The Day Before

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I wake up next to Nate, who is still passed out. My head hurts and the television was still on.

I get up carefully so I don't wake him up. He looked so cute cuddled into the blanket.

I go to the mirror and look at myself for a moment. Nate's clothes fit me perfectly, and it looked good. I love his taste of clothing.

I decide to go lay back down so I go back over to the bed and lay next to him. He smelled of the night before, which was a good smell, to be honest.

He opens his eyes and groans, rubbing his face with both of his hands. He looks over at me and smiles.

"Good morning," he said, in a 'I just got up and I don't feel like talking but, to you, I will' voice.

I smile and kiss him.

"Good morning." I say back.

He gets up off of the bed and looks at me as I lay there, smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said as he walked to the bathroom, laughing.

When the door shut, I flipped through the television to see what else is on.

I heard Nate singing in the bathroom. His voice was so beautiful and serene, like an angel in voice form.

I decided to sing along since it was a song I knew. I got carried away in my singing and didn't even notice that he had stopped and was watching me from outside the bathroom door. When I did notice, I immediately stopped and started blushing.

"You have a great voice," he said.

I blushed even more.

"Thanks," I said, hiding my smile.

He walked to me and moved the blanket from my face and ran his fingers through my hair. He bent down and kissed me on the forehead.

"Nate," I said, pushing him away. "Can I ask you something?"

He nodded.

"Of course. Anything." he smiled.

I took a deep breath.

"Are we," I hesitated. "Together?"

"Well," he said. "I like you. I think you like me. You slept in the same bed as me last night. We had kissed several times. You tell me."

It was silent for a few seconds after that.

"I mean, I guess." I said, blushing again.

He smiled the biggest smile I've seen him smile yet.

"Okay, then, girlfriend." he smirked.

I nudged him and laughed.

"Now, don't push it." I said.

We laughed.

"My clothes look good on you, by the way." he added in.

I blush again.

"Thanks," I said, shyly.

Then, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," I said, and got up to answer the door.

It was Andrew. I smile and invite him in.

"Good morning, sleepyheads." he said.

"Morning!" Nate yelped from under the blankets.

I laughed. That was too cute.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask Andrew.

"Pretty good. You?" he answered.

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