CHAPTER 29 (1/1 drafts)

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Narrator: Dylan

Sophia, one of Lizzie's best friends, was also Michael's close friend. They hung out with each other a lot during outings and Michael saw her as a sister. Sophia was a hardcore "Mizzie" shipper but Michael let it be. Sophia was always like this but she was one of the few trustworthy people in Michael's life.

But Sophia inviting Michael over to her house? That's new to Michael.

[Dylan: ah yes, sophia was supposed to invite mikey ove to talk about...

Michael: you.]

Michael rang the doorbell to Sophia's big house. After a moment, someone opened the door—Sophia's older brother, Pio.

"Merry Christmas, Mikey," he says.

Michael was in total shock when Sophia's brother remembered his name. "Um, Merry Christmas too," he said.

"Come in, Phia's in the backyard," he said, closing the door behind both of them. "I'll bring you guys some food."

Michael nodded and went for the back door. Sophia was on the large wooden bench on her phone. She was wearing a green tank top and pajama pants, obviously just out of bed.

"Phiaaa," Michael said. "I'm hereeee."

Sophia looked back and waved. "Hi May-kol," she said. "Did Pio let you in?"

"Yeah," Michael said. "I'm even shocked he still knows me."

"Of course he does. So um, I wanted to talk to you about something," she said, sitting back down on the bench. She patted the spot next to her so Michael sat down.

"So what is it about?" Michael asked.

Sophia looked troubled, like something was really bothering her. "Um, I figured you're the first one I should talk to this about and it's weird because I don't usually do this."

Michael started to tense up. What was Sophia worrying about?

"Phia, what's wrong?"

"I like... your friend," she said. "Um, Dylan?"

[Dylan: this is so awkward to read... you knew about this chapter didn't you

Michael: no i didn't! i swear!

Dylan: then why are you smirking

Michael: let a boy be]

Michael stood up, eyes wide. "Wait, what?"

"Shhhh!" She exclaimed, pulling Michael back down on the bench. "Don't tell him."

"You like my friend Dylan Dawson? As in the one we were with three days ago?"

"I guess," she said. "I mean he's really cute and unlike the others. I find that attractive."

Michael nodded. "What're you worrying about then?"

"I'm too shy and I wanna get to know him more," she said.

"So you want me to help you."

Sophia smiles innocently.

Michael nodded. "I'll try. But I'll tell you this now. You're right about Dylan being different from the others but that doesn't mean he's easier to get."

"I'm not—"

"I'll try my best but Dylan is stubborn as fuck and sticks to his decision most of the time. Only a few people can persuade him—and those people don't even come from his family."

[Dylan: the accuracy]

Sophia stayed silent. "You'll still help me, right?"

"Yes I will," Michael said.

"Yay! Thank you, Michael! Thank you so muchhh!" Sophia squealed. She even hugged Michael and he was quite overwhelmed.

"No problem, Phia," Michael said.

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