The Loonies From Lobelia... Again (P1)

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It was the weekend and once again I was foolishly awakened by the host club and I refused to leave my bed. Tamaki and the twins made sure every light in the room was on and opened the curtains to let the sunlight burn my eyes. They made as much noise as possible while doing so, causing me to wake up and scare the living daylights out of every single one of them. I tried to go back to sleep although it didn't exactly work.

Tamaki being the big jerk that he is ordered MY maids to dress me as he ushered all of the boys from the room. And so I ended up dressed in some stupid girly thing which made me even angrier thereby throwing the maids out and dressing myself as I do any other day.

I opened my wardrobe to find that every single pair of pants was missing. "What the hell?! Where's all my stuff?! MOTHER!" I yelled from my bedroom door. The host club had disappeared, my guess is that they were probably with her in the living room or something.

Two maids came up to me. "On your mothers orders we have removed any pants from the closet an replaced them with skirts." One of them started.

"She also knew that the host club would be picking you up this morning to which furthur provoked her decision."

"Well you better have every last item of clothing taken from me returned by the time I get home because if you don't I'm not going to be happy." I grumbled at the two women before me menacingly. I continued muttering curses under my breath as I went back to my wardrobe. Looking at my options I just ended up pulling out a short black and white plaid skirt (luckily I always had short shorts ready for any emergencies like this to wear underneath), a sleeveless light blue turtleneck, and a pair of blue and white shoes.

 Looking at my options I just ended up pulling out a short black and white plaid skirt (luckily I always had short shorts ready for any emergencies like this to wear underneath), a sleeveless light blue turtleneck, and a pair of blue and white shoes

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I had just gotten dressed when m mother walked in and squealed. "Oh (y/n), you look so adorable oh my..." She trailed off and stopped cheering that she ended up getting me into a skirt. "Look at your hair it looks like a birds nest. Quick, sit. I'll fix it up right now for you." She pushed on my shoulders to get me to sit on the chair at my desk.

"But mother I'm only going to see Haruhi. I don't understand why it's such a big deal for me to wear a skirt or to do my hair. Why do you always insist on trying to get me to be girly?" I whined as she swiftly combed my hair and braided part of it.

"Because you're a girl (y/n). You rarely wear anything nice and the last time you did wear a dress or a skirt was when you were ten. I'm only trying to help you get in touch with your natural gender." I mimicked the last part by mouthing it. She always says the same thing. Even Haruhi's dad doesn't go to this much effort to get Haruhi to wear things or do things.

I sighed after she quickly plaited part of my hair and walked out of the room. Mother showed me down to where the boys were and upon my entrance I was engulfed by a bone crushing hug from Tamaki.

"Mommy, look at our daughter all dressed up in girl clothes. She looks so adorable!" My mother looked at me raising her brows.

"Don't ask." I managed to say. "Tamaki, I can't breath." He was still rambling on at how much like a girl I actually looked and began spinning me around. "Takashi." I called for my now familiar rescuer. Whenever Tamaki got into these overly happy moods I had asked Takashi for help or hid beside him.

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