Life After You

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~Time Skip~

Gerry's POV

The doctor walked into the room. He walked up to Bill "Mr.Yoast we can't find another heart for her."

Sheryl spoke up "What about Nan? She's soon dead anyway!"

Bill scowled "Sheryl!" Sheryl spoke up "What?! You know Nan would gladly give her heart for Angelika!"

Bill shook his head "I know she would but it's not nice to say."

The doctor sighed "We will give you 2 hours to make your mind up. If you decide to not we will take her off the machine because there is no use for it if she doesn't have a good heart."

I walked out of the room not wanting anyone to talk to. But Luck was not on my side.

Sheryl ran up to me and hugged me. She cried out "Gerry I'm scared what if I loose the only mother figure I ever had in my life!"

I sighed "Sheryl I don't know what to tell you besides stay strong there is hope that she will live."

She screeched "But then dad will die!" I sighed "He would die for your sister and I know he would do the same for you. Just stay strong it will all work out!"

I didn't even believe myself when I said that.

Sheryl looked up at me "Promise?" I sighed and shook my head "Sheryl I can't promise you that I'm sorry."

She nodded and let the tears fall from her face. I had tears streaming down mine.

~Time Skip~

Gerry's POV

We sat in Angelika's room. The doctor walked in. He turned to Bill "So have you made up your mind?"

He nodded "I'll give her mine." Sheryl started crying and I gave her a hug.

Bill turned to her "Listen Sheryl you'll be okay without me. Take care of your sister alright?"

She nodded "Alright, I love you daddy!" He kissed her on the forehead "I love you too Sheryl."

He turned to me "Now you treat her well Gerry. Love her with all you have and don't let her go."

I nodded "I will! I promise!" Bill nodded and gave Sheryl one last hug and left.

And you would think that's it! Right? Bill gives Angelika his heart. He dies and she lives. Nope!

They took them both into surgery. I sat in the waiting room with Sheryl. We expect to wait for hours but nope.

The doctor came rushing out. He stopped in front of us.

He frowned "You're here for Angelika Yoast right?"

I nodded "Yeah I'm her boyfriend and this is her little sister Sheryl. Why?"

He sighed "Well we went to start surgery and um..."

Sheryl cried "Is my daddy dead?! Is my sister alive?!"

The doctor shook his head "We were about to start surgery but her heart gave up. Her whole body stopped functioning."

There was silence absolutely silence. Until the doctor spoke up "You can say goodbye to her. Your dad is already doing so. I am so sorry for your loss."

By now I was crying. I was broken. I was lost. I don't know how to describe what I'm feeling. What ever it is it hurts so bad it almost feels numb.

And that's the day I said goodbye. That's the day Angelika Yoast died.

Our future plans of getting married and having kids were ruined.

~Time Skip~

Narrator's POV

Bill Yoast still lived his life. Sheryl did as well. But not a day went by that they didn't miss Angelika. She was the heart throb of their family. But they had to let that go. But they never moved on.

Gerry Bertier never got over Angelika's death. He never dated a girl after she died. Because he loved her and only her.

He carried the grudge of him breaking her heart to his grave.

Gerry died a few years after Angelika did. He died in a car accident.

Some say it is a coincidence that he died on the same street she did. But to some people it wasn't.

But that question will never be answered.

Maybe there is a life after death. And if there is there is no doubt in my mind Gerry and Angelika would be spending every minute of it together.

A wise man once said 'the worst part about death is what dies inside of us while we are still living.' Oh is that statement so true...

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