CHAPTER 27 (1/2 drafts)

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Narrator: Ashton

[Ashton: finally!?]

The next day turned out pretty normal. Michael thought it was weird though. It was like he was the star yesterday when everyone wanted to catch his attention; everyone wanted to greet him. Today, it felt like no one knew him again, just the few friends he made in the other grades throughout the years and his classmates.

He got to school earlier than he thought. The school gates were still closed because the guard hasn't arrived yet. He wasn't alone, though. Some elementary school kids were waiting outside as well. Michael stood there, rocking back and forth on his heels. Then, Ann, one of Lizzie's best friends, got off her car and waved at him.

"Why, you're so early today," Ann said, standing next to Michael.

"Uh, yeah," Michael laughed.

"Did she greet you?" Ann asked.



"No? And why would she greet me?"

"That bastard," Ann muttered to herself but Michael heard her loud and clear. "She told us she greeted you."

"Well, she didn't," Michael said. "And Ann? Can you guys just stop forcing her to talk to me? It really is okay if she doesn't. You guys are just making things harder, I tell you."

"Oh, sorry," Ann said.


They waited for about five more minutes when the guard arrived and opened the gate for them. They immediately went inside and headed for their classroom.

"Ann, is Sophia coming to school today?" Michael asked.

"Probably? I mean she hasn't finished her AP paperwork," Ann said.

"Alright, thanks."


Luckily enough for Michael, Sophia did come to school.

[Sophia: why do i feel like this is gonna get awkward

[Ashton: sophia shut up]

"Hey, Sophia," Michael said as she pulled a chair next to him. They were in their English class and their teacher was making them watch a movie about "The Fall of Troy". Michael—even though his favorite class was English—wasn't that interested and since Sophia was sitting next to him, he found the perfect chance.

"What," she said, putting her leg over Michael's.

"Wanna hang out with me and my friend this weekend?" Michael asked, slightly nervous for her answer. "That is if you're free. You don't have to make way for it."

"What're you talking about? I'd love to go!" she exclaimed.

Their teacher suddenly shushed them and Sophia giggled. "Alright, wherever it is, I'm coming. Is it Calum we're hanging out with?"

"Uh no? Sophia, if it was Calum we're hanging out with, I won't refer to him as 'friend'," Michael said, air quoting the word friend.

"How would I know?" Sophia said, suppressing a laugh. "So who's the girl? Or guy?"

"Guy," Michael said, smirking at her.

"Okay?" Sophia said, giving him a funny face. "Wait, I don't know him?"

"Well, you sort of seen him before but that was way before so you might just recognize him by his face," Michael said. He was hoping Sophia would like Dylan because for some reason, Michael thought Sophia would be good for him. He'd pick Sophia over Janice any day.

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