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Walking down the corridors of the hospital was enough to make me get sick. The thought of Nate and I leaving without the baby was killing me.

"Trina." says Nate, before we get in the elevator.


"I love you."

I stare at the floor with no emotion whatsoever.

"Yeah." I whisper quietly.

"Look, its not your fault."

"Whose fault is it, then, Nate? Because it sure as hell wasn't yours."

"It's not your fault."

"I had the attack. I fell. I smashed the ba-"

"It was an accident."

I look at Nate in disgust.

"An accident? Nate, an accident is what lead us to this! And accident isn't an accident if someone ends up dead! This wasn't an accident, okay, it was a tragedy and it was my fault, Nate, it was my f-"

He yanks me to him and holds my body against his. We're closer than we have been for a while now that there is nothing there to space us apart.

"Look, we can try again in a few months. You need time to heal and get everything together."

"It won't be the same."

"We'll be married and you'll be working and I'll be at home, or out. The tour is over, so I can be with you more."

I nod.

"It still will not be the same."

"I know. But we'll make the best of it. I promise."

"Promises are meant to be broken."

"Not mine."

I sigh and hold him even tighter.

"Let's just go home, Nate. Please?"

After he solemnly stares at me, he nods.


Nate took his time to drive home and looked over at me every two seconds to see how I was.

"You know you look beautiful, right?"


"Really! You do."

I glare out the window and watch my breath fog up the window. I don't have much to say, not that I want to talk anyway. I just want to get hone and sleep my life away with Nate by my side. But, knowing him, he'll force me to get up after ten hours of wallowing in our bed sheets.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2015 ⏰

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