Chapter 9

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I woke up and saw blood on the ground I looked around no one was there I stood up and went to check around everything was gone Everyone also
I looked at myself and saw blood al over me I looked to my left an saw a hand so k walked towards it I saw Thomas and Newt's lifeless body
Then I woke up. Newt looked at me
"Are you okay"Newt asked
I was now shaking was he alive right now is he real wait did he ask me a question. I was unable to answer
"I'll take that as a no"Newt said
"Are you alive"I asked
"I'm breathing and talking so I hugest I'm alive"Newt said
"Is Thomas alive"I asked. I was still looking at newt
"Tommy you alive"Newt yelled
Thomas trend the corner
"Yeah I'm alive why"Thomas said
"Claire asked"newt said
"Nightmare"Thomas asked
"Yeah but it was so realistic"i said
"What was it"Thomas asked
"I killed you and newt cause I was being controlled I watched you and Newt's lifeless bodies and everyone else was gone"I explained to Thomas
"Well were leaving soon"Thomas said
"Okay"newt said. I was still a little shaken up so newt helped me stand up
I grabbed my bag and we all began to walk. I was done shaking and walked like a normal human begin
"What's that"Thomas asked pointing at a thing the was just floating in the air
It wasn't moving it was siting in the air
It looked like a plane.
"Why isn't it moving"I asked
"I don't know"Thomas said
"Why is this so shucking confusing"Minho asked
"I don't know I wanna take a closer look at it"I said
"That's a stupid idea, what if there's an alien that eats you and throws your bones at us or if there's cranks sitting up there wait to infect you"Minho said
"Yeah sure that's a stupid idea"I said
"It is"Minho said
"You gave a stupid comment about it which makes me want to go see it more, what if your right and there's Aliens or cranks well hopefully not aliens or cranks but humans"I said
"She's got a point"Teresa said
Thomas pushed the door open it was like a house airplane looking things
Nothing popped out to eat us or to infect us, I wasn't very surprised that nothing came hurling out of the thing and came to kill us Thomas pushed me up in to the thing, I'm just gonna call it a things was inside my life flashed before my eyes but nothing happened I just poof. I looked around no one was in it but I saw a family a girl and her brother playing together parents to perfect to be alive they were watching tv and talking they were like barbies
The little girl looked at her brother
"I love you tommy"she said
"I love you too Claire"the boy said
Is this my family? No it can't be in not perfect Thomas isn't either.
"Come on you guys its lunch time"Said the mother She picked the girl up in her arms and sat her at the table right beside "Tommy". They were eating then someone knocked on the door
The mom looked at the father like they Just realized they aren't Barbie dolls their in real life the father grabbed the children's hid in a closet. The mom opened the door. 2 men were at the door with guns and pointed them at the lady. They looked at each other
"Where's the children"a man asked
"What children I have no children"The lady said. They shot the lady my mother. I walked to the closet, the little girl was hugging her brother the dad got up and ran out of the closet
"Take me leave my children"The father yelled with tears filling his eyes as he watched his wife's lifeless body in the ground. They she him and went straight to the closet
"Leave us alone"The brother yelled
"We're going to keep you safe come with us"the man said
"No you won't you Just killed mommy and daddy"Said the little girl
"No there just sleeping, they wanted us to take you"the man said the children believed him and went with them.
Then I was back in a dark bloody house
"Claire"Thomas yelled
"What"I asked looking at him
"I've been calling your name for 20 minutes now is there anything in there"Thomas Asked
"It's not a good place"I said and jumped out of the House I may have lived in for maybe 5 years
"Why what's wrong, what in there"Thomas asked
"Memories, horrible, horrible memories"I said and looked at Thomas
"You saw stuff"Thomas asked
"Stuff I didn't want to see or hear"I said tears filled my eyes. Thomas pulled me into a hug and hugged me
"I don't wanna go in there ever again"I said and hid me face in Thomas's neck
"Wait who would put a house in the middle of nowhere"Thomas asked
I looked around I saw a camera
"Are you serious"I said and grabbed a rock. I threw it at the camera there was another one in the at corner
"What"Thomas asked confused
"We can't stay here there's stupid cameras"I said
We ran toward away from the house
Thomas opened his mouth then closed it we kept running till we found a cave we don't do well in caves so we kept running and ended up near mountains
We stopped running Everyone looked at each other. Out of breathe
"What now we can't stay in the wide open"Minho said
"We're gonna stay hear near this cement box looking thing, I don't know"I said my eyes were red and puff dice I was crying for a stupid reason
My eyes began to burn and I kept seeing the same thing over and over again. It was when I saw my parents get shot on to the ground. Which caused my head to hurt
I looked at newt it didn't stop I held my head and sat on the ground.
"What's wrong"Thomas asked
"I keep seeing something I saw back there and it's hurting my head and my eyes burn. Everything hurts"I said
Newt looked at me he was worried I could see it in his eyes. Thomas rubbed my back in circles hoping to make me feel better but Nothing or no one can fix that pain I have well I can die but I don't Want to die I want to live, with my boyfriend, my brother and my best friends who are boys
I hit the ground. I was in pain and couldn't do anything I was mad at myself for not being able to do anything about the pain I was in or make anything better for anyone
I heard footsteps everyone went quite
"Who are you"A girl asked

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