The Greatest Opportunity

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I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs.

Also, my meds were on the little table next to my bed with a glass of water.

Nate must've set it there.

I take the pills and stand up from the bed. My leg didn't hurt as much, so I decided to not use my crutches.

"Good morning," said Nate.

I smiled and saw the table next to the kitchen area. It was set for two. A plate and silverware on each side, two glasses, and George was sitting in between.

"What's all this?" I asked.

He carries the pan with the bacon and eggs over to the table and splits them between the two plates.

"Breakfast," he replies. "You hungry?"

I nod. I look at the clock. It's 1 o' clock in the afternoon.

"I have to go to work at 1:30." I told Nate.

"Alright. I'll give you a ride," he said, smiling. "But, for now, let's eat. "

He pours orange juice in the two glasses and pulls the chair out for me to sit.

I pass the couch where this mornings 'make out session' happened.

I sit down and Nate pushes the chair in and sits down on his side of the table.

"So what do you do? For work, I mean."

I bit a piece of bacon.

"I'm a photographer." I answer.

"Oh, that's neat!" He bites into his bacon as well. "What for?"

"Magazines, newspapers, projects. All the basics."

He nodded and took a bite of an egg.

"What about you?" I ask him.

"What?" he asked.

I look at him.

"What's your occupation?" I ask.

"Oh, of course," he took another bite. "I'm in a band."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Really?" I ask in amazement.

"You don't recognize who I am?" he asked.

I look at him, puzzled.

"No. I've never seen you before." I say, and take another bite of my bacon.

He laughed. Quite harder than usual, this time.

"I'm Nate Ruess. From Fun.? You know, 'We Are Young', 'Some Nights'?" he said, eyebrows raised.

"I know those songs...wait, that's your band?" I ask, still in amazement.

He nodded and smiled.

All this time, and he's a 'rockstar'?

"We are on tour right now, well, not exactly 'right now'. We are on break, but anyway, yeah." he said, chuckling.

Then, I had the best idea that could save my life and even my reputation.

"What if," I said, took one last bite of my food, and continued, "I went on tour with you guys and took pictures or whatever. Then, I could talk my boss into making a magazine all about you guys and about the tour?"

He grinned.

"That's actually not a bad idea," said Nate. "Yeah, that sounds great."

I smiled and looked at the clock. It's 1:15.

"Shoot! I gotta go to work!"

Nate laughs, gets my shoes, and grabs my coat.

"Let's go, let's go." he says, very happily.

I put on one shoe, since my other foot is a robot, and throw on my jacket.

Nate helps me down the stairs and into the car.

"Now," he says whilst sitting down into the car. "Where do you work?"

"The New York Print Inc. building by the mall." I reply.

He backs the car up, and exits the parking lot.


When we get to my workplace, he helps me out of the car and follows me inside.

I show the counter woman my badge pass and go on to the back where my office is.

"Wow. Your own room?" say Nate in awe.

I laugh.


He closes the door and roams around the office, observing my pictures and knick-knacks that I got around the room.

"It looks nicer" says Nate, still looking around. He stops and then looks at me with a big grin. "It would look better with pictures of me around it."

I blush and laugh.

"Well, give me a minute and there will be soon." I reply. "Let me go talk to my boss about the idea and you can sit here and do whatever, I guess."

He nods and winks.

"Cool. I'll be right here."

I leave the room and make my way to my boss. When I get to  her office, I knock on her door.

"C'mon in!"

I open the door and walk on in.

"Hello, ma'am." I say with a smile on my face. I love my boss. She's so sweet and loves all of everybody's work. She's such a grateful person.

"Why, hello, Trina." she says in return, also smiling. "What's up?"

I'm surprised she hadn't noticed my leg yet.

"I ran into a man who is in a band and they're currently on tour. They're pretty well known. After all, they have 3 Grammys. Also, I was thinking we could make a whole magazine on them and their success."

She sat there, thinking, for only a few seconds.

"Do you still see the man?" she asked.

"Yeah, Actually, he's-" then Nate walked into the room.

"Right here." he finished.

He looked at me and smiled.

"Were you chiming in this whole time?" I whispered.

He nodded and walked up to my boss, holding his hand out for a shake.

"Hi," he said as she shook his hand. "Nate Ruess."

"Annette Jules." she said in return.

It was quiet for a few seconds.

"I think you should do it." she said.

"Oh my God, really?!" I exclaimed with excitement.

"Yes," said Anne. "Remember to choose great contrasts."

I smile bigger than I ever had. I get to travel around with Nate and do what I love: photography.

I run to Nate and give him a big hug. I guess that caught him by surprise because he about fell back.

And for some reason, I kissed him. Maybe I was so happy, I had no idea what I was doing. But, when I kissed him, it made me even more happy.

"Well, someone is excited." he said, laughing and holding me, preventing me from falling.

"What happened to your leg, Trina?" asked Anne. She's a bit late on that question.

"Oh, I had an accident." I replied.

I didn't really want to explain because I was too excited and I have too much I need to do, like, packing up clothes and getting film ready, along with my camera.

I can't wait. And neither can Nate.

Walking Alone {A Nate Ruess Funfic}Where stories live. Discover now