Live or Die?

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Gerry's POV

By now the whole team was at the hospital. We all sat in the waiting room.

The doctor walked up to Bill who was sitting next to me.

The doctor sighed "She is under cardiac arrest and hooked up to ventilator. If she doesn't get a heart transplant she will die. She has a maximum of 4 days to find a donor."

Everyone broke into tears. The doctor sighed "I am so sorry Mr.Yoast. You may see her if you like. You can only bring one guest with you in the room as of now."

Bill nodded and turned to me "Gerry son come on." I looked at him shocked "But I---" he cut me off "I know but she wouldn't care. She would want you with her no matter what."

I nodded and followed behind Bill and the doctor.

Bill walked into the room and I stopped out side the room.

Bill turned back to me "Gerry are you okay?"

I shook my head "Bill she's like this because of me! I'm the one that made her upset! I'm the one that put her in this position!"

The doctor spoke up "No you actually might save her life. When we found her she already had a bad heart. If she wouldn't have gotten hit by the car she would have been dead anyway."

My eyes widened "So is like rapid beating of the heart a symptom of heart failure?"

He nodded "Yes did she complain about it a lot?"

I nodded "Yeah she did but I thought I just had the effect on her."

Bill and the doctor laughed. I sighed "What if you don't find a donor?"

He sighed "She won't live but her getting hit by the car knocked her out so she wouldn't feel the pain. So I would say she would pass away in peace."

I nodded "Can you check me if I'm eligible to give her my heart?"

He doctor gasped "Well we can check organ donors who have already passed first."

I nodded "If not check me. I'll give her mine."

Bill spoke up "Gerry you're not only giving her your heart! You're giving her your life!"

I nodded "I would do it once and I would do it a million times again."

The doctor nodded "Do you want to get checked now."

I nodded "Yeah." Bill grabbed my wrist before I walked out of the room "Gerry your mother needs you. Don't give up your life. I love my baby girl but I don't want to see another family torn apart because you saved ours."

I shook my head "If I am eligible I will Bill nothing is going to change that! I love her!"

Bill let me go and I turned to see the doctor looking at us. He nodded "Come this way Gerry."

Bill spoke up "I'll get tested too. Let's Sheryl and Julius visit Angelika while we are gone."

The doctor nodded and followed Bill's instructions.

Angelika's POV

I heard Gerry talking to me in the ambulance. I felt him touch my hand. Even though everything was numb it sent a shock through my body.

When they were in the hospital room. He said he would give up his heart for me. I don't want him to.

If he does I wouldn't be able to live with myself. When he said he loved me I felt like he never cheated on me.

The only thing I wanted to do is kiss and cuddle with him. I wanted him to hold me and tell me everything will be okay.

The truth is I don't think it will. I have this feeling no matter what happens. The ending result is going to ruin someone's life.

What if I wake up and later in life Gerry and I'd relationship falls apart! I mean it's possible... it's already on the rocks.

Maybe I don't want to wake up. Maybe letting go is the easiest thing to do.

He will move on. He will find a girl that makes him happy. He will learn to love again.

If that's what's best for him I'll let go. Because when you love someone you want the best for them even though it hurts you. Love is like a rose.

"Some say love, it is a river, that drowns the tender reed
Some say love, it is a razor, that leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need
I say love, it is a flower, and you, its only seed

Its the heart afraid of breaking, that never learns to dance
Its the dream afraid of waking, that never takes the chance
Its the one who won't be taking, who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying, that never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long
And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed, that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose"

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