter. Every one was running in groups of 2 Thomas and newt,
Is thatAlby and Minho, me and Aris I saw Newt limping even more then he usually does I looked closers and saw a bullet in his leg
"Over here"Aris whispered we were hissing in a building not so was from where Janson
"Where's the girl, you give me her we leave you guys alone"Janson yelled in a microphone he had and a speaker that was on the helicopter. Alby and Minho weren't that far. And Alby saw me
Alby walked out and waved his arms up and pointed at me
"Are you serious"I said
"He's so stupid he won't leave us alone"Aris said he grabbed my hand and we ran to the top of the building and hid behind wood from broken desks and his there I looked outside of the window an saw buy nothing the boys were all together and made a fire
"Should we go"I asked
"No stay here I'll go get them and bring them here"Aris said and gave me a knife I watched him jump on down
"Well looks like your alone"A voice said
A familiar voice it was Janson's voice
"I'm not alone"I said
"Where's everyone"Janson asked
"Coming this way"I said
I watched them get closer and closer
"You come with me I won't hurt them say your good byes then I'll be there or pick you up so jump off the top of the building"Janson said
"Okay"I said I could feel him smiling
The boys came up I look at them
"Your okay"Thomas said and hugged me newt did the same thing
"I love you"newt said
"Bye"I said
I stood at the end of the building the boys looked at me
"Bye boys"I said and jumped down
"No"Newt yelled
I was falling for a while and then I was in a net hanging from the helicopter
Janson came down a ladder and brought me up I watched the boys
"Come back"Thomas said

Newt pOv
Hearing bye was not good it wasn't a good bye Either i watched her then saw her going to the end of the building and she jumped then I saw her with the saddest face ever while Janson rubbed her back
Thomas was throwing random stuff around the place o grabbed his arms
"She's gone, its not okay, Teresa's gone, Claire's gone"Thomas Cried
"Why can't anyone I love stay here With me"Thomas cried
"He'll never let her go and probably kill her"Thomas yelled escaping my grip and throwing a bunch of stuff all over the place again.
"Tommy stop"I told him he looked at me as if I did something wrong
"Please don't call me Tommy that's what Claire would call me"Thomas said and fell to the ground and just cried
Everyone watched him

Claire pOv
I watched them as I was being taken away from the boys
"They weren't even that good you'll have Teresa when we get back"Janson said. Wait what Teresa
"Teresa's dead she died she was shot in the rip"I said
"We saved her"Janson said my legs were hanging off of the helicopter I looked down and saw a bunch of trees where did they come from.
"You jump you won't survive"Janson said taking me out of my thoughts
"If I go back to the prison you keep my in with you I won't survive"I said
"You will as long as you respect the rules"Janson's said
"This is the slowest helicopter I've ever been in"I said
We got back and I was put in a room I got many needles and I had to take pills
"Where's Teresa"I asked
"Come with me, you guys are sharing a room"Janson said walking away I followed him I saw Teresa Janson pushes me in the room and walked away. Teresa was shocked
"What are you doing here"Teresa asked
"How are you still Alive we need to find a way out of here they kill My friend Aris's sister"I said
"That was my dad"Teresa said
"What"I said Teresa put her hand in her pocket and pulled keys it of her pocket. I looked at her
"You have keys"I said
"Let's leave this place they trust me i made them trust me we can leave without being suspicious
We walked out Teresa had a gun and pointed it at me
"What the heck"I said
"It's gonna convince them I'm one of them if they think I won't shoot you I'll shoot you in the leg or the arm then I can fix it I learnt how" Teresa explained
We walked people looked at me and asked where she was taking me as saus somewhere to teach her a lesson we got to the top where the helicopters were
We got in one and flew off
"That was surprisingly easy"I said
"Where are the boys"Teresa asked as we were leaving I todo her we flew and Teresa crashed the heliport in a tree then we survived and walked the rest of the way. I saw the boys
"Tommy"I yelled and ran to him and jumped in his arms and hugged him
"Claire you're alive, wait Teresa you're alive as well I thought you were dead am I dreaming"Thomas said
"You're not dreaming Tommy We see them too" Newt said
I looked at Newt who was behind Tommy and hugged him
"I thought you were gonna die when you jumped off the building"Newt said
"So did i"Thomas and Aris said
"We need to leave far way from here now they're gonna realize we're gonna sooner or later"I said
We ran even tho nothing was chasing us we got near the mountain area Alby wanted to go in the first place
We got there after 3 hours I'm guessing it felt like forced it was night so we laid under a big rock
"I was gonna jump out of the helicopter"I said
"Well I'm glad you didn't or you probably wouldn't be here right now"newt said
"I had a chance of dying with Janson as well you know" I said
"Tommy went crazy after you were gone he was throwing thing around the place" newt said
I looked at Thomas like if he was a crazy person.
"What your my sister and I love my sister"Thomas said
"Newt give me you jacket"I said
"Why"newt asked
"I'm cold" I said
"You can go in my jacket and I can just hug you"newt said
Newt unzipped his jacket and and I laid into his jacket and he zipped it up my head was popping out beside of his head. Everyone laughed
"Well I'm not cold anymore"I said
Newt kissed my cheek I looked at him and peck kissed his lips
I fell asleep
I woke up cause you felt someone watching you and newt was watching me sleep my eyes opened all the way
"What"I asked
"Your so cute when you sleep"newt said
"Are you sure you weren't watching Teresa sleep"I said
"Teresa wasn't in my jacket, you were"Newt said I got up and sat beside Aris, newt watched me
"How's it been we haven't Been able to talk lately"I said
"It's been okay in still alive so it's pretty good"Aris said I laughed
"Can we talk later I need to have a serious talk with Newt whenever I talk to someone he'll just stare"I said I hugged Aris and walked to newt
"Are you cheating on me"Newt asked
"No I'm not so stop staring at me when ever I talk to one of the boys expect for Thomas like it's annoying"I said
"Your definitely cheating on me"newt said. At this point I was mad at him he doesn't believe it until he sees it
"Okay fine I'm cheating on you is that what you wanted to hear"I said
"Ah ha you confessed"Newt said
I walked away
"Come back"he said
I kept walked towards Aris
Newt grabbed my wrist tight
"Newt it's me, it's Claire"I said
He held on to my wrist tighter
"Ow, newt your hurting me"I said
"Go through the pain"Newt said
We kept holding tighter and tighter he then pinned me down to the ground
"Get off of me"I yelled and pushed him off. I ran to Thomas since he had a dagger and a spear
"Thomas"I yelled I didn't care anymore newt was scaring me
Thomas didn't see me Aris was looking for Thomas he and Alby had
"Help me"I mumbled I then tripped on a rock o was on the ground and newt was choking me I couldn't tell at anyone I looked deep into Newt's eyes I saw sadness and regret
"Newt, get off of her"I heard someone say I couldn't tell who is was
It was getting dark the I saw Thomas I couldn't breathe then I could
"Thomas"I said and hugged him tightly
I saw Aris and hugged him as well
"Thanks"I whispered in his ear
"You're very welcome"Aris said
"If it wasn't for you I would probably be dead cause I'm a weak girl"I said
"Don't say that you're a strong independent woman"Aris said
Newt was out cold on the ground
"I'm taking the Chip out"Teresa said
She cut his head open and with tweezers I saw This chip thing get pulled out of his head, I hid my face in Aris chest my head hurt watching that
"It hurt you too"Aris laughed
"What I feel other people's pain"I said
"I'm not making fun of you I felt it as well"Aris said Teresa stitched Newt's head. I gagged
"This is disturbing"I said and walked towards Thomas.
"Tommy"I said
"Hey Claire"Thomas said
"Newt's get his head stitched close"I said. Thomas stuck his tongue out
"I had to leave or I would of been sick it was disturbing"I told Thomas
"Sounds disturbing"Thomas said
"Newt's head is all stitched"Aris said
"Thanks for telling me"I said
Thomas grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side. What the heck it wrong
"What"I asked concerned
"Aris likes you"Thomas told me
"No he doesn't we were best friend"I explained to Thomas
"Well he likes you and wants to be more then friends"Thomas said
"Aris" I yelled he came running
"What"Aris asked concerned
"Do you like me"I asked
"Well obviously why else would e be best friends"He said
I looked at Thomas
"Thomas thinks you like me more the friends"I said
"Nope I like you as a friend"Aris said
"Told ya"I said in Thomas's face
"Sorry"Thomas said and sat beside Alby and Minho. Me and Aris went back to see Newt and Teresa I saw him kissing Teresa but not just a quick one a full on make out session. He just turned the corner I went back so I didn't have to see them. I thought Teresa was my friend boy was I wron I thought newt loved me I was wrong for that as well. I just wanted to cry but I didn't I didn't want to not in front of Aris. Aris sat beside me and hugged me
"He thought I was cheating on me but really it was the opposite he was cheating on me with my best friend"I cried. Thomas came running up to me like if his brother senses were tingling or something.
"What's wrong"Thomas asked me
"Look for yourself but don't say anything I want to see if he'll do something about it or hid it from him I give him 2 days" I said Thomas peeked
"Are you sure you don't want me to do something"Thomas asked me
"Yep I'm sure"I lied
The truth was I wasn't sure what so ever I wanted the total opposite I wanted Thomas to go beat him up make him bleed
"Their down sucking each others faces"Thomas said I was done crying and my eyes weren't as puffy we walked up to them
"Newt will you kill me or am I okay to come close to you"I asked
"No I won't kill you"newt laughed
I shivered I don't even know why I just did newt looked at me
"Are you cold love"newt asked me
"No I'm fine"I said harshly
"Are you sure"newt said
"Im fine Newt"I said
I looked at Aris he knew what I was thinking he came closer to me
I kissed him newt watched in shock
"You saw didn't you"Teresa said
I pulled away from him
"I thought you were my friends but not was I wrong" I said
"She didn't kiss me I kissed her"Newt said I looked at him
"Yeah I thought you were a nice guy but I was wrong so so wrong, you said you loved me and it was all a big huge lie"
I said I walked closer to him
I kicked his shin and punched him
"I cared about you"I said
"I hate you"I said and kept punching him and kicking him. Thomas pulled me away form Newt I escaped his grip and kept hurting him
Thomas, Aris and Minho pulled me away from newt again
"Let go of me"I yelled
"Your being controlled"Newt yelled at me. I was furious I pulled as hard as I could and escaped all of their grips
"What the heck did you do to her that mad her so mad"Minho asked
"nothing"he said I laughed
"Nothing you did nothing"I said I slapped him over and over again
"Cheating on me and cheating on me with my friend like what the hell"I said
I finally finished and ran away from everyone. Thomas was following me cause that's what he does as my brother
"Go away Tommy"I said
"No you need someone, I'm that someone"Thomas said
I couldn't run anymore I sat behind a hill. Everyone was looking this way how did I know I peeked I put my head between my knees.
"Tommy why do they hate me"I asked
"Hey they don't hate you"Thomas said
"Why did they do that then"I asked
"Oh my god"Thomas said
"They controlled Teresa to put a newer chip in newt and they controlled them, you know they would never do that, you know Teresa didn't even have a crush on Newt" Thomas said
"That's True she had a crush on you"I told Thomas
"Wait what, I thought she liked Aris"Thomas said I laughed
"No it's you"I said Thomas was till shocked. I looked at him
"You like her don't you"I said
"I do"Thomas said
We walked back down to where everyone was I saw newt far away from Teresa. newt was talking to Aris and
Teresa was talking to Minho
I walked to Teresa
"I'm so sorry"I said and hugged her
"It's okay"Teresa said
"Thomas as something for you"I said
Thomas walked up to Teresa and kissed her. When he was done he ran away and sat beside Alby
"Did you tell him to do that"Teresa asked. I looked at her and grabbed her shoulders. SHe laughed
"No I only asked him if he liked you and he said yes. I told him to tell you how he feels"I said she smiled
"Don't even like newt I was being controlled"Teresa said
"I know"I said
I walked away and went to see Aris and newt. I was walked towards newt he looked at me.
"I'm sorry"I said
"Don't be it's not your fault"Newt said
"Yeah it is that last how you look so messed up"I said
"You didn't know" newt said
I looked at Aris and saw him get up and leave. I think Thomas was right he likes me more then a friend
Newt kissed my cheek
"I'm gonna go talk to Aris and no I'm not hearing in you I know you were being controlled but I wanted just to make that clear"I said he nodded
I walked up to Aris who was walking away from the whole group and sat In a little cave I sat beside him after he sat
"Was Thomas right"I asked
"I think he is"Aris said
"Why do you like me I don't understand that"I asked Aris
"Your funny, nice, if anyone messes with your friend or you you go crazy on them and you beautiful I don't care if you don't see it but I do"Aris said
"I Didn't meet you soon enough, but since I met you you've been so nice to me"Aris explained to me his words made my face turn red
"Can I kiss you"I asked
"Sure, will newt care" Aris asked
I didn't answer I just kissed him
"I don't really care what he think about right now that was the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me so I don't care about newt right now he's the lest of my concerns"I said and laid on him
"Newt hates when I do this"I said
"I don't"Aris said I fell asleep on Aris

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