Head Over Heels

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Nate and I head back to my office.

"Congratulations, " he said, smiling. "You get to travel with the three dorks we call Fun.."

I laugh. He's so funny, even when he doesn't try to be.

"I can't wait," I exclaimed. "It's going to be amazing."

I can see it now. Being backstage, watching the band perform to thousands of people, tour bus rides. I just  can't wait.

We get back to my office and Nate sits on the little chair next to my desk.

I sit down at my desk and get six cartridges of film for the tour, three lenses, and, most important, my camera.

Nate sits there and looks at my photos on my desk. They're mostly just photos of my cat, me, and inspirational people I have worked with in the past, like Ellen DeGeneres when I had taken photos of her for a big project in L.A last summer.

Now, the next photo on my desk will be Nate and the rest of the Fun. crew.

"We get back this Friday. Our next show is in Buffalo this Saturday." said Nate. "Friday is rehearsal day, along with Saturday afternoon."

I nod. I got three days to gather some travel money, pack enough clothes and necessities, find a cat-sitter for Chloe, and so much other stuff.

"Oh yeah," said Nate, suddenly. "Why'd you kiss me back there?"

I blushed. How do I answer this without being weird?

"I was just excited," I answered. Good call.

"Really?" he asked, grinning.

"Yeah," I'm still blushing. "Why'd you kiss me this morning? "

He stared at me for a few seconds in silence.

"Because I wanted to." he answered.

I laugh.

"Really?" I asked him, the same way he asked me.

"Yup," he said, adorably. "You liked it, too."

He grinned and I blush even more.

"Nu-uh," I said, denying it. "It was...slimy."

He laughed.

"Slimy?!" he asked, still laughing.

I nod.

He stopped laughing, but still had a big smile on his face.

"You are something else." he said, and went back to looking at my pictures.

I sat there, watching him gaze around the room. What is it about him that makes me feel so confident?

He noticed me looking at him and I quickly looked away. I could see him grinning from the corner of my eye.

I tried to ignore him and go on my computer to sort out my files and send my boss new photos I've been working on all night.

Nate gets up and casually walks towards me. He leans in and looks at my computer. I still try to ignore him, but it was pointless. He was right in my face, staring at the pictures on the screen, smiling.

"Yes?" I ask him.

He looks at me.

"Oh nothing," he said. "I was just hoping you would kiss me again, because I kinda liked it. But, you're too bu-"

I cut him off with a short kiss, not too short, but also, not too long.

"There," I said. "Happy?"

He frowned.

"That's it?" he asked, showing off his cute puppy eyes.

I grin.

"You wanted a kiss, so you got one." I said, with a jokingly tone.

He laughed.

"Yeah, a kiss, not a-" I kissed him again, this time, longer.

I placed my hands on his head and held it there, just kissing him.

He pulled me closer to him and before we knew it, he lost balance and we came crashing down on the floor, laughing as I lay there next to him.

"Sorry," he said, still laughing. "Are you hurt?"

I shook my head and started up laughing again. So did he.

"Now that was a kiss." he said as he got up.

He held his hand down for me to grab and helped me up. It kinda hurt my leg, but I was okay.

Nate began laughing again.

"What the hell was that, anyway?" he asked, still cracking up.

I shrugged and sat back down.

So did he.


It's almost 4 pm, which is when I usually get off on Tuesdays.

I close down the tabs on my computer and shut it down.

I look over at Nate, who is passed out in the chair.

Poor guy. I must've bored him.

I go over to wake him up.

"Huh?" he said as he rose up in the chair, rubbing his eyes and stretching his arms out.

"It's time to get back." I tell him.

He looks around the room, remembering were he was, and got up.

"Okay," he said as he stretched some more.

I grabbed the stuff I packed for the tour. Nate reached to grab it from my hand but I refused. He has done enough for me. I can carry a five pound bag.

He somehow understood and smiled at me, shaking his head.

I smile back and we head for the door.

Walking Alone {A Nate Ruess Funfic}Where stories live. Discover now