Mistakes and Broken Promises

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Angelika's POV

I'm currently walking to the gym with coach Boone. He smiled "Hey Angelika!" I smiled "Hi Boone, I was going to play but I changed my mind. I would like to help out though."

He nodded "Alright that sounds good!" We opened the gym doors and only saw colored players.

I looked confused and shook my head. The boys were probably doing something stupid.

Boone was currently up in some little skin boys face. Who I later found out name was Petey.

Then all the boys I knew walked into the gym with my dad and coach Tyrell.
Gerry leading the rest of the boys with a stone cold face.

That's when Petey walked up to me "Hey! What's your name?!" I smiled and extended a hand "Angelika Yoast." He smirked "Petey Jones, and that's a beautiful name! I like that! Angelika!"

He paused and spoke up again "It has the word Angel in it. I'll call you that! Angel!" I giggled "Thanks."

Gerry heard me and walked up to me and wrapped an arm around me. Gerry glared and growled at Petey "She's mine man!"

I looked up at Gerry "Gerry! He was just being nice!" Gerry didn't say anything.

He looked down at me and his face softened. He looked over to Alan "Im going back over with Alan. If you need me just yell." I nodded and he gave me a smiled and left.

Petey looked at me "Wow! He's feisty!" I laughed "No he's just very protective. We have been dating since we were 13."

Petey' eyes widened "Wow! That's along time! He's lucky your beautiful and sweet! Any guy would be lucky to have you!"

I grinned "I like you! You complement me!" He laughed "Yeah! If you ever want to hang out just ask! Bye my little Angel!"

I smiled "Bye Petey!" I walked over to Gerry and leaned into his side. He wrapped an arm around my waist.

Ray gave me a stern look "Really Angie? You hang out with them! You can do better!" I shook my head "There is nothing wrong with Petey or the other guys!"

Ray rolled his eyes and shook his head. Alan just stood there quietly. He changed the subject "So your dad is staying at T.C. Williams! You happy about that shortcake?!"

I gave him a look "Yes I'm happy! And don't call me shortcake! I'm only and inch or two smaller than you!"

He laughed "Your still tiny!" I glared "No I'm not!" He rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled. I shook my head.

Later that afternoon I stayed at home with Sheryl. Gerry said he had plans to go out with the guys.

~Later At Night~

Mrs.Bertier's POV

Gerry walked in the house. He got a shower and came back downstairs to the living room.

I smiled "How was it with the guys?" He nodded nervously and rubbed the back of his neck "good."

I took notice to his neck and saw marks all over it. I gasped "Gerry William Bertier! I thought you said you weren't going out with Angelika tonight!"

He put his hands in his face and mumbled "I didn't." I froze and yelled at him "Get your hands away from your face! Look at me when you talk! Repeat yourself!"

I was hoping I didn't hear him right. He sighed and looked at me "I didn't go out with Angelika tonight."

I sighed "Then who did you go out with?" He sighed again "The boys."

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