The Beach (P2)

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Not even 10 minutes passed before the harassment began. The first thing was a fake spider the twins sneakily placed on my stomach. I flicked it off quickly and jumped slightly.

"Aha! Spiders." They tried to claim they found my fear.

"You idiots. Anyone who looked away from their book to find a big ass spider on them would react like that. Or worse. Honestly."

They sulked away to come up with something else. I already told them it wasn't an actual living thing or object but they didn't listen. My fears were deeper, unexpected sorts of things.

The next thing was Honey's idea. He made Haruhi and I stand in the back of the truck that the police force arrived in with the door closed, in the dark. That backfired. He freaked out himself.

After we got out I had to comfort him and so carried him like a child all the way back. Haruhi and I found Takashi with a harpoon.

"Umm... Mori, you're my senpai, not a sentai..." Haruhi voiced her confusion.

I continued back to my seat still with Honey in my arms. We sat down on my beach towel and he asked me if I knew what Haruhi was scared of.

"Yeah but it's a secret so I can't tell you."

"What are you scared of (y/n)-chan?"

"They aren't the normal sort of things you'd expect one to be scared of like the dark, spiders, snakes, thunder, ghosts. None of that stuff."

"Then what?" He looked at me confused. Takashi had come over and sat with us.

I sighed. "It's something I can't talk about because when I think about it I get really anxious and sometimes I have like a panic attack so."

"Is Haru-chan like that?"

"No... Hers is more simple I think. No more questions, no more hints okay."

"Kay." He looked sideways and pouted.

I felt a big hand on my head. I looked up to see Takashi. I smiled.


Everyone had finally given up trying to guess my phobia after Honey blabbed to them about what I said. I decided to take one last walk along the beach when I heard shouting from above. On the rocks I found two girls, Haruhi and two rough looking guys standing up there. Tamaki was running toward them so I instantly started up there too.

"HARUHI!" Tamaki yelled as one of the guys threw her off the edge. He went in after her.

They turned back to the girls.

"Hey! Why don't you pick a fight with someone who actually has a chance against you?!" My mouth started without me thinking.

"Not another pip squeak." One of the men said.

"I ain't no pip squeak. Get over here away from those girls and act like a man! Or are you too scared?!" They began to move over to me. "Honey, Takashi, take the ladies home. They don't want to see this." I ordered the two and stared down the two perverted impostors.

"Seriously, a big guy like him on your side and you still want a go you brat?"

"It's not about size or strength. Nobody messes with my family or my friends."

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