Her Life Rested in Their Hands

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Angelika's POV

I gave Julius the note. I shook my head "Ju I'm going to go for a walk I'll be back."

He smiled and gave me a hug "I'll see you later Angie at practice."

I nodded "Yeah at practice!" I walked down the hall and out the door.

I saw Sheryl at the field. I smiled at her and she yelled "Ang! Wanna Play?"

I shook my head "No Sheryl I'm going for a walk."

She ran to me "Can I go with?" I shook my head "No you better stay here!"

She nodded "Are you upset about Gerry?" I nodded "Yeah I just need to clear my head."

I bent down and gave her a kiss on the forehead "Nan said to give you a kiss for her. She also said she loves you and misses you very much!"

Sheryl smiled "I love her too!" I nodded "Well bye sis! I'll be back soon!"

She nodded "Bye Ang! Be safe!"

I walked and walked. My mind kept on thinking about Gerry.

I looked up to see the light was red so I crossed the road.

But the driver didn't see the light was red and hit me with the car.

My body was thrown to the ground. My head hit off the concrete blood poured out.

Everything was black. Everything was numb and so peaceful.

Gerry's POV

We were currently practicing. I noticed Angelika wasn't there.

I looked at Julius "Hey man where is Ang?" He shrugged "She said she would be at practice."

I sighed "Man I don't feel good about this." Julius nodded "neither do I."

I walked up to Sheryl "Where is your sister?"

She looked up to me "She went for a walk. She was supposed to be back by now."

I nodded "Which direction did she go." Sheryl pointed towards town.

I ran off the field. Boone yelled "Bertier get back here! Where are you going?!"

I yelled back "To find Angelika!"

Coach Yoast yelled after me but I kept on running. I didn't know where I was going but I ran.

About 5 minutes later I saw ambulances and police officers. I walked up to one of the police officers.

He turned to me "Please back away sir!" I spoke up "What happened?"

He sighed "A young female woman got hit by a car."

I gasped when I "Angelika! You got to let me see her!"

He raised an eyebrow "And what is she to you?"

I shook my head "My girlfriend! Please you have to let me see her! You have to!" 

The officer frowned "Fine we will let you ride in the ambulance with her but as soon as you get to the hospital you must call her dad."

I nodded "Anything! I'll do it!"

They let me in the ambulance. When I saw her I almost cried. She looked terrible!

Her scull must have been cracked open. She was pale white. She had cuts and bruises everywhere. I grabbed her hand. Her hand was scratched and her knuckles were bruised.

The paramedic was operating on her. He turned to me and whisper "I know this sounds odd but sometimes if they are waiting for someone they fight longer and don't die as quickly. Right now she isn't looking good. So try and talk to her. She might not respond to you but she might hear you."

When my relative was dying of cancer a nurse said something similar to one of my cousins.

I nodded and whispered in her ear "Don't let go! Fight Angelika please! I can't let you go! Not like this! I will make it up to you I promise! You might be ready to go but I'm not ready to let you go! We are supposed to get married, have children, and grow old together. Please don't give up on our future. I messed up! I really messed up! And if you die I will carry this guilt with me to my grave! I love you Angelika! Just... Please stay with me!"

By now tears were streaming down my eyes. The paramedic gave me a soft smile and nodded.

I could hear the sirens from the ambulance racing down the road to the hospital. I could see out the back window how fast we were going.

I turned my attention back to Angelika and kissed her forehead.

The paramedic spoke up "I don't think... there is something else wrong with her... it's not just her head... there is something more! But I don't know what it is! Her heart beat is slowing down!"

My heart felt like it was going to fall out of my chest. We just arrived at the hospital and they rushed her in on the gurney.

I wanted to go with her but they took her into surgery.

It's unbelievable how the life of someone is resting in a doctors hands. One wrong move and I will never see Angelika again.

I will have to live with the ugly truth. She will be gone forever. And the worst part is the last thing she will remember about me is our fight.

Always watch what you say to someone because you don't know when they are gone. No one is ever guaranteed a tomorrow.

Life is not a game. When you loose you can't just start over again. When you loose there is no going back.

Because they are already gone. No matter how many prayers you say they won't come back.

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